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Posted (edited)

Hey gang!

I'm playing Friday afternoon at the Eastern Trombone Workshop, which is an annual gathering of trombonists featuring concerts in all musical styles. I was invited to participate this year, and I think it'll be fun. Mrs. Free For All (who also plays trombone FYI) has also been invited to play, so we're going to make a little mini-vacation out of it and do some sightseeing on Saturday. All the times I've been to D.C. I've never checked out the national monuments!

I play on Friday from 4 to 4:50 (just me and a rhythm section)at Brucker Hall (where all the events take place) which is in Ft. Myers, VA. I guess it's the band rehearsal facility for the military bands- they're the sponsor of this event. There is a website with more info- search for "Eastern Trombone Workshop".

Anyway, if any board members live in the vicinity and are available, please stop by and say hello.

EDIT:..............and it's FREE!! FOR ALL!!

Edited by Free For All

Bummer - I'll be at work at that time, and I don't think I'll be able to get away.

Brucker hall is very nice - very good acoustics.

I will be at the 9:30 Ray Baretto Blakey tribute at the Kennedy Center. I don't suppose you were headed that way...



Sounds like alot of fun.....think I'll pick the kids up from school & swing on by.

I'll make sure they get in some quality post-homework Brookmeyer & J.J. listening the next couple of nights. I'm sure the girls will get a real kick out of seeing a Mrs. Free for All playing.


Just for clarification, Mrs. FFA is playing with a different group (a trombone ensemble) Saturday morning(I'm playing one piece with them as well), just in case you were expecting to hear her and me at the same time. Hope to see you Weizen! Make sure you make yourself known- though I think I'd recognize you even without the keg. ;)

As I've said before, our dog must think all humans play trombone.


So, FFA -- on the subject of your wife playing trombone too...

How are her jazz chops??

And how are your 'classical' chops??

:ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:

Her jazz chops are minimal- she likes to play in a big band section, but doesn't improvise. She's awesome on legit stuff, though- last weekend (of the big basement flood) she was in St. Louis playing with the symphony.

My classical chops are minimal- I practice the stuff to stay in shape and play an occasional "legit" gig here and there, like Easter or Christmas.

We don't venture TOO far into each other's musical territory- that's why the marriage works! ;)

I'm just waiting to get that call- "Hey Paul, I need a trombone player for a gig this weekend- is your wife home?" :blink:

It's funny, every girlfriend I've had at some point would become resentful of the time I spent practicing, gigging, etc. which would immediately kill the relationship.

"Why do you have to practice so much?"

"You just played a gig last weekend!" :bwallace:

Don't make me have to make a choice, honeycakes!

Now I'm married to someone who practices MORE than I do. She indirectly vibes me into practicing more- I'll be watching some lame-ass thing on cable and I'll hear her start to warm up, so I'll think "well, I'd better go play some too".

All I gotta say is be careful what you wish for! B)

Posted (edited)

Hey Rooster, we went to hear the San Francisco symphony tonight. Great stuff, they really swing. They played a John Adams piece that was very hip.

The hall here really sucks though.

Edited by Free For All
Posted (edited)

Het Rooster, we went to hear the San Fransisco symphony tonight. Great stuff, they really swing. They played a John Adams piece that was very hip.

Yeah, I was half-thinking of catching them myself, for that Adams piece (something about Charles Ives, or so I read somewhere). But nothing else on the program was calling my name too loudly, and other priorities took over my evening.

Wish I lived in San Fran sometimes. Their orchestra progams some seriously amazing stuff sometimes. They did a couple months of nothing but American composers a couple years ago - Carl Ruggles, Zappa, Roger Sessions, you name it. If I had been there, I would have been tempted to go to every concert!!!

Edited by Rooster_Ties
Posted (edited)

Had the good fortune to swing into Fort Myers with the kids and check out the recital....and also meet Free For All and his wife afterward. Heavy duty security at that place....had to pull into a special search area with 10 uniforms standing there, three of whom swarmed the car & searched everything from the glove compartment to the coffee cup holder.

But it was a super show (and the first ever 'live' jazz that the kids have seen....they were thrilled).....great selection of hi-octane swinging numbers and lighter ballads including: 'East of the Sun', 'Alone Together', 'Evidence', 'Old Folks'.... Sweet sounding trombone...lotsa happy campers in that audience including the guy sitting one over from me whose foot was dancin' even faster than mine! :tup Pretty competent rhythm section too....particularly that bass player who was all over it! --- courtesy of the U.S. Army Band weren't they? Yep, if only I'd had a cold Beck's in hand, I'd have been in Heaven. :) I drove home thinking 'Man, it's time to quit just spinning discs on the cd player and get the heck out to see some more 'live' events'!

Next time you folks swing through D.C. let us know and we'll set up a decent tour with all the important stuff......like the site where that stripper Fannie Foxe jumped out of Rep. Wilbur Mills car and went flying into the Tidal Basin. :g

Edited by Son-of-a-Weizen

Well, we just returned from our trip to the D.C. area, and we had a great time! Yesterday (Saturday) we snuck off from the workshop and did some sightseeing. Beautiful day! Saw the White House, etc. Sang the West Wing theme. There's a lot of construction going on out there currently.The reflecting pool was drained, it seemed they were doing some work on it. The Lincoln Memorial was great- it's much more impressive that you might have thought. The new WWII memorial (not quite finished) looks like it will be very nice. The most stirring sites by far were the Korean and Vietnam war memorials.Both were beautifully conceived by the artists- very high impact art to be sure. We walked all the way to the capitol, and since it was getting dark decided to head back. The museums will have to wait 'til next time. There's a LOT to see there! BTW, we had some great meals including one at one of my favorite places, Legal Seafood.

One of the biggest treats of the trip was getting to meet our very own Weizen for the first time. He brought his two beautiful daughters to my gig and came up afterwards. We only talked for a few minutes, but my impression was that Wiezen is one great guy and a devoted father. I hope to catch him again (as well as other board members in the area) when I go back out there and have a little more time.

It was really exciting to meet someone from the board- I want to do it again! Thanks again for taking the time and trouble to come, Weiz!


It was really exciting to meet someone from the board- I want to do it again!

It is fun. If you ever make it to Michigan, Paul, we'll have to jam for sure! :)

Posted (edited)

Actually, Joe, I've been contemplating you guys coming out this way. How about a little tour- The Blue Wisp in Cinnci, the Green Mill in Chicago and the Blue Room here in KC. Call it the Blue'n'Green tour. You know Rooster'd be down with that! I don't know if you could make enough for it to be worth your while, but hey, I'm happy if I can break even on most jazz gigs (after I pay my bar tab)!

If that doesn't happen, I'll just have to find an excuse to come out there I guess. I do know some of the jazz faculty at Michigan......hmmm......

Edited by Free For All

I hope we can make it out that way sometime. With baby Alfredson on the way soon, we are sticking close to home for the time being. But who knows what the future will bring?


I hope we can make it out that way sometime. With baby Alfredson on the way soon, we are sticking close to home for the time being. But who knows what the future will bring?

Babies ARE more portable before they start walking!

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