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Inspirational story, depressing reality that we are still negotiating these separatist dynamics today. How much humans lose when they run away from each other instead of toward.

When will the blues ever leave?


Giving a cursory look at some of the other articles on that site...I find more than a few, uh...relatable stories. Unfortunately, we had no Mulgrew Miller level saviors, but we did have "those kind" of parents and teachers who hovered over the kids (who were trying to make their own way, a new way, a truer way), like the soul-sucking, vile purveyors of predatory cultural vampirism that they most assuredly were.

No matter how hard you fight back, even if you win - perhaps especially if you win, there are scars from the battle, of having to deal with people who you should be able to love and trust unconditionally and finding that the only way to not let them suck you into their malformed human incompleteness is to cut. Cut tiues, cut assumptions, cut "unconditional", cut cut cut cut cut.

You have to cut a lot to escape, And when cutting, there is blood. And then there is healing. But not without scars.

The Bible teaches us to love our enemies. The easier part is loving them. The harder part is identifying them, finding them, accepting that they are not who you were expecting them to be, but there they are. And they are very most likely not going to change. So....there they are. Love thy enemy.


On 7/8/2021 at 8:25 PM, Mark Stryker said:

Thank you so much for posting this piece.  I have shared it with a few more established musicians here many of whom knew Mr. Miller;  all have thanked me for sharing.

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