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So I'm riding my bike home from work at about 4:30 today. I'm heading north on Rio Grande--in the bike lane, mind you. As soon as I pass 28th street a Capital Metro bus merges over right on top of me. My front tire got caught somehow--don't ask me how, it happened really fast and I wasn't taking notes--and the bus dragged me with it for about five feet. Not too far. Thing is, the driver didn't even notice and drove off; leaving me with broken gears and a sideways tire.

I straightened the tire and rode after him with my one working gear. (Fortunately, it's a reasonable gear somewhere in the middle/high zone.)

Anyways, he called a supervisor, the supervisor called the cops. About 15 people had to wait for another bus to come. I felt kinda bad for the poor folks who just wanted to get home and all of a sudden found themselves sitting there for a half hour.

On the other hand.....f*ck that, man. That dude ran me off the road and broke by bike.

I'll be interested in seeing how this develops. Two passengers volunteered to be witnesses and gave me their info. And I didn't even ask. The cop didn't do anything. Couldn't. Not enough monetary damage ($1,000 minimum) and no injuries so, technically, he couldn't file a report. That's fine. I'm not worried about that. I don't plan on nailing anyone to the wall here. (I couldn't afford to do that even if I wanted to.) I just want them to pay to get my bike fixed.


Well, the good news is that you seem to be okay. Is it considered hit-and-run if the driver didn't even realize that he hit you (and with a bus I can understand him not realizing it). Sheesh...


My front tire got caught somehow--don't ask me how, it happened really fast and I wasn't taking notes--and the bus dragged me with it for about five feet. Not too far. Thing is, the driver didn't even notice and drove off; leaving me with broken gears and a sideways tire.

That's some scary shit.

Fixing the bike is definitely a reasonable request after all that.


I hope that you are OK. Now.. don't miss this opportunity .. stay home in a "nervous" state for two to three weeks, have occasional fainting spells, develop a red rash on your buttocks, and start to yell unexpectedly at strangers. Most importantly -- cease all sexual activity for the foreseeable future, or at least until the legal case is settled. Then get a great lawyer. You will never have to worry about buying a Mosaic set ever again!


At least you don't have to have yourself "fixed". When I was running a record store in Madison, WI, one of my employees was riding to work and someone who'd just parked, opened their door. Her hand was severely damaged - big surgery. Her bike was fine.

I hope you don't have a problem getting the bike fixed.


You are a very lucky man. Glad you were not hurt. Be sure to file a claim with the bus company. If possible, find out if the police keep hard copies of contact records. It may have info on it that will help you with a claim against the bus company. In Oakland, they keep little computer key punch sized cards with the time, date, and brief description of the incident. Can't believe they didn't do a report for you.

Find out who the policy board is for your bus company, like a regional transportation agency or the City of Austin. Send a copy of your claim to whoever your representative is on that board.

Good luck.


Well, the good news is that you seem to be okay. Is it considered hit-and-run if the driver didn't even realize that he hit you (and with a bus I can understand him not realizing it). Sheesh...

Damn....glad you're OK! Some of those busses and trucks are so big, they can run over a small car and not even feel it!



Well, the good news is that you seem to be okay.  Is it considered hit-and-run if the driver didn't even realize that he hit you (and with a bus I can understand him not realizing it).  Sheesh...

Damn....glad you're OK! Some of those busses and trucks are so big, they can run over a small car and not even feel it!


experienced that once. and I was in a car!

brrrrr. luck is on your side it seems. don't let it slip.


man, that's awful. Like I always tell pedestrians who yell at me, I bike on the sidewalks because I don't trust ANYONE who drives on the road. Not one person. I have been buzzed very closely, once I swear I was missed by inches, when I have had to hit the road for a stretch. People just don't pay attention when they are driving


Damn! That sucks man. I'm glad you are ok and hope the bike is repaired, no sweat off your back. I bet you were really shook up after that. I can't imagine walking down the sidewalk, all of a sudden seeing someone being dragged by a bus!


I bet you were really shook up after that.

Yea, that's about the extent of anything you would call an "injury". I'm fine but definately still a little *on edge*. I'm thinking that they'll probably pay to get the bike fixed. I mean they have cameras on the sides of their busses and everything. So we can all sit back and watch it again if it comes down to it.

My thoughts are that they'll pay for the repairs because a $150 payout beats the hell out of 17 news outlets going bananas with bad press. I mean "call for action"-type local news channels love that kind of shit. And I've got buddies at THE CHRONICLE too.

If, on the other hand, they decide to blow me off then I'm going straight Rambo on their asses. :angry:


At least you don't have to have yourself "fixed". When I was running a record store in Madison, WI, one of my employees was riding to work and someone who'd just parked, opened their door. Her hand was severely damaged - big surgery. Her bike was fine.

I hope you don't have a problem getting the bike fixed.

The same thing happened to me last summer on a busy street in Boston. Fortunately I wasn't going too fast and just barely grazed the car door (having a helmet on didn't hurt either).

Glad you're ok, Brandon. From what I've been able to tell, bikers are ambivalent about bike lanes. At least in Mass., the cyclist is considered a vehicle just like a car and many feel that dedicated bike lanes like the ones we have in Cambridge make motorists forget this. Also, some drivers are unsure of the rules concerning them.


You are a very lucky man. Glad you were not hurt. Be sure to file a claim with the bus company. If possible, find out if the police keep hard copies of contact records. It may have info on it that will help you with a claim against the bus company. In Oakland, they keep little computer key punch sized cards with the time, date, and brief description of the incident. Can't believe they didn't do a report for you.

Find out who the policy board is for your bus company, like a regional transportation agency or the City of Austin. Send a copy of your claim to whoever your representative is on that board.

Good luck.

Sounds like someone's been through a few lawsuits. ;)

Sorry to hear the news, Brandon.

I also feel that many bus driver's act like they drive the only vehicle on the road. It's scary.


That sucks, B. As a fellow cyclist, I hate getting hit... and hit-and-dragged is about as crappy as it gets. I mean, it is Texas and all, but for chrissakes those fuckers should pay. Bus drivers are retards, generally, but still responsible for your (and others') lives.


I'm glad you're okay Brandon. I'm pretty darned certain that Capitol Metro will make good on the repairs. I'm a fan of Capitol Metro and 95% of their drivers. I've seen them make good on accidents before. I've been using Capitol Metro for fourteen years for my transportation to and from work, and for seven years for 95% of all my transportation that is not walking. I'm constantly endangered as a pedestrian by the cellphone yapping SUV driving population here. My wife and I have nearly been slammed a number of times the last few years when we're seemingly invisible to cars and trucks. I am growing angry with cars and drivers!


man, that's awful. Like I always tell pedestrians who yell at me, I bike on the sidewalks because I don't trust ANYONE who drives on the road. Not one person. I have been buzzed very closely, once I swear I was missed by inches, when I have had to hit the road for a stretch. People just don't pay attention when they are driving

I'm glad to hear you're ok too Brandon. I'm not sure I'd want to ride in downtown traffic in Austin, or any larger city for that matter. Too many bad drivers too worry about, not to mention buses with lots of blind spots.

I've got an old Trek 1400 (circa 1991) that I plan to fix up a little bit and resume riding regularly. Used to ride with a group of people down here in Corpus Christi regularly on Saturday mornings, and occasionally weekdays as well. You wouldn't believe the types of things that happen. We've had beer cans thrown at us from trucks driving by, and drivers deliberately trying to sideswipe us. There was a female that used to ride with us, and at least twice she had people in cars/trucks reach out and try to grab/touch her as she was riding! :angry:

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