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I picked this up the other day since I'd actually never heard it and was really blown away. Especially by Jarvis. More often than not I prefer Jackie in at least a 2-man front line, owing to my blowing this off for as long as I did, but I'm just in love with this session.

Too bad it was the only RVG in the March series that I was interested in. Nothing else really grabbed me. This is not to say that they aren't good sessions, though a good number of them don't interest me at all. Byrd doesn't do much for me and those Jimmy Smith sessions aren't my favorite era of his. (I like the more bop oriented material: Sermon, House Party, Cool Blues, etc.) This is mostly to say that I'm not interested in updating my LPs just because a new CD is out there. I've got other stuff to pay for.

Back to the point, Right Now is amazing.


That whole "Jackie 64-66" Mosaic is just killer. The dates with Tolliver and/or Lee Morgan are amazing, as are the trumpet-less dates too (like "Right Now").

Frankly those are probably my favorite of all of Jackie's BN output (the 64-66 output). And that's saying alot, since I also love the dates with Moncur and Hutch (the piano-less dates, three of them).


Poor Eric. This is the tune where Jackie plays a haunting style saxophone with a bowed bass playing alongside? I didn't notice the bass was there the first time I heard the song. Only that Jackie's horn sounded hauntingly and interestingly full of sound. Jackie's horn is just the right amount of soft and loud, smooth and jagged. It must be heard to be appreciated and understood. When I first heard Poor Eric, about a week ago, my thought was, "How perfect."


This is my favorite Jackie McLean session. As Brandon mentioned, Clifford Jarvis is amazing, the compositions are great and Jackie is at the top of his game.

I haven't picked up the RVG yet. Has anyone A/B'd it with the McMaster?


This is my favorite Jackie McLean session. As Brandon mentioned, Clifford Jarvis is amazing, the compositions are great and Jackie is at the top of his game.

I haven't picked up the RVG yet. Has anyone A/B'd it with the McMaster?

JUST MY OPINION, OK :huh: ... I say that upfront because I am not trying to start another RVG debate. I have duplicates of a number of these, some I like better, some I don't. So far I have done a quick, very unscientific A/B of Silver's, Cape Verdean.... and McLean's Right Now. IMHO I like the RVG of Cape Verdean better than the old version and the RVG of Right Now less.

To me, the RVG of Right Now seemed a little less balanced than the original. Still love this CD in any format ...........but you asked..........

Like I said, just my opinion.. :g:g


The TOCJ jewel case editions of Right Now, Let Freedom Ring, and Action are essential for Jackie Mac fans. The discs sound fantastic. Hot music.

I'll agree with everything said so far (sorry, can't verify Lon's alternate title though!). The only one of these that I haven't heard yet is LET FREEDOM RING. I don't know what the hold-up is. I see it all the time, now that its been re-issued, and I pick up something else instead.


Defintely my favorite McLean session, and glad to have it available domestically again! While "Poor Eric" is an undeniable masterpiece, I love the title track and its alternate take. Very dark, very menacing! McLean at his fieriest! :tup


Cary, I simply meant that to MY EARS "Poor Eric" is inspired, and arranged similarly (with the bowed bass under the horn) to Mingus's "Meditations on a Pair of Wire Cutters" which was inspired by Eric and seemed to be performed as a tribute to him after Eric's death.


Finally got the RVG of this one this weekend. I think RVG really nailed the sound in this batch; this RVG sounds GREAT. I really enjoyed listening to this session again; I purposedly avoided listening to it for the last few months waiting for the reissue; it was worth the wait.

Larry Willis really came on strong on his recording debut! For me he makes the title track happen, ably abetted by some mighty fine drumming by Mr. Jarvis! I really like the sound of the piano on this cd!

  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got the RVG of this one this weekend. I think RVG really nailed the sound in this batch; this RVG sounds GREAT. I really enjoyed listening to this session again; I purposedly avoided listening to it for the last few months waiting for the reissue; it was worth the wait.


I was at first skeered to be puttinng on a RVG of McLean. Who better to really get that disturbing RVG sound treatment. But I can agree with my tin ears that this is a beautiful re-issue. While hot, as ususal, it does not take McLean's tone thru the wash. And the virtual VU meter actually does some bouncing on the high end. Right up there with recent batch sounds of Leeway and Mode For Joe.

  • 4 weeks later...

I picked this up a few weeks ago and finally cracked it open. Let's just say that all the effusive praise is deserved -- this is some of the best playing I've heard by Jackie anywhere. The band is terrific and the compositions, while more toward the blowing-vehicle end of things, do their job. This is a substantially better album, IMHO, than Jacknife. (The only other post-Destination Out album I've heard.)

I can't wait for Action and It's Time to be released.



Got this on right now......er, ah, skip it.

Anyway, it just reinforces how much I dig this album! Can't get the title track outta my head, and that's GOOD!!!


Brandon, once you get hooked on Jackie McLean, you will enjoy just about all his sessions. I shied away from him for years, but when I started delving into those BN sessions, there was no looking back.

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