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Posted (edited)

Seems to me that recent attempts to access the Blue Note Bulletin board used to resulted in a screen offering a promise/threat to return around May 1st. No more. If there was an official obituary, my apologies, I missed it.


The Blue Note Records Bulletin Board is currently closed.

Blue Note Records would like to thank all Board Members and visitors to the Blue Note Bulletin Board in advance for their patience and understanding during this closure.

» Please use your browser's back button to return.


If this is the case, so much more reason to buy our hosts' CD!

Edited by BeBop

Seems to me that recent attempts to access the Blue Note Bulletin board used to resulted in a screen offering a promise/threat to return around May 1st. No more. If there was an official obituary, my apologies, I missed it.


The Blue Note Records Bulletin Board is currently closed.

Blue Note Records would like to thank all Board Members and visitors to the Blue Note Bulletin Board in advance for their patience and understanding during this closure.

» Please use your browser's back button to return.


If this is the case, so much more reason to buy our hosts' CD!

You know, they just changed this! I check it out once a week, mainly to go to mosaic, and I checked last night, and is was still saying May 1!

What will Greg do??? I was sure when the board came back it was going to say "SACD discussion monitored by Greg" :rolleyes:


The old message was up over the weekend when I last checked it. They must have just changed it.

I'm curious if they do relaunch the board. Will they use the Ultimate Bulletin Board software? There seems to be much more robust software out there, but the problem would be, losing the old messages on the board (that is, if they want to keep them).

Poor Greg, floating around looking for a home.


Well the "reopening on or about May 1st with new forums, usage policies " etc is gone. It actually looks pretty bad for the BNBB.

That's probably for the best, actually. Organissimo and AAJ (and to some extent JC) have more than filled the void for me. I'm pretty ambivalent over the possible reopening of BN. For close to 5 years it was my primary source of jazz information and pretty much my home base. But the arrogance and abysmal customer relations that was displayed in the final days sticks in my craw. I'm still getting the information and having the same types of discussions - without the frustrations that had begun to creep into the Blue Note Board. Guess I don't care much one way or the other.

Like many, I suppose, I'll trudge back there to check it out if it ever does reopen. But I suspect that rather than expose themselves to several months of abuse, they'll just keep the shop closed. That's fine by me.


Even though the message has changed, I'm still greeted with a

Hello, Duke Pearson [ log out ]

in the upper left corner of the page, which suggests that the board software is still running somewhere behind. Wonder what happens if I log out...


You know, there was a mention about the demise of the BNBB at the April issue of Jazzwise UK magazine that just caught my eye... (Quote-->)

"Strange going on at the Blue Note records bulletin board. What was once the best jazz bulletin board discussion forum on the Internet, has been messed about with by the Blue Note suits who never pruned the site. Funnily, and no-one can quite work this one out, the Politics thread has been deleted as have a number of other popular threads. Nothing to do then with the fact that most jazz fans are anti-war. But, non-political commentaries, natch, professing undying love for Norah Jones are encouraged..."

Posted (edited)

I still suspect the BNBB will be back in some form or fashion. The fact that they changed the message, but left it to state that the board is "currently closed", and that there is still a link to the BB from the main page suggests to me that they're not giving up on it totally.

My guess is they took the date portion of the message down because it will be reactivated either earlier or later than originally planned. Though if it's earlier they're running out of time...

I don't think the spirit of the place will even be remotely the same as before, either way.

Edited by Aggie87

If the board does come back up, I have a suggestion on how to improve their censorship software. Rather than replace offending words or groups of letters with ***, as in 'en***led', 'b***' (for bass), '******ian', and 'mother******', they could take a cue from our friends in Belgium, the creators of the comic strip the Smurfs (Schtroumpf in the original French). All offending words or groups of letters could be replaced by the word 'smurf'.

For example, this would yield:

'You are of course ensmurfled to your own opinion, but I think bsmurfist Smurfian McBride is a mothersmurfer'.



Simultaneously frightening and depressing, yet somehow encouraging and uplifting, isn't it. The BNBB has been mentioned in Jazz Review and Jazzwise now.

Could the Organissimo Forums be next!?! :blink:

Well, send Jazzwise a CD and they might review it...(not sure if Organissmo is up Jazz Review's street. Nice CD BTW.)...

Jazzwise Publications Ltd.

2b Gleneagle Mews

Ambleside Avenue

London SW16 6AE


While I'm at it - and veering completely off-topic - if you feel like sending freebies across the Atlantic, there's a guy called Peter Young at JazzFM (terrible station, great DJ) who does kind of Soul into Jazz shows and does have a taste for Organ Jazz (e.g. Jimmy McGriff's "The Worm" was his sig for a long time).

Peter Young

Jazzfm Radio 102.2 London

26 Castlereagh Street

London W1


And now back to our scheduled ...

Simon Weil


For example, this would yield:

'You are of course ensmurfled to your own opinion, but I think bsmurfist Smurfian McBride is a mothersmurfer'.




As of today, if anyone cares...

The Blue Note Records Bulletin Board is currently closed.

Blue Note Records would like to thank all Board Members and visitors to the Blue Note Bulletin Board in advance for their patience and understanding during this closure.

The Blue Note Bulletin Boards will reopen soon.


For what it's worth, I saw Herbie Hancock on Sunday. We were talking about the internet, so I mentioned the BNBB and what happened. He seemed really puzzled at Blue Note's behavior.



I finally spoke to Tom Evered yesterday and rather than take the low road and blast him for the way they handled the closure, I took the high road, talked to him about things in general (their recent move, new reissues, sales, etc.) and asked him when it might be re-opened. As I thought, they don't have anybody to work on it. Their one internet guy is also their IT guy and he's overworked to the max. Tom also said that "if" it re-opened, it wouldn't likely be until late May or June. And yes, he did say "if".

I will add once again in this thread something I've said in other threads. Michael Cuscuna was not ever involved with the Blue Note board. As a matter of fact, he used me to get his word out to the fans. He posted twice on that board. Both times were a result of pleading by me to address constant questions. He is clearly puzzled as to why the board closed and why it remains closed.

I still think they're clueless over at Blue Note that they destroyed an entire community... a community that really dug Blue Note. They just never understood what we were. I think Michael Cuscuna did, but not Blue Note. I sometimes think that they felt we were some kind of "cult". Hari Krishna... Hari Blue Note. :) Fellow BN poster Chris Albertson even said as much over at Jazz Corner's Speakeasy. Why do people think this way about the people from the Blue Note board?? I never got that feeling from people over there... not even from Tom. What was to not like about that board? I like Blue Note CDs and I think that other people who like them make for fun people to talk with. Why does that suddenly make me part of some "Blue Note love fest"? Bullshit! I like Blue Note but I also like Verve, Prestige, Riverside, Columbia, DIW, Bethlehem, Capitol, Atlantic, Contemporary, Emarcy and every other label that puts out Jazz music... that's the only qualification I ever wanted, good Jazz music.



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