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Fellow Organissimo Forum members, please say hello to Zora Luella Alfredson, born April 24, 2004 at 7:41pm at a weight of 7 pounds, 14 ounces and 21 inches in length!!!!

She is the beautiful first child of me and my wife and also the first grandchild/niece for both sides of the family!

My wife is completely amazing. After inducing labor at 6pm Friday evening due to falling fluid levels in the uterus and a rather large predicted weight (the doctors were estimating 8.5 pounds... my wife is only 5'1") we chose to induce labor on the advice of our doctors.

After 8 hours of intense contractions that never stopped, my poor wife had not dilated at all! She had enough and called in the epideral. After another 16 hours of labor, she had only dilated to 7cm. And everytime the contractions tried to push the baby down towards the birth canal, the poor little girl would go into fetal stress.

So upon the advice of our doctor we had a c-section. Baby is beautiful and completely healthy, and mother is recovering well. I cannot even explain the joy in my heart!


Congratulations! Your story sounds uncannily like mine (my wife was also induced, had painful contrations for 8 hours, barely dialated, and had to have a c-section). As the father of a four year old girl, I welcome you to the club.

Get the shotgun now so you can avoid the rush when she's 16!


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Thank you all! About her name: Zora is an old name that we just liked. Of course she turned out to be a girl (we didn't know the sex)... because we had the boy name picked out (Jim the VI!) but we hadn't settled on a girl name.

We were deciding between Zora, Georgia, and Audrey. I asked her if she liked Zora when I was holding her right after birth and her little legs started kicking. I asked her about Georgia and she just looked at me. Then Audrey and the same response. So I asked about Zora again and she kicked away!!! :) We like that name, too.

Luella is a family name. My grandmother is named Luella and it was her grandmother's middle name. My wife's father's mother was named Luella and it was a middle name there, too. And my mother, who passed away 7 years ago, had the middle name of "Lue", short for Luella. So it's a homage to the strong women in our family.

I'm going back to the hospital now.. I've been doing painting in the bathroom, getting ready to install the tub and the sink before the wife comes home so she can take a nice, deep, hot bath for the first time since we bought the house... nine months ago! :)

Thank you, everybody. I have so much love in my heart right now I don't know what to do.

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I asked her if she liked Zora when I was holding her right after birth and her little legs started kicking. I asked her about Georgia and she just looked at me. Then Audrey and the same response. So I asked about Zora again and she kicked away!!! :)

Dang! Bright as a button already!

So happy for you and your wife, Jim. Great news! :party:

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Yeah, you say that now; wait about 13 years and see if you still say that! :P:g

Seriously, CONGRATULATIONS to you and Mrs. b3-er. This is wonderful news and I hope and pray you enjoy every single day with her; they go by WAAAY too fast!

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Thank you, everybody.  I have so much love in my heart right now I don't know what to do.

That just about says it all...

Congratulations Jim and Alison!


EDIT: Beautiful name for a beautiful girl! More pictures!!

Edited by rachel
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Zora is a beautiful little girl. Warm congratulations to your lovely wife and, of course, to you too, Jim.

Both my children are girls and they seem to gravitate to their dad. Little Zora will do the same with you. You will be the example of what a husband and father is. Big responsibility for you, but it'll be different, and more rewarding than anything you've ever experienced. Wait for it. :wub:


Edited by patricia
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