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It's Friday!!!

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I'm heading off to Columbus today to spend the weekend and play in the Ohio Chess Team Championship. Will return late Sunday.

I'm gonna "retire" for awhile after this tournament. I'm getting tired of them and I've got to focus on my new job. If this were an individual event, I would cancel it, but I'm playing for a team so I can't let the guys down.

Toledo is sending three teams. I'm team captain on the first team. B)

All in all, would prefer to relax and stay at home, but we'll do our best!

Happy weekend everyone...

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Friday evening, I have plans to meet some friends for dinner and drinks.

On Saturday, sleep in a bit, get up probably about 6:30-7:00.

Throw some tunes on, off to get a hair cut around 9:00, check on some work with one of the crews, search for a truck to buy for a new irrigation tech starting on Monday, and then go check out a friends new house.

In the evening I plan on grilling some veal chops and having some beers/cocktails with a lady friend.

Sunday, sleep in a little more, grab a bagel, read the newspaper, make a trip to Tower, return home to give the news cds a listen, do a little housework, and then hopefully nothing else until about 6:00 PM. I have a few friends that come over and watch the Sopranos with me at 7:00, I'll probably make some pasta, drink a few beers, and call it a night.

Of course showering, shaving, watching some TV, drinking a few more beers, and if I'm lucky, a little lovin' action will be worked into this hectic schedule. ;)

This is what I would prefer doing over the weekend.

Oh well... :unsure:

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Tonight: dinner with my wife at a new Mediterranean BYOB in South Philly (that's right folks, some of our restaurants allow you to bring your own...it's cut my restaurant budget in half, but increased my consumption tenfold! :wacko: ) if (big IF!!!) she doesn't get called in to the hospital.

Tomorrow night: Repeat, if she gets called in tonight. Otherwise BBQ with friends.

In between, and all day Sunday: prepare for trial on Monday. :angry: The first real spring weekend all year! :angry:

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Well we've just arrived back from the cinema having seen the Starsky & Hutch movie ( is the Bay area like that really? --- those chicks....). Had tea at the local pizzaria with my wife and 2 year old son. Dropped him off at Gran's so we get a lie in in the morning. Then it's ride my bike for a few hours both Sat and Sun. Play sax for an hour or so each afternoon and a couple of beers. We'll have a couple of nice meals and try to relax as much as poss before the week starts again.

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Not much going on tomorrow. Going out for breakfast with some friends. Gonna make a "Sam's Club" run to stock up on staples. Play some guitar and just generally decompress. Probably go catch some local music Saturday night.

Sunday morning I have a pre-drywall walk through of my new house. Should be cool. Sunday afternoon band practice. Sunday night relax and listen to some good music. I've got to meet with my direct reports next week to give performance reviews. Unfortunately there not all going to be good. I'm sure I'll stay up way too late on Sunday not wanting the weekend to be over. If feeling a Blue Hour kind of Sunday coming on!

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Just got back from seeing Dave Spring (bass), Tim Froncek (drums) and Kurt Ellenburger (piano). Uncle Skid, you messed up man.

Took my brother along and all the way there (40 minute drive) he was talking about being pretty sure he was going to hate it. Thirty seonds into Tim's solo I could hear him saying "Oh my god" under his breath. Dave did a solo of "Willow Weep For Me" that was unbelievable! Ellenburger did the "play the inside" of the piano thing that made the Steinway sound like a Zither (none for me, thank you).

My brother's comments on the way back home was how surprised he was that he enjoyed a band that didn't have a guitarist. He told me that on the way there he was trying to decide who to watch play, since there was no guitar he was afraid he wouldn't know what to do.

Sunday, Organissimo at Dockers!

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This morning: go to an advance private screening of the new Disney movie, "Home on the Range."

This afternoon: Go to the office for a while, if I can muster up the will power.

This evening: Some of my wife's friends are coming over for dinner and to watch a video or something. I've promised to try and stay awake while they're here (I hate it when people come over :lol: )

Sunday morning: I volunteer as a conversation partner for ESL students at the University of Minnesota, and will be meeting with my partner and going grocery shopping with her. I always enjoy my trips to the Asian market.

Sunday afternoon: Sit around the house, probably watch more of season 4 of "The Sopranos." We've been renting it from Netflix. :tup

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Up for his weekend ,

Not a lot beyond tonight planned for me this weekend tonight -

I'm just about to open a bottle of red , listen to a couple more cds , stick a minidisc in for the Brotzmann broadcast on 'Jazz on 3' & watch Kill Bill.

I'll spend the rest of the weekend looking after my kids .

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I'm thinking about making the quick trip down to Mexico tomorrow, with friend. It's only about an hour's drive from where I live. I want to purchase some Mexican vanilla for my Mom. Maybe have a beer on the other side of the border. I don't know why... but Mexican beer seems to taste oh-so-much-better when drinking it in Mexico.

It's odd to be there, in Mexico, just to the other side of the border (Nogales, Arizona is the city, the birthplace of Mingus), then look back at the USA from the Mexican side... and see the McDonald's, Burger King, and Safeway signs sticking up in the air... while, on the Mexican side, you're surrounded by filth, poverty, odd scents, and kids begging for money in the streets. Makes you appreciate the good ol' USA when you're appreciation is running in doubtful mode.

Of course, we are having rain today. Which is not the norm for this area. :tdown

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It's odd to be there, in Mexico, just to the other side of the border (Nogales, Arizona is the city, the birthplace of Mingus), then look back at the USA from the Mexican side... and see the McDonald's, Burger King, and Safeway signs sticking up in the air... while, on the Mexican side, you're surrounded by filth, poverty, odd scents, and kids begging for money in the streets. Makes you appreciate the good ol' USA when you're appreciation is running in doubtful mode.

That's always been a reality check for me too.

Everytime I've gone to Mexico via Tijuana, it really makes me see how fortunate we have it in the US. On the US side, the hills have paved roads and houses, etc..., on the Mexican side, it's dirt roads and shacks. :(

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I'm off today and tomorrow this week, so the wife and I have a rare day off together. We're headed to Santa Cruz for the day. Those of you in the Bay Area won't believe this, but it'll be my first time there.

Of course, when you lived in southern Georgia, and think of a trip to the beach as Jekyll Island, this frozen northern California beach idea leaves a lot to be desired...

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Sat - Up at 2:00AM

Exercise until 6:00AM

Work at 6:30AM

End work at 6:40PM

Back to hotel at 7:00PM

Exercise until 9:00PM

Read, eat and Organissimo (et cetera) until 10:00PM

Lights out at 10:00

Sun: Same

Monday thru Friday: Same

Hey Americans, don't forget to set your clocks ahead, you're losing an hour of your weekend.

By the way, I didn't notice Church on anyone's Sunday agenda (maybe I missed).

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