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I have so much love in my heart right now I don't know what to do.

Perhaps (among other things) use the inspiration to write a new tune documenting the occasion? ;)

One that has an A section (the conception), B section (development), and, uh, some other part.


Edited by Joe G
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:tup WOW!

Been off the board all weekend and came back to see this great news!


She's beautiful.

As the proud parent of 2 young children, I must tell you. You are in for some of the most special days of your life in the months to come.


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Hi Alison and Jim

Congratulations - so glad she arrived safely! Nice job, Mom!!!

She's sweet as can be. She reminds me a lot of Keith as a newborn, around the eyes. Not surprising, since he can pass for Hillary's twin brother, and you two obviously share some genes :D

Life is about to get VERY busy. Alison, let anyone who desires come over to clean the bathroom, cook dinner, make the bed and do the laundry. You relax and rock that baby. Time passes much, much too quickly.

With all my love,

"Aunt" Marg

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Hello again A & J

It occurred to me this afternoon that the Great Grandparents may not know how to access the photo of Zora. I walked them thru the website and they were thrilled to see her baby face!

I know they were going to send a message along on the website - haven't seen it yet, but will get back with them to be sure it gets to you.



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