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All I hear about are Early Records orders here and CDUniverse orders there and $300 monthly music habits and ...

Am I the only one who has essentially no budget for new music? I must admit that the adjustment hasn't been that difficult, I mean, when you ponder a music order and balance that against making the next mortgage payment (WOO HOO, only 359 more to go!) the decision is pretty easy.

But is there anyone else who can commiserate with me?


Although our tastes are different, our budgets are pretty similar. I grabbed all the Prestige I could burn during eMusic.com's unlimited downloading days, and have stayed with them since the monthly download limits were imposed. I got my first Mosaic, the John Patton Select for Christmas and am seriously pining for the Curtis Amy, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to pull that off.


I could probably spend $200/mo or so on music if I wanted to, but after buying about 125 CD's since Christmas, I'm starting to feel really burned out on music. The feeling is strange - I feel this unusual pressure to listen to my new music before doing anything else, and it's starting to make me feel unhappy.

When I was younger and didn't have as much money, I really got to know my CD's. I knew the names of all the songs, who played them, and often knew all the lyrics (this was before I started listening to jazz). Now, I often don't even know the name of even one song on a disc, and don't know who's on the disc, other than the leader. This is not a good feeling.

I'm plan on cutting way back - maybe just 1-2 CD's a month, or maybe just buy a Mosaic every once in a while. Whatever the case, I've finally realized I need to change. Having my collection scare me is not a good feeling.


I have always tried to avoid making too many purchases at once, mainly for the reasons vibes lists about not really having a chance to know the date.

It does get tough because I enjoy having a somewhat steady stream of new music coming either in the mail or what I can get at the record store.

I do try and stay within a budget, how much I spend is usually determined by how the month is going.


I can relate to what vibes is saying. It's a strange feeling, that's true. About a budget, I had cut back but wanted to buy more and although I'd been selling off some excess cds, it wasn't getting me much. So, I've started selling some of my baseball programs and year books to pay for things. I've been collecting these since I was a kid but they don't mean that much to me any more. Plus, how much stuff can you keep that you've accumulated. I didn't know what to expect when I started selling on ebay but I've been pleasantly surprised. Without the money from these sales I wouldn't have been able to place an order with Hiroshi.


It seems that I go through phases. I've gone for prolonged periods of time where I don't by any cd's but then it starts to get to me and I go on buying binges. I shouldn't spend another dime on cd's but then something comes along and it becomes an itch that I just have to scratch. I do have other habits that keep this one in check-rent habit,food habit,bill habit etc. I've got unlistened to music stockpiled so I'm getting to that point where I'm going to shut it down for awhile or at least slow it down. If I had a mortgage payment like Dan then shutting it down altogether would be pretty much a no brainer. By the way Dan I admire your resoluteness in this matter even if it is a no brainer.


I've been cooling it for about six months now, and it has felt very good. I've always gone through phases too, but right now I feel like my mega-binging days are behind me. I've been doing more playing (guitar) than listening lately, and now when I do turn on the stereo it feels more purposeful, instead of routine. I don't regret having bought so much in the past, because it's wonderful to have so much music available for enjoyment, study and reference... but more and more I feel like I have nearly (leaving the door open here ;) ) enough... at least in terms of jazz. I may start collecting soundtracks or something if I'm not careful, though...


Hell, if there only would be good libraries here, as jazz is concerned!

I am right now trying to massively cut down my cd expenses. Being a student, I spent everything I have on music, and I intend to change that a bit, with the means of a buying freeze... I'll try not to buy any (or not many) disc for at least some months... need to save a bit of money for various reasons.

It's a hard thing, but I seriously intend not to buy anything except real cheap stuff, or stuff that goes OOP and that I know I got to have (like the VeeJay Mosaics, for instance).



I'm with you, brother! I was out of control toward the end of 2003 and early this year. 6 CDs a pop a Tower while a CDUniverse order was pending, that kind of thing. After taking some hits on things I purchased, decided I didn't like and then sold, I've slowed WAYYYYYY down, and have resolved not to buy anything more until I've offloaded enough stuff on Half and Ebay to bring the account "into balance," so to speak. It feels good. I have way too much shit in the house anyway. You can't take it with you!

Of course, an announcement of new Connoisseurs would destroy my resolve outright, I'm sure... :wacko:

Guest Chaney

Since buying a new car this past December, my CD buying has slowed considerably.

I have enough unheard music at my place to keep me busy for quite some time. New purchases will be few.

I remember a thread on the BNBB on which I once tallied my monthly CD purchases. THAT month totaled an insane $750! Lots of fun but NOT when the credit card statement arrived. No more of that for me.

It's the economy, stupid! :rolleyes:


Lots of fun but NOT when the credit card statement arrived. No more of that for me.

I'm embarrassed to say this is the position I'm in at the moment , I keep trying to cut down on my purchases but this internet makes it sooo difficult.I find a thread about hard to find Trane Cds that were only released in Japan - a handful of clicks later & they are on the way to my door.

This year I thought I'd just stick to Mosaics that are running low & a few new releases , & what happens - the running lows seem to be coming along all the time. :unsure:


Lots of fun but NOT when the credit card statement arrived.  No more of that for me.

I'm embarrassed to say this is the position I'm in at the moment , I keep trying to cut down on my purchases but this internet makes it sooo difficult.I find a thread about hard to find Trane Cds that were only released in Japan - a handful of clicks later & they are on the way to my door.

This year I thought I'd just stick to Mosaics that are running low & a few new releases , & what happens - the running lows seem to be coming along all the time. :unsure:

I know how that feels - that's been the state here for all last year, right into last january.

Now I seriously try to stick to used CDs (there's one shop here that has some good stuff, but you got to buy instantly, as usually the next time you're there, someone else has gotten hold of the new arrivals...), where I found hats, FMPs etc for like 5 bucks.

Then no one will keep me from getting Mosaics on the running low list (but lucky enough I started to buy them by release date rather than by immediate interest of mine maybe four years ago, so I had lots of those that went OOP during the last two years, and did not buy any for quite some time, except for the Atlantic NO this january).



Things are pretty much under control at the moment. The new releases and reissues seem a sorry bunch at the moment. I don't normally upgrade unless there's a really good reason. However I need to put a little by for the upcoming Tal Farlow and Jazztet Mosaics.


I've done the emusic thing when it was unlimmited as well as bought CD's each month. As Vibes said, after awhile too many CD bought at one time makes it hard to real enjoy music. Plus living in NY everything else is expensive so you have to limit youe spending.

March, I bought 5 CD's. This month so far just one. Maybe 1 one this month. Less new stuff means a better understanding of the music you already own.


I go in streaks, with stops and starts from week to week while keeping to an overall annual budget that is well within our means.

Having a young child makes keeping current a bit more challenging for sure - more on-line buying, less lengthy browsing trips to brick and mortar stores.

I seldom get so far behind on listening to new purchases that I feel uncomfortable about it - and when I do, I slow down for a month. By the end of that I feel ready to explore more new stuff.

I can sense I'm getting to a point where in the near future the buying probably will slow just because I am running lower on stuff that I'm truly interested in and don't already have. But I still feel that just about every Mosaic set is worth owning, and don't see that part changing anytime soon!


Lots of fun but NOT when the credit card statement arrived.  No more of that for me.

I'm embarrassed to say this is the position I'm in at the moment , I keep trying to cut down on my purchases but this internet makes it sooo difficult.

This all sounds so familiar... :unsure:


I'm spending way too much right now!!

But I'll be retiring at the end of the year and will be off the payroll and depending on retirement money. Which means a major loss in income.

Which is why I'm getting anything that strikes my fancy without hurting my wallet.

Then I'll stop this spending, get to a purchase hibernation and enjoy what I have amassed!

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