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I have, and I'm loving it (always loved it, actually, but this is my first CD copy, and the bonus cut puts it over the top vor me, the same as for UNIT STRUCTURES. But I digress...).

I'd call it "accessible", but I know that it won't be for some people. That's cool, too. Many peoples, many grooves, and it's all good (mostly). But if you can handle familiar elements taken apart and put back together in such a way that you know they're there (and sense that they're glad to see that you know that they're there), the "accessible" it is. I'm convinced that anybody who clues in on Andrew Cyrille on this side will eventually have whatever veils there are lifted - evrerything, EVERYTHING this guy plays is hardcore jazz drumming vocabulary. It's just that he's doing it all, withoug a net. What most guys would play as a fill or a kick, in other words, "something "secondary" to the "ching-chinga-chingaaaaa" of a ride cymbal, this guy puts to the front, and he does it in perfect sync with the group rhythm (which is predominantly triplet based, and we all feel triplets!). The result is a stripping away of the icing, and a total focus on the cake itself. The same holds true about everybody and everything else about this album - you've heard it all before (Jimmy Lyons alludes to "I'll Be Home For Christmas", and there's extended sections of the up-a-halfstep-and-then-back-down movement of "Sp What" for crissakes!) , just not put together like this. It's not "difficult", it's just DIFFERENT, like being inside a blood vessel instead of looking at one. Things go by faster, and you're a LOT more aware of all the inner workings, but dammit, you can still tell what it is, with the bottom line that what once seemed chaotic and/or hopelessly multi-layered now seems a unified system, because we all got blood vessels, and we're all aware of them. And yeah, sure, I've been inside a blood vessell, haven't we all? ;)

This is beautiful music, music that sings, and music that dances.

Cecil Taylor - song and dance man extraordinairre. Nothing mysterious or esoteric about that.

C'mon y'all, come get to this.

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I have always liked this Blue Note session a lot better than the more celebrated "Unit Structures." Superb music.

I generally have a policy of not upgrading my original McMaster discs. But if there is a huge improvement in sound, I might take the plunge on this one.

What is the verdict on that question?

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I just picked this up yesterday, but have yet to hear it. I could never get into "Unit Structures" but I've heard that this is more accessible. I hope so. I keep trying CT, but there's precious little of his output that I really like.

How does Taylor's version of "Conquistador" compare to Procul Harum's? :D

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It's definitely not a whiter shade of pale, although if Cecil disconnects with you THAT much, you might be after it's over. ;)

Seriously, I wonder if Cecil actually tried to make a "Blue Note record" with this one (in his own way, of course). It ain't "Moanin'" or anything like that, not even close, but the basic elements that he uses are so "familiar" that I've had that impression more than once.

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I've loved this record for years. If the KU pregame weren't on I promise I'd be slapping on my LP right now. Sorry fellas. Priorities.....

Yeah, I've had the LP for years, and missed the first CD version. Trust me - the bonus track is more than worth the upgrade.

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I'm going to have to place an order for this one very soon. I have never heard Conquistador, in any format. I've been on a Cecil kick recently (Nailed is playing right now) and I'm itching to hear this music for the first time.

I'll be sending the bill for "added cd buying expenses based on hard to resist review" to your attention, Jim. ;)

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Great, but I have already said that!!  :g  :g

RVG March 23, 2004

I know - it was your enthusiasm that prompted me to believe that a seperate thread could have legs! :tup


Just wanted to make sure my vote was counted!! ;);) You know its "hanging chad" time again! :g

I do really like this one. I kinda of picked it up as an after thought and was very pleasantly surprised. I am glad you started the thread and I look forward to the comments as folks receive their orders. I hope more people did what I did on this one and give it a chance. It is a little out, but still very accessible. IMHO

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After reading your posts on CT I realize I have very little CT at all. Silent Tongues and Neferttiti, The Beautiful One has Come, both on LP, are all I have. Checking out other recordings on cd I looked at the Penguin Guide, 3rd edition.

One interesting quote: "Unfortunately, the equally fine "Conquistador" has been deleted. Blue Note's recording wasn't ideal for the music but it's good enough."

Would like to hear your viewpoints on this opinion.

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I've always loved how Bill Dixon affects Taylor's music on this session.

Then again, this is just a classic -- though sadly not well documented -- period for Cecil, as STUDENT STUDIES (reiussed last year on Fuel 2000 or whatever that label is) also attests.

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Not that anyone was actually holding their breath while awaiting my opinion on this one, but I've listened to this a couple of times now and can only respond with a hearty :tup. This was far more palatable to my ears than Unit Structures (which I will have to revisit again one of these days). I'm still not sure about everything that's going on here, but as CT goes (to me) this is pretty listenable stuff. B)

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This CD came in the mail at work today. I put it my computer and put on my headphones, and started to feel ill about 10 minutes into the disc. I took it out and put in the new Stanley Turrentine RVG instead, and felt much better. Cecil Taylor and work apparently do not mix. :wacko:

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I've loved this record for years.  If the KU pregame weren't on I promise I'd be slapping on my LP right now.  Sorry fellas.  Priorities.....

Yeah, I've had the LP for years, and missed the first CD version. Trust me - the bonus track is more than worth the upgrade.

Damn, Jim..... I just looked up the new pressing on AMG and that bonus take is 17:24 minutes long! I'll admit, as much as I love alternate takes--and the end of the disc, thank you very much--my brain tends to go into default mode when new ones come out and I just assume that any alternate takes are going to be 5, 6, 7 minutes long. A 17 minute alternate take, however, is basically an altogether new song in this context.

Maybe I'll pick that up after all...... B)

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I believe the old McMaster version also had another take of "(With) Exit." I too love this record, especially side one (or track one, depending on your brew). Now if someone would just conveniently remaster and condense the Shandars into a 2CD set, that would be something else... beautiful music, but I need something to listen to on the bus!

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I didn't think that this would be something that I would really enjoy, but I thought I would give it a chance.

I can't say that I "GET IT" but I don't hate it. My only exposure to CT was on the recent Blue Note DVD. I didn't really care for CT's performance on the DVD. It didn't fit with the rest of the disc. The technical aspect of the performance was quite impressive, but the music didn't speak to me.

Conquistador has some potential with me. It will definitely take the right mood, but at least I've gotten past the point where I eject the disc and immediately wash out my ears with Horace Silver or Hank Mobley. ;)

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