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Hey I just looked at the thread where somone polled us about the game. More than 70% predicted the Sox would win! I knew this was a smart group.

I'm a long time Yankee fan (since my father took me to Yankee Stadium so I could see Joe DiMaggio when I was much too young (4) to comprehend it all) yet I too predicted the Sox. I just felt that this was their year and I've never felt that way before about the Sox. The Yanks' achilles heel all year was their starting pitching and in the playoffs weaknesses have a way of being exposed. All that money they shelled out to Kevin Brown and Javier Vasquez and what it showed was that you can't lose Clemens, Pettite and Wells all at once and make up for such a tremendous loss in pressure pitching experience that easily.

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Dan and all fans in Red Sox Nation,

Congratulations. I was elated for you and am excited today so I can only imagine how you all feel. This makes up at least for 1949 and 1978. 2003 next year :g

As a Yankee hater, that the Yankee fans are in agony today is all the more delicious. I'm reveling in their agony today.

That may sound cruel but as a Met fan who has to live with arrogant Yankee fans all year round in the NY metro area, this is very sweet indeed.

I'm sure the airwaves are replete with fans ready to jump off the nearest bridge or building. I pity them not.

For those who believe that beating the Yankees is enough, I would disagree and I don't think the players believe that. The Sox need to win the Series and I believe they will.


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Now we know why Pedro pitched and Wakefield didn't. The Boston Herald is reporting that the rotation will be:

Game 1 - Wakefield

Game 2 - Schilling

Game 3 - Pedro

Game 4 - Lowe

Arroyo out of the pen.

The reasoning:

Schilling has to pitch at Fenway since he can't be expected to bat/run.

They want Pedro to get more rest after throwing harder in the LCS than he did the entire regular season.

Schilling and Pedro are set for Six and Seven, if necessary.

Francona's a freakin' genius! :g

BTW, I like Arroyo out of the pen, better than Lowe. He got some clutch outs after his bad start, and he gives them an extra short reliever to work with Timlin/Embree or if they they need an extra inning or two to get to Timlin/Embree.

And if Houston wins, Roger can't pitch before Tuesday. Unfortunately that wouldn't be at Fenway, but if it goes to Game 6, the fans will have one more chance to "salute" him. :g

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What to say? Is there any better proof that baseball, for those of us who love mythology and narrative, is the best game around? How fitting that it would take the greatest series comeback in history to "reverse the Curse." Congratulations to the Red Sox & their fans, and I'll be cheering for them in the World Series.

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I didn't realize this until just now, when I looked it up: Ruben Sierra made the final out last night. (I fell asleep before the game ended. Yes, I really was that tired!)

Man, those ex-Rangers really stunk up the place last night! HA!!!! :g

Does anyone have any articles or links to articles from various NY papers bemoaning the GREATEST CHOKE IN HISTORY? Would love to read 'em.


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BTW, in fairness to Kevin Brown, he did pitch a no-hitter in '97, with the Marlins.

Yeah, Brown's always had skills, and has always been able to deliver the goods on a semi-regular basis. But first and foremost, he's always been a headcase.

When you get to a Game 7, you want your ace, your guy who's going to hunker down and stop whatever bleeding has been occurring, somebody who can kiss it and make it feel better. Somebody who's not a headcase.

Sure, nobody can do it 100% of the time, but if the best you can come up with in a situation like that is Kevin Brown, well, you're going to be let down far more often than not.

Edited by JSngry
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BTW, in fairness to Kevin Brown, he did pitch a no-hitter in '97, with the Marlins.

Yeah, Brown's always had skills, and has always been able to deliver the goods on a semi-regular basis. But first and foremost, he's always been a headcase.

When you get to a Game 7, you want your ace, your guy who's going to hunker down and stop whatever bleeding has been occurring, somebody who can kiss it and make it feel better. Somebody who's not a headcase.

Sure, nobody can do it 100% of the time, but if the best you can come up with in a situation like that is Kevin Brown, well, you're going to be let down far more often than not.

I don't think it had anything to do with Brown being a head case, unless there was lingering physical problems from the fight with the clubhouse wall.

Really, I think we've witnessed the three month physical breakdown of a once talented pitcher who can no longer get it done. I'm sure the Yanks are desperate to dump him and his salary, but I'll be shocked if anyone takes him, and more shocked if he wins even 8 games or makes 18 starts next year.

And it makes it oh so sweet that this was Steinbrenner's answer to the Schilling signing. You got the wrong aging pitcher, George!

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Trust me. Brown's somewhat the Vinnie Testaverde of pitchers - somebody who can get you there, but somebody who will find a way, sometimes agonizingly so, to take you out at the last second. That was definitely his m.o. w/the Rangers, and pretty much everywhere else he's pitched. He's had moments over the years, and occaisonal years over the years, and he's not as bad at folding as Kenny Rogers, but a guy who has had his stuff should be looking at Hall of Fame possibilities at this stage of his career, and PSHAW!!!! :g:g:g

Maybe that wasn't a factor last night, I honestly don't know. But it would fit the pattern if it in fact was.

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I'm what you call an "end-of-the-season" baseball fan. I follow the Sox via the paper throughout the season, then I get really interested during the play-offs. Having lived in Boston - and having grown up with a Yankees fan for a father - I've always pulled for the Sox, so needless to say I'm THRILLED! This is definitely the year. Sox in October...Kerry in November...it's gonna be a great fall!

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Brown didn't impress me much when he pitched against the Yanks in the '98 WS... seemed to have a bit of an attitude problem, so I wasn't so keen when NY signed him during the off-season last year.

I still argue that what made the 1996-2001 Yankees so great--a real class team full of gutty and dignified players, who had an amazing chemistry and nearly always found a way to pull the big win out--was Steinbrenner's absence from the scene during the early-mid 1990s. Now there's nothing left in the minor-league pipeline, because NY has gone back to the Steinbrenner ways of old, trading away promising players & prospects and spending millions on aging, past-their-prime stars. With the wild-card, I doubt NY will go through a stretch like it did in 1982-1993 (I don't count 1994 because of the stoppage--NY had the best record in baseball at that point), but I think another period of decline is definitely in effect now and has been since game 7 of the 2001 Series.

Congratulations again to the Red Sox--this will be a hell of a WS, with a past/rivalry to boot--two of the last 4 WS the Sox lost were to the Cards (1946 and 1967). And a tip of the hat to my fellow Yankees fans here on the board--you've shown nothing but class and dignity throughout all of this, whether up 3-0 or losing the ALCS. I'm gonna catch as much of the WS as I can and then fire up the ol' hot stove...

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Since it's not hot stove I'll stick this here. It was that or "Goofy Stuff on the Web."


ANAHEIM -- Angels Baseball Monday announced the team has changed its official name to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. This change is effective January 3, 2005.

Link to prove I am not making this up.

I think I need a drink.

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