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The Man taking all my money...

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Sorry to hear about this! Would this have been any different if you had separate bank accounts?

Separate bank accounts would be advisable, even without incidents like this actually. It doesn't mean you don't trust each other. It takes two highly disciplined and communicative people to make a joint account work (and how many of us can claim that?). Having separate accounts is an easy way to avoid mistakes, misunderstandings, and wipeouts like the one you just had.

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I have to wonder if one reason the states are turning into assholes on revenue is that they're simply starved for it these days. Remember how last year Missouri's governor ordered every third light bulb in state buildings unscrewed? The state budget crises are happening all over the country.

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I have to wonder if one reason the states are turning into assholes on revenue is that they're simply starved for it these days. Remember how last year Missouri's governor ordered every third light bulb in state buildings unscrewed? The state budget crises are happening all over the country.

And Michigan is no exception. Right now, most of us state employees are working 40 hours and getting paid for 38, along with having to take unpaid furlough time.

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I also owe the IRS and they are so much nicer than the state government.

I take it you've submitted an OIC (Offers in Compromise) and that's all squared away? As for the state folks, my advise would be to take a dutiful attitude -- regardless of their outlook -- and you'll do better in the long run. Engage them in a big way but don't get into some pissing contest. Forget what the idiot woman said and move on. Depending on how much you owe and what the assets are, they should cut you a break. Can you do an end run around her and find someone else to deal with?

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Thanks for the suggestions, folks. I did and did not see this coming. Like Joe mentioned, this happened last year with the Feds but they gave my money back and we set up a payment plan. I tried to set up a plan with the state last July, but then we moved in August and the postal service has really fucked up our mail. I won't go into that... we've been trying to get it fixed since we moved.

So I admit, I probably should've been more pro-active with them because they claim they've sent me letters and called "four times" according to the lady but neither my wife or I have any recollection of calls or letters. And believe me, if they had called or sent something, my wife would let me know. She is not happy with me on this matter.

As far as seperate accounts go, my wife has been hounding me to get rid of my personal account since we've been married. She already got rid of hers. We don't have issues with money between us. The shitty thing is they will take anything that has my name attached to it. My personal account a balance of -$40 in it right now so they took everything from our shared account, which is the account we pay our credit cards, insurance, mortgage, utilities, etc. from.

The good news is that now I only owe them $850. The shitty thing is the woman said I have to pay that amount by March 31st or they'll levy my bank accounts again. Again, this is coming at the worst time... my wife is 8 months pregnant and her maternity leave pay is absolutely terrible... less than 40% of her normal pay. So we're trying to save money for the two months that she'll be out since her pay is now going to barely cover our mortgage.

Anyway, enough complaining. The CD idea is still on the table, we've just been slammed. I want to start working on that soon, though. I think that's the best way to raise money for the site, future CDs, etc. I don't feel right accepting something for nothing from you guys.

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Awfully sorry to hear about this Jim. Very bad timing with baby on the way -- just "keep breathing" (as a friend at work always tells me when any kind of crunch hits) and know that YOU'RE DOING THE BEST YOU CAN and don't deserve any verbal abuse -- I know that's not always easy to arm yourself with when such abuse arrives out of the blue -- but that woman is an asshole. Do you have a family member or friend -- or two or three -- who can help you put the $850 together and get the state out of the picture? (Just as long as it's people who won't vibe you and can loan it without feeling too much of a pinch.) Otherwise (as you said) be proactive and (as Jim Sangrey implied) find a higher-up or at least NICER state tax person to contact and see if a payment plan can be made. In my experience (with credit card companies, for example -- YIKES) they're nicer if you contact THEM than if they feel they've had to track you down.

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Sorry to read about your troubles, Jim.

To cover the cost of the message board, you could set up a voluntary donation system. I've seen many free websites with interesting content that use a Paypal donation button.

Good luck

Obviously it's up to Jim but I think this is a great idea.

Jim, don't look at it as something for nothing, you've got this place for us and it's very much appreciated.

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I'm ignorant to things such as this but I didn't know anybody had the right to simply take your money from your own bank account. I mean, I know it's the government but it's still your privately held assets in your private bank account. What kind of bullshit izzat?

It makes me wonder if I shouldn't have my money tucked securely under my mattress. I know it's safe there.

Anyone can attach your checking account. It requires a court order and unless you are a government tax collector the other party has to be aware that you intend to attach.

Again... it makes me look at my mattress more and more favorably.

Can they attach my mattress? :P

b3-er: I wouldn't balk at donating a few dollars to the Board. I've had a lot of free fun during the past year.

Edited by wesbed
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My sincere sympathies, Jim.

I don't think you've mentioned an attorney. Although he would cost something, he might be able to negotiate what you have not been able to do, and the payments to the state and to the attorney could be made affordable over a period of months.

I would meet with a tax attorney specialist and see what he says before giving up.

Edited by GA Russell
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Instead of thinking it as something for nothing (which is way off anyway), think of it as a birthday present! :party: It has been a year since the board went up.

Don't let pride get in the way of people who care and want to help.

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I have three brothers that will be having birthdays this year, how can I buy CDs for them direct from you guys?

You can buy them at the next Docker's gig if you plan on attending, or you can order directly off the website via CDBaby and a credit card, or you can just send me a check for three CDs. Your choice! :)

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