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No, he does not deserve that in a civilized nation. There are other non-violent and legal  ways to settle this. And making an emotionally charged video is no amnesty for his assault. The way some folks can sanctuarize their vehicle is insane. And their easy target to their unjustifiable violence is often cylicsts who dare touching their cars even though if they had respected their safety distances while driving fast, nobody could touch their car in the first place.


In a civilized nation, if you have as many citations as Smith appears to have on his driving record, you don't get to drive a car anymore.

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, aparxa said:

And their easy target to their unjustifiable violence is often cylicsts who dare touching their cars even though if they had respected their safety distances while driving fast, nobody could touch their car in the first place.

Regardless of the driving record and primitive behavior (and over-the-top aggressiveness in this case) of this Smith, would you care to explain how he - Smith - in THIS case has violated anybody's (particularly any cyclist's) safety distance with his car parked at the curb?

And no, you don't smash other people's car windows (or any of their other belongings) on a whim, as this cyclist appears to have done. And no doubt you know what the likelihood of catching a cyclist in the act is in such cases and what the outcome in other "ways" would be afterwards, particularly in today's (European) societal climate where cyclists in traffic often appear to be given a free pass in every direction.
(I am all for protecting cyclists from ruthless car drivers through appropriate traffic laws, but OTOH pedestrians, for one, need to be protected from ruthless cyclists. But are they? Or isn't it rather so that all too often cyclists will be cut any slack because they "need to be able to get ahead" in the interest of "green" mobility? Look around what the general stance is in this respect in many areas in Europe and you will realize that your argument is a fairly lame one.)


Edited by Big Beat Steve

It's true that a substantial number of cyclists do not want to slow down, as it will cost them time and energy, even if that means breaking traffic rules. There is also the type of cyclist who probably does not have a driver's license and is generally clueless when it comes to how to behave on the road. 

But I have no sympathy for intentional violence. 

I have caused multi-vehicle collisions behind me two times in my life (but coming out unharmed and with undamaged vehicle from both). One was when I stopped to let a pedestrian cross the street at a crosswalk in France in 2004. Apparently nobody had expected that to happen, and since I was also following the speed limit there was a line of frustrated drivers keeping very short distance behind me. Luckily, my battered 1985 Mercedes and the Peugeot 505 in similar shape immediately behind me stayed clear, and we could leave the scene right away.

The other time was last year and involved cyclists. The same scenario, but this time I was riding my Piaggio Ciao. Because of its low power and top speed, I am legally allowed to drive in bicycle lanes. After a particularly long downhill slope, there was a crosswalk over both the bicycle lane and the adjacent street. A person stood at the side and seemed rightfully scared to try to cross, but I stopped, because I felt I should. Then there was a loud crash behind me and wheels and otner bicycle parts flew in different directions. Nobody was hurt, but the guy who was worst off had to pick up the parts and walk from the scene. I felt a bit bad about it, but you should really drive in a way so that you are able stop if something happens in front of you (like others following road rules), so I really blame the cyclists and not myself. 


Speaking of sharing the roadway, out here we use SR 60 to head toward most of civilization. Its a divided highway, two lanes in each direction, but not true "limited access" highway, there are streets off of it and driveways too. But 65 speed limit and ... a bike lane. Can you imagine pedaling with people driving 70 around you? In 4+ years I have never once seen a cyclist using the bike lane.


This is comical on so many levels.

Who said the guy with a plastic bag over his head was a cyclist?

The white dude intentionally brakes the window while "protesting" police brutality of blacks and ends up getting his head kicked in by a black NBA player over a broken vehicle window. I'm not saying he didn't deserve it, but I do find the circumstances a bit laughable.

The NBA player refers to him as "one of these little motherfucking white boys" and then says it's not about hatred or race (and I get that, he was emotional over the broken glass), it's a problem with "the motherfucking system".

Which system is that, JR?

The funniest thing is the the handlers (or are they just fans?) asking TMZ to respect the privacy of the situation. That is the best.

Then...., JR goes on to make his own video that incriminates him. Not that anything will happen, beyond just some money changing hands, and maybe not even that.


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