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Does anyone know if Mosaic or BN sales have declined at all since the closing of the BNBB? Since the old Board was a hotbed of Mosaic enthusiasm, with many sets sold from Board member recommendations, I would think that Mosaic sales may have dipped over the last couple of months. On the other hand, most of us are fanatics or addicts (in a nice way :excited: ) about Mosaics, so who knows.

As for BN sales, I doubt that the Board closing has had much of an effect. The Norah tsunami would be sure to overwhelm any pockets of customer dissatisfaction with BN.

Anyone have any data or inside info on any of this? :alien:


I agree with Lon. It's not like those folks who frequented the BNBB have suddenly stopped talking about Mosaics; indeed, many of them have landed here or on other jazz bulletin boards and are still discussing the new releases as well as the older sets.

Also (as has been pointed out before), Mosaic has many customers who don't participate in online discussion forums and who rely solely on the catalogs or the website to hear about the upcoming releases.


I agree too. It seems like everytime someone posts some info about new releases either on Mosaic or Classic Blue Note there seems to be a flurry of enthusiastic response on the part of the posters here and interest in buying up these new items. Most of us are in it for the music, we've found alternate forums of expression so lets go forward..........

Posted (edited)

It's a quaint thought, but I seriously doubt that the dozens of regular posters on the BNBB amounted to much revenue in the scheme of things. If anytning it would effect Mosaic, being a small company. But as has already been pointed out, we've found other outlets to discuss this music anyway.

Edited by BFrank

Well, I'm still jumping on some of the new reissues as they come out (such as Patton, "Got a good thing goin.'")

I am, however, reaching saturation point with the oop stuff. I'm near the end! This has nothing to do with the closing of the board however. Seems like people are still exchanging stuff. I sure am. :D

Guest Chaney

It's a quaint thought, but I seriously doubt that the dozens of regular posters on the BNBB amounted to much revenue in the scheme of things. If anytning it would effect Mosaic, being a small company. But as has already been pointed out, we've found other outlets to discuss this music anyway.

The key word being "outlets" - plural.

If anything, with the closing of the BN board, more of us are out talking-up Blue Note releases - if not management of same - and Mosaic releases at multiple online venues.

Spreading the word as a de facto Blue Note Street Team.


I purchased the Gerald Wilson Mosaic in the post BNBB period. I purchased the box due to suggestions on THIS board. For me, Mosaic is still selling merchandise due to suggestions of a bulletin board although not the BN bulletin board.


I agree with the consensus here. My impression is that most of the potential Mosaic buyers already know about it, know about the website, and aren't going to stop buying because the BNBB imploded. As for the larger, Norah Jones crowd, they won't even be affected to the tune of .001%.


I don't think there ever could be a connection between the closing of that board and buying tendencies. If you're suggesting that people would boycott Blue Note and Mosaic because of the way the closing was handled, I don't think that would happen. I wasn't happy with what they did but that wouldn't stop me from buying BN releases. The closing of the board won't even rate a blip on the radars of history.


I don't think there ever could be a connection between the closing of that board and buying tendencies. If you're suggesting that people would boycott Blue Note and Mosaic because of the way the closing was handled, I don't think that would happen. I wasn't happy with what they did but that wouldn't stop me from buying BN releases. The closing of the board won't even rate a blip on the radars of history.

Well, we will never know cuz Norah has increased sales so much, that the microscopic sales of jazz cd dropping another 5-10% , well no one will even notice that. I didn't want to go out of my way to punish Mosaic as well,but I was going to ask for a Venuti-Lang in mid March for my B-day but the board thing left such a bad taste in my mouth I didn't....Take that Blue Note! :rolleyes:


I haven't bought BN or Mosaic product since the Board closed. It is just a gut feeling about handing over money to people who were so rude as to delete our conversations. Maybe that will change, but at the moment I have lost interest.


To each their own, but I think I'm every bit as interested in Blue Note as before. I don't equate the actions of a few, with the music recorded 30+ years ago. And, I can't help but be enthusiastic about Greg Osby, Jason Moran, and maybe a few other artists on BN's current roster.

And I certainly don't think Mosaic had/has any influence on the BNBB situation.

I haven't been buying cuz money's tight at the moment, but in the next year to two, I fully plan to buy most of the Mosaic Select titles, along with a few other BN Mosaic sets that I haven't picked up yet (Byrd/Adams and Turrentine sets).

Yeah, somebody fucked up when it came to the BNBB, but that doesn't affect my opinion of the music.


I can't say that I contributed that much to the old BNBB, at least not so much that I felt offended at being deleted.

Still I can see that many people invested heavily in the BNBB, for some it became more than a discussion forum for jazz fans; obviously genuine friendships were forged.

But the music itself, whether the Mosaic set I'm listening to at this moment, or any of the Blue Note CDs I have, is not affected by the present Blue Note owners heavy handedness.

Defintrly, I understand that people at this moment in time don't want to buy Mosaic or Blue Note, but as statements go it is probably more a a personal stand than an effective protest.

In the end, as the RVG edition of the absolute favorite Blue Note recording, or the equally fabulous Mosaic set of same favorite artist is released, I suspect many will give in.

After all, it is the music that counts, and to cut ones nose off in order to spite others. Well..


I wouldn't think that the demise of the BN board has made a dent in sales--prestige (so to speak) is another matter. But BN will surely get over it before some of the board's staunchest posters do. :wacko:


If the spirit moves me and it's affordable I will by BN and Mosaics in the future.As long as you believe that purchases from these two entities does not imply an endorsement of their heavy handed corporate approach to customer relations then you should be okay.The only right or wrong here is what is right or wrong for you.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it's been what - about 2 months since the BNBB shut down?

Hasn't affected my Blue Note purchases a bit. I've picked up the 4 Rare Grooves, plus a bunch of French Groove Experience releases, the new Truffaz, Soulive. I've got all but the Chet Baker and Crew disc on preorder from the May 20th set of new releases and reissues (CDs, not SACDs).

I'm looking forward to the June bunch as well.

My Mosaic purchases have slowed a bit, but it's only because of cash flow issues and the fact that I've been buying the BN stuff.


Im still buying Blue Note , but I'm a bit frustated by their release schedule , its been a cople of months since any RVGs & Conns then this -

Art Blakey - Indestructible (Blue Note RVG Edition) Aug 5

Dexter Gordon - Our Man In Paris (Blue Note RVG Edition) Aug 5

Grant Green - Grantstand (Blue Note RVG Edition) Aug 5

Sonny Rollins - Vol. 1 (Blue Note RVG Edition) Aug 5

Horace Silver - The Horace Silver Trio (Blue Note RVG Edition) Aug 5

Joe Henderson - Mode For Joe (Blue Note RVG Edition) Sept 2

Jackie McLean - Let Freedom Ring (Blue Note RVG Edition) Sept 2

Lee Morgan - Search For The New Land (Blue Note RVG Edition) Sept 2

Bud Powell - The Scene Changes (Blue Note RVG Edition) Sept 2

Wayne Shorter - Adam's Apple (Blue Note RVG Edition) Sept 2

Andrew Hill - TBD (Blue Note Connoisseur) Oct

— previously unreleased 1969 session with nine-piece group

— with Joe Farrell-af, ss, ts, ob; Howard Johnson-bcl, tu; Woody Shaw, Dizzy Reece-t; Bob Northern-frh; Julian Priester-tb; Andrew Hill-p; Ron Carter-b; Lenny White-d

NEW Hank Mobley - The Flip (Blue Note Connoisseur) Oct

NEW Lee Morgan - Sonic Boom (Blue Note Connoisseur) Oct

NEW Charlie Rouse - Bossa Nova Bacchanal (Blue Note Connoisseur) Oct

NEW Sam Rivers - Fuchsia Swing Song (Blue Note Connoisseur) Oct

Larry Young - Mother Ship (Blue Note Connoisseur) Oct

John Patton - John Patton: Mosaic Select - 3 CDs (Mosaic Select) ~Oct/Nov

— with the albums "Along Came John," "The Way I Feel," "Oh Baby!," "That Certain Feeling" and "Understanding

why dont they spread out the releases - it would be a bit easier on the wallet , i may be able to get more rather than cherry pick the best ones (which looks nearly impossible)


I really haven't bought much Blue Note stuff since the board closed, and nothing from Mosaic, but that's just the way it's worked out. Assuming that Mosaic has their usual summer sale with True Blue again, that will change. The plastic is fresh and ready for sacrifice. ;)

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