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Johnny E

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The show went swimmingly well. The place was packed, we had a good response and even sold a few CD's. I was a little disappointed that none of my Austin based board friends could make it, but hey - maybe next time huh?

The next night we played a wedding on a ranch about an hour and a half outside Austin...Huge bonfire, lots of drinking and smoking and general partying. We played soul jazz all-night and camped on the land.

The trip really blew apart my preconceived notions about Texas. It was really beautiful there and the people were friendly as can be.

I hope we can play there again soon.

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The next night we played a wedding on a ranch about an hour and a half outside Austin...Huge bonfire, lots of drinking and smoking and general partying. We played soul jazz all-night and camped on the land.

Hey, man, your next time through, can you play a certain ranch in Crawford & set a huge bonfire there? ;)

Hopin' to play the Reptet tomorrow night on WFHB here in B-town.

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The next night we played a wedding on a ranch about an hour and a half outside Austin...Huge bonfire, lots of drinking and smoking and general partying.  We played soul jazz all-night and camped on the land.

Hey, man, your next time through, can you play a certain ranch in Crawford & set a huge bonfire there? ;)

Hopin' to play the Reptet tomorrow night on WFHB here in B-town.


I'd love too, but somehow I don't think they'd book us.

Thanks for the radio play Dave.

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on a ranch about an hour and a half outside Austin...Huge bonfire, lots of drinking and smoking and general partying. We played soul jazz all-night and camped on the land.

Hmmmm, all boozed up and camped out in one wide open outdoor location under the stars were ya? Damn, I knew I should have dropped everything and headed out for a quick 'drop-by'. ;):g


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Hey John,

Are you aware that your band is reviewed in the current (May) issue of Cadence?

No! Is there a web version I could check out?

No, they don't publish on the Web.

I can post the words later today if you wish.

If it's not to much trouble that would be great!

Oh course, if it's a horrible review, just send it to me in a PM ;)

Thanks Dan

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The trip really blew apart my preconceived notions about Texas. It was really beautiful there and the people were friendly as can be.

And your preconcieved notions were what, that it was butt-ugly everywhere and that everybody was Neanderthal rednecks?

Glad you found out otherwise, but trust me, I can take you places that will get you back to thinking that way REAL quickly. :g:g:g

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Well, I drove through Texas back in 1990 and my car broke down in Amarillo. Granted, I was a long haired hippy at the time, but damn! They treated me with such little respect it pissed me off. The terrain was flat, dry and brown for as far as the eyes could see. Took me 24 hours to drive through and it looked that way the whole time. The experience left me with a bad tastle in my mouth for Texas which stayed with me until this past weekend.

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