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Changing Power Cords


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At first I thought the idea of changing power cords on an amp or pre-amp seemed a bit goofy, but now having read up on it a bit (and about specific products like the Wireworld Stratus, Asylum Power cord, etc) it does seem to make sense. Has anyone ever A/B'd certain jazz or classical discs using both the factory supplied cord and a replacement? Looks like they can get quite expensive...but there are a number in that $40-75 range. Worth it?

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I did it, and it works!!!

I used italian power cord ART http://www.arthifi.it/.

It depens on several things:

your home power line (do you have many stuff connected, like Tv, Halogen lamps, computers? even your house phone affects the line (because is a low frequency gear).

the quality and the specs of your hi fi gears.

Some type of power supply are less sensitive, like the so called switching power supply.

In my case the best results were with phono preamp and power amps.

My suggestion is, as usual, try, buy one power cord (or borrow) and try with every component, when you note the biggest difference, leave the cord connected and try with another one.

This is the method I used.

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This is as big a can of worms to open as interconnects or speaker cables!

I agree with porcy, it depends on so much!

I've tried a few types and have stuck with PS Audio "XSTREAM" Preludes (the bottom of the line, still expensive). I like these because the connectors are uniquely constructed and the sonic difference is quite noticeable and to my tastes. Also, I really like PS Audio as a company; I've been using their Power Plant P300 since its introduction (I got one from the first few batches) and have not had one lick of a problem, and it really has been a big benefit to my system. I use the Preludes for the Power Plant, the EL34 Monoblocks and my Dynaco cd player. . . well everything.

A/B ing a recording of any kind reveals that with the right power cord a digital recording sounds less "digital" and the whole system seems to be a bit more detailed, with a nicer tonal balance and "louder" (it's not really louder, but the noise floor drops, the backkground hash disipates, and it seems to be a bit louder).

Edited by jazzbo
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This is as big a can of worms to open as interconnects or speaker cables!

Yeah, so it would appear! Some interesting back 'n forth over at DECWARE....and for sure the first time I've ever heard the term "supply rail ripple rejection ratio" :g

Based on what one guy said ("The hard thing is that some cords have a synergy for some components. The cord that sounds killer on my amp is not the best cord on my transport"), it seems as though you'd have to do a good bit of experimenting around with various cords in order to find the 'correct' match. Btw, why is it that so many of these cords are sold as 'kits' that you have to monkey around with. Not sure I'd wanna mess with that.

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Well, you have to take a lot of audio babble from consumers and manufacturers with an unhealthy sodium intake.

Still, there is a synergy that is important in some systems, and one cord may well sound better than another in a specific application. And I would hope so in the sense that if I were to spend 400 dollars, or 4000 dollars on a cord (not that I would unless I suddenly became one of the oligarchy), I would wish that they would sound at least different (no at least a whole bunch better) than one that I paid 40 dollars for.

As for the kit form. . . there is a really strong undercurrent of "do it yourself" interest in the world of audio hardware and there are a number of successful appeals made to that body of buyers. It's actually something I've done a little of and really enjoy more than I thought I would; one possible retirement activity of mine may be building my own amplifier or speakers or both. . . .

I recommend seeing if you can find a dealer who will allow you to demo the PS Audio "XSTREAM" cords or at least read about them on www.psaudio.com I'm really happy with mine; the connector technology seems to make sense, and in my experience may be making a difference.

Edited by jazzbo
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I saw this thread and thought "Dude, just slide up a few frets, or do the same with your hands on the ADG strings."

Then I read it again - cOrds, not CHords!

Or do a drop D tuning and... waitaminute...

Ha! The first thing I thought of when I saw this title was SMOhhhhhKE ON THE WATER, bahmp bahmp bahhhh bahmp bahmp bahmp bahdah bahmp bahmp bahhh bahmp bahhhh!

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  • 2 years later...

I'm having a hard time believing this can really make a difference - I worked with a reputable experimental physics lab for a while and they weren't very fussy about the power cables being used for instruments measuring GHz frequency signals, and your stereo only needs to accurately measure signals up to aroud 25 kHz. But I've never tried experimenting with power cables in my own system and there could always be some aspect to the electronics that is not occuring to me right off the cuff.

On the other hand, I can very easily see how a good power regulator could (and should) improve system performance.

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I agree that it seems hard to believe that a power cord will have a large impact on sonic performance. FWIW, I have pasted below a small part of an article on this subject that appeared in the mag The Absolute Sound.

The article is a review of Shunyata wires and is subtitled "Is a power cord the "Last Four Feet" in AC power delivery or the "First Four Feet"."

Robert Harley TAS Issue 163 p.56

"Long after I'd discovered through my own listening experience that signal interconnects and loudspeaker cables are important to good sound, I resisted the idea that power cords could affect sound quality. Think of the miles of transmission wires between the power generator and your home, and of the dozens or hundreds of feet of Romex in your house wiring, and then ask how a few feet of exotic AC cable at the end of that long chain can make one whit of sonic difference."

A couple of paragraphs later-"The idea that a power cord comes at the end of a very long power-transimission system is purely one of perspective. From the amplifier's point of view the power cord is the first few feet of the power-deliver (sic) system. You can almost consider the power cord an extension of the power transformer's primary windings."

For more, I am afraid you will have to read the article. If you get a chance to do that, I would be interested to hear your thoughts.


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I didn't want to find that power cords made a difference either, and I found it hard to believe that they would. I in fact dared a friend of mine to show me.

I wish I hadn't. I find they do make a difference on the finest of my components. And different power cords . . . made components sound a little differently.

I notice the biggest difference with digital equipment such as DACs, cd and dvd players. I'd spend/I do spend the money there first.

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i have a special wiring "rig" just for my RVGs (remaster cds, not etched in deadwax). interconnects, power chords (i'm especially fond of "The Wizard" by Black Sabbath tonight), speaker wire, ALL that shit. while it's an investment, no doubt, i think ya'll are hopelessly fucking naive to think one set up is optimum for all cds. so far, all the RVGs except for the first batch of JRVGs appear to have been mastered similarly & therefore respond equally well to my "premium" RVG set up. XRCDs don't "sing" nearly as "mellifluously," lacking, by comparison, no small amount of "bloom" & "detail on the on the floor of soundstage." K2s are another beast entirely-- on the RVG set up, while "fruity," there's also certain "nutty" artifacts that, while not unpleasant in & of themselves, tend to "really fuck with" what i otherwise hear-- on my system, with my ears-- and taking into account the humidity, pollen count, Titania's menstrual cycle, and the strength of the dollar against the Norwegian Kroner as a neutral reproduction of the RIAA curve. please PM for details.

best wishes,

Dr Clementine


Douche Grammophon Gesellschaft


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I didn't want to find that power cords made a difference either, and I found it hard to believe that they would. I in fact dared a friend of mine to show me.

I wish I hadn't. I find they do make a difference on the finest of my components. And different power cords . . . made components sound a little differently.

I notice the biggest difference with digital equipment such as DACs, cd and dvd players. I'd spend/I do spend the money there first.

I'd like to call myself an audiophile and I have a hard time believing that power cords make a difference. Just to set the record straight - you have hundreds of thousands of feet of non-audiophile-quality cable running from the power station to your house, with all kinds of spikes, interferences, poor insulation, etc; then you attach a 3-foot piece oif copper wire to the wall outlet and voila - the sound is transformed.

PS - I do hope your power cord been cryogenically frozen! Cause if not - you are in deep s@#t, amigo! :g

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i have a special wiring "rig" just for my RVGs (remaster cds, not etched in deadwax). interconnects, power chords (i'm especially fond of "The Wizard" by Black Sabbath tonight), speaker wire, ALL that shit. while it's an investment, no doubt, i think ya'll are hopelessly fucking naive to think one set up is optimum for all cds. so far, all the RVGs except for the first batch of JRVGs appear to have been mastered similarly & therefore respond equally well to my "premium" RVG set up. XRCDs don't "sing" nearly as "mellifluously," lacking, by comparison, no small amount of "bloom" & "detail on the on the floor of soundstage." K2s are another beast entirely-- on the RVG set up, while "fruity," there's also certain "nutty" artifacts that, while not unpleasant in & of themselves, tend to "really fuck with" what i otherwise hear-- on my system, with my ears-- and taking into account the humidity, pollen count, Titania's menstrual cycle, and the strength of the dollar against the Norwegian Kroner as a neutral reproduction of the RIAA curve. please PM for details.

best wishes,

Dr Clementine


Douche Grammophon Gesellschaft

Clem, this one post makes up for everything. Brilliant!

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Yeah, I won't invoke my physics credentials here because honestly I was never much one for electronics, but if there was anything whatsoever to power cables having an effect on the performance of electronic equipment, I would expect to see physics labs and hospitals using these supposedly high-grade $1,000 cables. They do not.

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