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SUCKS!!!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

Damn, how do they thrive being so poorly run?

I sell on ebay a fair bit, and last night, all these auctions that did not sell should have automatically relisted thru inkfrog.com where I also store my photos...well, instead, 18 auctions did not, each generating an email from inkfrog saying there was a category problem. I thought, shit...this doesn't have to do with what was posted on this board yesterday with category changes, does it? Oh, it does!

I couldn't even re-list let alone start new listings last night. I thought it was a glitch , even ebay couldn't be this stupid! Ah, but I misunderestimated them! ;)

There is only one category now for cds, number 307, general! I am sure from all the surveys ebay paid for that most customers said, hey, toss all listings in one big pot, If I am looking for Megadeth, don't have a category just for thrash metal, put it next to 259823 other cds, next to Yanni, and Judy Garland...it just makes sense!

I honestly thought last night they did this to destroy small companies like Inkfrog who got money ebay would get for image hosting, auto listing, etc..etc...today, I can at least relist my non selling auctions, but instead of them going back up automatically, I have to change each and every one of them to general category...I like to waste my time! Any auctions that don't end with bid, will have this problem for the next week. Not the biggest deal in the world, but hell, will less people bid now that they can't just go to bop/hard bop? IF you know what cds you are looking for by title, no problem, but folks like to browse, I know I do...just put in some key words, or just see what is ending today in jazz...

Ebay screwed up things last year by getting rid of subcategories under video like classic films (Gee, Modern Times, put it under Drama, subcategory Romance?)

And who the heck would want to see all the Foreign language films in one section, put them under drama, that's what most of them are, anyway! :rolleyes:

Well, now ALL movies are general movies, whether they be on DVD, VHS, or Laserdisc...ALL lps are identical, no need to differentiate!

I know, I'll show 'em and list more on half.com...wait, they are doing away with them in a few months...

Someone please tell me why someone else hasn't been able to be real competition for them? Blockbuster has to deal with Hollywood video, Wal-mart has Target, Hertz has Avis...someone could make a real killing by creating a online auction site that didn't charge you the same 30 cent fee for 3, 5, and 7 day auctions, and didn't gouge you 20 cents more for 10 days. Didn't charge you when an auction doesn't sell. Didn't charge you to put in extra words for your description because THEY didn't make enough room for you....

I'm a bit pissed in case you can't tell! :rmad:

Edited by BERIGAN
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Geez...I was going to post a few remarks from ebay's chat area, and I see that they are mentioning rate increases??? :blink: For what, fucking things up? Ha, ha, ha...go list somewheres else! HA, Ha, ha! :angry:

What a few people buyers, and sellers think about the "improvements"....

Posted by abagaylesbooks ( 103 ) on Mar-17-04 at 05:53:45 PST Auctions

It's a raw deal about the raised fees. I hate the multiple page interview just to list one book. That's a drag. I am in the process of moving all inventory to Amazon. I guess all good things must come to an end.

Posted by music-plus2000 ( 292 ) on Mar-17-04 at 05:49:26 PST Auctions

The elimination of subcategories in the music was a moronic idea. Raise fees, then take away service? Nice slap in the face ebay. I guess when your #1 you can @$*&% who ever you please.

Posted by abagaylesbooks ( 103 ) on Mar-17-04 at 05:48:36 PST Auctions

First time posting. I am a half.com user, have been and thought that I always would be, until this change. I have gotten some feedback on views of the half users and most that I know seem to be unhappy. Just interested if ebayers are happy with this change. Anybody willing to share their opinons? Good or Bad. Thanks!

Posted by sturges ( 733 ) on Mar-17-04 at 05:35:50 PST Auctions

Who elese here thinks the new "item Specific search" feature and elimination of subcategories in the music are further evidence of the monolithic corporate thinking at eBay RUNNING AMUCK!!!!!

Posted by freightmaster ( 1317 ) on Mar-17-04 at 04:44:53 PST Auctions

No Updates to Search and Listings since around 9:00pm PST.....UPDATE SEARCH.... UPDATE LISTINGS.....

Posted by etvideo1ataol ( 2103 ) on Mar-17-04 at 04:44:50 PST Auctions

eBay - Always changing, NEVER improving.

Posted by yecats5000 ( 2337 ) on Mar-17-04 at 04:18:25 PST Auctions

Not surprisingly,there have been no more bids on any of my lps that I have listed,& after the changes I would not have expected that there would be. I hope the people who forced this change on us with no good reason or warning are happy with themselves for transforming a perfectly fine system where it was possible to at times get some decent money for rare items into a worthless junk heap where that is just not going to happen.I hope they also realize that if we sellers can't expect to make any decent money on ebay,we will not pay ebay for any further listings,since there is no point in throwing good money after bad. I Have to say that to my way of thinking the way this was carried out with no regard for us as loyal sellers and no regard for buyers is completely inexcusable. As others have said,without browsing possibility within categories,we sellers can expect our revenue to decline an average of 90%.I think that unless and until these changes are reversed,ebay can expect the same. What type of venue in the real world has records thrown together in one big pile that is difficult to look through?Why of course it is the thrift store, as opposed to an actual record store where people are willing to pay more for the same items in return for the convenience and pleasure of being able to browse within categories. Ebay,can you see a correlation here with your new system of no categories?

Posted by williamgiorda ( 274 ) on Mar-17-04 at 04:17:20 PST Auctions

Dear Friends . . . Yesterday (3-16-04), I was doing my daily scroll-through of the Classical Music CDs, which is the category in which I specialize. There were about 18 pages of items that were "ending today;" and, after I had gotten through about six pages, I could no longer get "Next" at the bottom of the page to trigger the beginning of the following page in sequence. Instead, I got a default to the very large, overarching category "Music > CD," which yesterday had over 50,000 items listed, making it impossible from a time efficiency point of view to examine just the Classical CDs that were spread throughout the whole of the "Music > CD" category. No matter what means I tried to get back into just the subcategory of "Music > CD > Classical," I was unable to do it. It was as though all of the very helpful "Music > CD" subcategories had vanished into the ether. Either I am doing something wrong, or eBay's software has developed a terrible glitch, or eBay's managers have made a terrible decision. Those seem to be the only viable possibilities. In any case, the subcategories must reappear; otherwise, it will (and this is not too strongly put) effectively cripple the work of both buyers and sellers -- and by extension, it will cripple eBay and PayPal in significant ways. Please resolve this problem: either tell me what I am doing wrong; or do whatever it takes internally at eBay to bring back the subcategories. Thank you for your patience, and your time.

Posted by web-lines ( 844 ) on Mar-17-04 at 04:15:20 PST Auctions

Making buyers and sellers change the way they do everything (that's millions of users having to change their methods) because of this venture of combining half.com... is the MOST STUPID maneuver they've ever made. JMHO

Posted by web-lines ( 844 ) on Mar-17-04 at 04:05:39 PST Auctions

Ebay is dumber than a rock.. dontchathink? half.com is a failure so what do they do? They change everything on ebaY to be like half.com then move half.com to ebaY... uhm... half.com IS A FAILURE.. shouldn't that ring some bells? All these catagory changes and Item Specifics SUCK... really SUCK BAD. It'll serve ebaY right if the sellers at half.com (bless their pee-pickin' hearts) move over to the "other" place that only charges if an item is SOLD - no listing fees. 10 cent listing fee promotion vs free listing... hmmm which one would you pick?

Posted by web-lines ( 844 ) on Mar-17-04 at 03:58:25 PST Auctions

Good Morning DNF

Posted by joshua1991 ( 331 ) on Mar-17-04 at 02:49:54 PST Auctions

Ebay just took all of the fun out of browsing through categories and finding titles that you never knew existed. I guess its time to switch to Yahoo auctions, where you can still browse through categories. It's too bad that they did this. I am sure that it will hurt everyone, buyers and sellers.

Posted by uwontbeatthis ( 531 ) on Mar-17-04 at 02:38:14 PST Auctions

bad move ebay! you have made it very hard to search the music sections! what are you thinking here? and seperating the memorabilia was a mistake too! i logged on to bid on music and quickly grew tired of the change! put it back the way it was, now! and maybe i'll be back? or maybe i'll just stick to the local used record stores and save the shipping charges.

Posted by joshua1991 ( 331 ) on Mar-17-04 at 02:18:30 PST Auctions

This new category thing is terrible. I used to like browsing through sports videos and DVD's by category in addition to music videos and DVD's, now everything is lumped together. Guaranteed, everyones sales will drop, because I for one am not going to waste my time with this nonsense. Like the old saying goes, "if it ain't broke then don't fix it." Ebay just ruined a good thing.

Posted by 22b3 ( 275 ) on Mar-17-04 at 01:56:58 PST Auctions

Ok. I've tried it. Gave it a few hours. No change still not liking it, I'm hating it. I'm writing about the new changes in Music. One of my passions is collecting CDs, soundtracks. But this new change of format has taken away my abilty to do that. That subcategory in music I browse everyday. Now that's it gone, I've got to shift through a lot of crap. An example. I do a look for say "Night Of The Living Dead". I go to CD section. I just want to see the topic, soundtrack. I select from "Music: CDs - Genre - Soundtrack,Theater" and hit search, leaving Basic Search field blank. I find at this moment some 7278 titles, all soundtracks. Good. I then type in the above title and hit search. Now I get friggin' category. NO. NO. NO. I was in soundtrack. I just want to search IN soundtrack. Grand, I pick off "Music Memorabilia" from Matching Categories. I find two items: a tee shirt and a lighter. WTF! I have this 4002178160 bookmarked (ends later today), a soundtrack. It's not even listed that search. FINE. I'll do it this way. From the CD section I type in the seach, the check is on for "only in cds". I also select "Soundtrack,Theater" from Music:CDs. Click on the "find" button with the check on for "Combine with Basic Search". Now I find the above auction number and a second soundtrack. I want to do a new search. I delete the window and type in "Blade Runner". The sub-selection "Genre - Soundtrack,Theater" is still on. I've removed the check from the now: "only show items containing Night Of The Living Dead". I click the find button, which takes me back to Soundtrack,Theater now with 7335 titles. Had I hit just the search button I get the whole damn thing again. This time on the topic of Blade Runner, books, comics, DVDs, Laserdiscs, VHS and so on. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK. This is really pissing me off. Bring back the category, soundtrack. And the ability to ONLY search in that section, like you used to. You guys took a way a very valuable tool I use every single day. Now what? Do I have to type in a query, Basic search with check on for "only in CDs" and "Genre - Soundtrack,Theater" with "Combine with Basic Search" clicking find button... from now on? Is that it!? I search on average 20-40 CDs a day. Do you have any idea how much of hassle that is? Do you???? And don't even say: "why don't you just type in your title with the words "CD" and "soundtrack", because I should've have to. I've been doing this way for years. It was a fine system till this mess started. I was quiet when you changed listing an auction. It was perfect as two pages. Fine. Now it's five pages. Meant for newbies I suppose; to walk then through. Fine. But this is too much. I'm not new to Ebay. I know what I want. I shouldn't have to muddle through items I don't want. I know I'm not the only one angry about this change. I understand this change is intended for seller (mostly bulk) who had problems listing their auctions in different categories. This whole catch-all concept must be a god send. They're going for the stupid factor, buyers who are not smart enough or haven't done their homework before searching. Fine. But there should be a place for those of us who do. It's bad enough I see things dumb down on television, Ebay shouldn't be such a place. I realize there are a lot of folks who have just woken up to the site, they need help, things simplied. I have no problem with that. But we, the members from years back shouldn't have to be forced to endure a site catering to newbies. I'm not a child. For those sellers who do like this new format. I ask this. Do you want a buyer who wasn't informed enough to purchase your item? Probably not happy with it when it arrives and asks for a refund. Or wasn't bright enough to make payment. We've all had to deal with that one. Or do you want someone who knows what he/she want and goes for it? Weeding out the nonsense. Sure we all want our auctions to sell and to sell well. So what? I've sold a couple of auction where I got a great sale, but they took forever to send payment and given a lot of grief. Is that money worth all the pain? Just to have it happen again. I'm 22b3. I have had 275 transactions as a buyer and seller. Feedback 100%. A member since 1999. I'm no newbie. I'm no idiot either. This change you have taken isn't the right step. You need to know that. It need to be corrected. Comments to the above: regularfellow@usermail.com or if it doesn't list: regularfellow -at- usermail dot com. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. This sucks.

Edited by BERIGAN
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..someone could make a real killing by creating a online auction site that didn't charge you the same 30 cent fee for 3, 5, and 7 day auctions, and didn't gouge you 20 cents more for 10 days. Didn't charge you when an auction doesn't sell. Didn't charge you to put in extra words for your description because THEY didn't make enough room for you....

I'm a bit pissed in case you can't tell! :rmad:

I the think the basic posting fee has already increased from 30 cents to 35 cents.

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Well, this is little consolation right now, but just remember, every boneheaded move eBay makes gets us that much closer to the day when there will be a realistic alternative. Competition wasn't needed when eBay was effective, but obviously the day has arrived when that is no longer true.

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Did not notice this as I too have some discs on eBay at this moment. I did however click my tab called "eBay Jazz" that was a bookmark to all in just CD format and it came up with "women's clothing etc...":angry:

To search I went to 'music>CDs' and then scrolled down in the "genre" tab and clicked "jazz" while not putting anything in the search criteria and up came 'CDs>jazz' so I have marked that and it works.

Boy I do agree with moose that a change has gotta come but it seems they got ya coming and going with half.com and paypal all rolled under one roof.

But a couple inches down on that jazz page there is a nice Jack Wilson "Easterly Winds" JRVG that has been bid up to $33 w/ 15 mns left to play. Just wait til that little piece of poo re-mastering hits the deck for that price. :wacko:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I guess they aren't gonna let the people who buy and sell on them tell them what direction to go in! They are simplifying, at least for themselves...

At least they are giving some warning to the book folks....got this in an email....

Important Notice: Books & Magazines Category Structure Changes

In order to give buyers more flexibility in the search/browse experience and enable them to find items more quickly and efficiently, we will simplify the books category during the month of April by replacing lower levels of the existing category structure. Please note that in order for your items to be listed and located successfully, you will need to use Item Specifics and/or Pre-filled Item Information in the following categories:

Books > Antiquarian & Collectible (id# 29223)

Books > Audiobooks (id# 14878)

Books > Catalogs (id# 616)

Books > Children's Books (id# 279)

Books > Education & Textbooks (id# 2228)

Books > Fiction & Literature Books (id# 377)

Books > Magazine Back Issues (id# 280)

Books > Nonfiction Books (id# 378)

These categories are live today as the "Other" subcategory under each higher level category.

The magazine subscriptions, wholesale, and book accessories categories will retain their current structure.

Listings created before this change using Turbo Lister or other eBay Seller Tools will automatically reflect the new category structure when the listing goes live.

While Item Specifics are not required when listing your item, listings that do not use Item Specifics will not appear to buyers who use the Product Finder. There are two ways to select item specifics when listing an item in Books:

List with Pre-Filled Item Information: Automatically populate many item specifics for books with ISBNs. Sellers should still select the "Condition" Item Specific (i.e. New/Used) to better assist buyers in finding products.

Manually Select Item Specifics: Available directly in the Sell Your Item form.

For further information on how to list with Pre-filled Item Information and/or Item Specifics through eBay Seller Tools:

Using Pre-Filled Item Information and Item Specifics with Turbo Lister

Using Pre-Filled Item Information with SAPro

Using Item Specifics with SAPro

If you are using an eBay Preferred Solution Provider (PSP) or other 3rd party listing tool, please contact them directly to understand how to list with Item Specifics.

For More Information

To learn more about these changes, please review the list of frequently asked questions.

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Hey, I use eBay a lot! :) My IQ is 132, thank you very much. Actually, eBay has changed a lot since I first started using it in 1999. It's getting very hard to find a good deal there, but it is possible.

For instance, I just used Buy It Now to get a Shure 330 ribbon mic for $150!!! I bought one about a month ago on eBay for $230 plus shipping and it's one of the best mics I've ever heard (a nice, 1960s ribbon mic). They are worth about $300. I've watched the seller for about a month now. He started the mic at $200. Then $180. Then $160. And now he finally listed it at $150 with Buy It Now and I snatched that baby! :)

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Ok... now this is crazy...

Check out this auction and read what it says:

eBay auction for Yamaha Drums

Specifically this line: The seller ended this listing early to sell to the high bidder(s) at current bid price.

YOU CAN DO THAT?!?!?!?!? Doesn't that negate the whole point of having an auction? I'm currently looking for a kit for my studio so that Randy doesn't have to set up and tear down his kit every time we rehearse/record and I couldn't afford a Yamaha Recording Custom kit anyway, but damn... that just doesn't seem right.

Does it?

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