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Personnel is identical, as is track order, but track lenghts aren't. So what's the deal - different takes, different edits/mixes, just what? And why?

As always. thanks in advance!

Atlantic SD 8235


1. Aquarius (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 4:25

2. Frank Mills (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 3:45

3. Where Do I Go? (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 4:52

4. I Got Life (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 3:51

5. Walking in Space (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 3:40

6. Ain't Got No (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 3:39

7. East to Be Hard (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 4:08

8. Be-In (Hare Krishna) (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 3:29

9. Good Morning Starshine (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 3:53

10. Donna (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 3:15


Black Lion 70222


1. Aquarius (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 3:26

2. Frank Mills (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 3:41

3. Where Do I Go? (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 4:50

4. I Got Life (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 3:51

5. Walking in Space (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 4:44

6. Ain't Got No (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 3:46

7. Easy to Be Hard (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 4:06

8. Hare Krishna (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 3:28

9. Good Morning Starshine (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 3:59

10. Donna (MacDermot/Rado/Ragni) - 2:50

Edited by JSngry

This is not going to help but I remember struggling with two albums by Jim Hall - The Winner, which was a quartet, and Jazz Guitar, a trio session. It turned out they were both the same tracks but the first had Larry Bunker added on drums, dubbed in later, in London I believe.

However, - Kessel - the track lengths are very similar in most cases and as published timings are always suspect - quite often wildly wrong - I would imagine it's the same material.


Yeah, but it's the "the track lengths are very similar in most cases" (emphasis added) that caught my attention. A few are noticably different, which is what caught my eye.

I've heard the Atlantic album, and it's a lot better than one might expect. If the Black Lion thing is the same album, I might look for it cheap.


Don't know what's the difference between the two albums. All I know is that Barney Kessel was managed at some point by Alan Bates. And Kessel had Alan Bates handle a number of tapes to AB for release on Bates' Black Lion label.

An interesting session that Bates released on a Black Lion Kessel album 'Blue Sould' had Kessel playing with Teddy Edwards and Jimmie Rowles on a date recorded in LA.


The "Reprise" albums - sorry to say, not that good. For the most part a real period piece. Maybe a couple good tracks with Paul Horn. (Now, the Shorty Rogers "Reprise" material that's out on "Collectables" - THAT'S a good deal!)


The "Reprise" albums - sorry to say, not that good. For the most part a real period piece. Maybe a couple good tracks with Paul Horn. (Now, the Shorty Rogers "Reprise" material that's out on "Collectables" - THAT'S a good deal!)

Good info ... the review at AMG suggests the same thing ...



I've got the BL version - got it in the cheapo BL "purge" a couple of years ago. It's actually rather good and a lot of fun. I'll try to pull it tonight and see if the track lengths are accurate.


The more I think about the Kessel "Reprise" stuff... It's similar to those Laurindo Almeida "and the Bossa Nova All-Stars" LP's on "Capitol" - short tracks, many of the day's pop hits (remember all the titles emblazoned on the covers in large type?), minimal jazz content, and absolutely nothing to do with bossa nova. Still, they were hard to resist...

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