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Thanks to all who participated. I know I said this last year but its really, really likely this is it for me. I can see the rest of this year already and it will involve little or no money for new purchases and severely restricted time for listening. That's not conducive to my style of preparing a BFT.




All info is in the youtube comments. I stumbled across this on the site and liked the performance enough, and the electric bass was a nice fake out for a Gould BFT.  Not terribly popular though.


"Song for My Father"


Pianist is a young (at the time) boogie-woogie acolyte.  I thought he had a distinctly Silverian percussive flavor on this but the star of the cut and the CD is Eddie Johnson on tenor. I see Discogs has a copy for about $17. I hope someone gets it. Johnson is on 75% of the cuts, too. It's all good to great.


"Sister Sadie"


Very interesting record, this is off the CD release but I am linking to the LP for info on sidemen. Side 1 is Basie/Herman while side 2 is very much more Ellingtonian.  


"Thing's Ain't ..."


I thought this would be a good BFT track as most wouldn't think Watson on a Rabbit-associated tune. A lot of people thought this was the real deal, and Bill got Mr. Watson only since he's heard him about 200 times. :g


"Scuffle in the Wardrobe"


The only disappointment in this never-issued on CD Storyville release was that Casey plays side 1 and Kelly plays side 2. I'd have preferred more, at least from George Kelly. 


"Whirly Twirly"


Bought this for Junior Mance and Billy Mitchell but unfortunately they don't play on every track. But I had a feeling folks would dig the tuba on this Billy Mitchell composition.




The most popular cut of all. I discovered Nisse Sandstrom in my travels thru the Horace Parlan credits section of discogs (there's a fantastic tribute to Pres on Phontastic if anyone sees it they should get it.)  So this turns out to be the aged Swede surrounded by much younger Europeans who everybody thought were much older and they definitely kicked ass. Don't ask me which is which on the tenor trade offs that start the tune.


"Gettin in The Groove"


1980 release on Phoenix Records, reissued by Highnote with an extra track (this is from the LP, I paid like $2 for it). Rusty with a group of Columbus OH cats. I like it a lot more than most did.


"Little Sunflower"


I particularly enjoyed the pianist on the Bryant LP which led me to find his one solo LP. It's nice but google and Amazon indicate that eventually he went into academia and also switched to organ. I didn't find the samples on Amazon terribly impressive he should have stuck with piano IMHO.


"Sippin' at Bells"


I didn't ask but I was guessing that Sangrey figured this out by identifying Cohn and hitting the discogs. Anyway late Al is terrific Al, and I've enjoyed Spike Robinson on a couple of CDs with Sweets so I went for this one. Otherwise I would have had a track from Cohn's Rifftide CD which has been pimped on the O in the recent past.


"Tin Tin Deo"


I think everybody liked this and I can't recommend the CD enough. Honestly I've never heard Criss sound this soulful. 


"Well You Needn't"


Herb Geller, with a European rhythm section. I tried a Herb Geller track last time, not much of a hit.  I got this LP in the past year, killed myself to make it listenable and ... only Tim liked it. Mileage, I guess. I really dug the pianist on this track.


"Honky Tonk"

Sammy Price, spoken intro (1987 Bern Jazz Fest)

Percy France, tenor saxophone,

Cliff Smalls, piano

Oliver Jackson, drums

Leonard Gaskin, bass

(Limoges, France, February 8 1982)

A little misdirection, Sammy Price's tongue in cheek intro was used into the same tune for Percy's feature at the 1987 Bern Jazz Fest, but I decided that I liked this performance a little better. For those familiar, this performance took place the winter before The Oliver Jackson Black & Blue recording that featured Percy. I don't know if the tour was a test run to convince Black & Blue to do the recording that took place September 1982. The band also toured Europe the winter after the record was released to promote it.


"Easy Living"

Percy France, tenor saxophone w Skinny Burgan (bass) Bob Neloms (piano) Sir John Godfrey (drums)

Music courtesy of Allen Lowe, recorded in New Jersey circa 1980.

A year ago I stated in my last BFT reveal that everybody needs more Percy France. I believe that now more than ever, as just about this time last year I decided to undertake a project to collate and collect every known Percy France recording. I didn't think I'd still be working on it a year later but God I love everything Percy recorded, and this ballad stands with any ballad performance in the history of the music. This is some deep shit.

(Some day I will be posting about the results of this research which will at some point be memorialized on a blog. But first I have to get the Smithsonian to be a little more responsive. Oh, and cash. I need more.)


I had no idea who he was then or now but I am glad you are impressed with the combo.

In all honesty I think I bought the sandstrom cd because of the first title, hankenstein. I figured any disc with a presumed tribute to mobes wouldn't disappoint.


Jonas Kullhammar is somebody I've dug for a good bit now. And Moserobie is, I think, his own label. They have quite a good catalog, actually, although I don't know how much of it would be to your overall  liking.

But yeah, Jonas Kullhammar can play!


Wow. Interesting reveal! Lots of folks I don't know here. My big takeaways are: Nisse Sandstrom (!), Sonny Criss, and hell yes, I need to listen to more Percy France! :o

Thanks again Dan, some great things here that I need to investigate further...!

Posted (edited)

Sonny Criss !!!!!  And don't miss out on this gem, with compositions and arrangements by Horace Tapscott:


Edited by felser

What a fascinating BFT, as it features many musicians unknown or barely known to me, playing in styles very well known to me. It goes to show that one's jazz exploration can never be completed. I really appreciate your work Dan, in putting together such a sheerly enjoyable BFT which also has such an intriguing Reveal.

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