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The Man taking all my money...

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So I woke up today to a phone call from my bank. They received a notice of levy from the Michigan Department of Treasury for back taxes. Basically they took all my money from my personal account and from my joint account with my wife.

How does this help anyone? We had just written a check to our car insurance company for $650, our mortgage of $750 is due in a few days, not to mention credit card bills, etc. How does taking all my money solve anything?

Now granted, I've been trying to work out a monthly payment plan with them, but they are real assholes. I also owe the IRS and they are so much nicer than the state government. They realize that taking all my money means that I can't live. Whereas the state doesn't care.

Considering that I make less than $20k a year, and that right now I'm living gig to gig (and the gigs have gone way down), and we're expecting our first child and trying to make our home suitable for said child, this really hit hard. Thankfully I had a decent sized check from the company I do freelance video editing for that I had not deposited yet, so we're able to cover our bills for this month.

I'm all for paying taxes. But why do they have to be such dicks about it? They didn't have our new address (one of the reasons I hadn't received any correspondence from them) and when I told the woman we moved she asked if we were renting or bought the house. I said we bought it. "Well then, you're just lying to us. You say you have no money and then you bought a house." Uh, no my wife bought the house. Her name is on the deed. Fuck you very much.


That's my rant. :)

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Sad. Didn't this happen to you last year as well? That's just a bit too much power if you ask me. I've heard that the Fed has taken steps to lessen this sort of thing; but it sounds like the state is going in the other direction. They actually called you a liar????

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Yes, she called me a liar. And yes this happened last year with the Feds, but they were cool on the phone. We set up a payment plan and they released my money, which was really good because unlike today, we didn't have a nice check lying un-deposited to cover what the Feds were trying to take.

The lady on the phone today would not hear of setting up a payment. She said the only thing I could do is tell my bank to release the money to them because by law the bank can hold the money for 30 days in order for me to work something out with the state, but she said there was nothing to work out and they would take my money anyway, so I might as well just release it today so that our checking account would be re-activated.

Nice, huh?

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I'm ignorant to things such as this but I didn't know anybody had the right to simply take your money from your own bank account. I mean, I know it's the government but it's still your privately held assets in your private bank account. What kind of bullshit izzat?

It makes me wonder if I shouldn't have my money tucked securely under my mattress. I know it's safe there.

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This kind of shit just irks the hell out of me. You're just trying to survive and claim your tiny piece of the pie and someone comes along and makes your life a little more difficult. As if you were living rich as Rockefeller. Gold dust at your feet, etc.

So Jim, without getting too personal, was this really unexpected? Were there no "warnings" etc.? I got nailed (not as bad) many years ago, but it was really my own fault, which I freely admit. What grinds me is the hard-ass collection agency 'tude. It's scary to realize that there are facets of our government that can totally kick your ass anytime they want to. One of my goals in life is to just try and stay off the radar. Good luck, bro-you'll weather this little squall. They're just taking you out for a little ride. You'll survive.

Edited by Free For All
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Sorry to hear about this, Jim.

Since the IRS backed off after something of a public outcry and a Congressional pummelling or two, it looks to me like this is the sort of thing that ought to get publicized and reduced by the state legislature. I would definitely get in touch with my state representatives and raise a stink, maybe something can be done so that they aren't such a-holes in the future.

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Sorry to hear about this! Would this have been any different if you had separate bank accounts? I am no tax expert, that is for sure, but perhaps since there doesn't seem to be much of an advantage to filing jointly,(though I guess the kid will help in the future! ;) ) how about filing separate returns for 2003, and getting 2 personal accounts? It may not matter when married, anyone know?

You don't of course have to spill the whole beans here, but....When I worked at Borders and made under 20K I always got money back from the state. Are you mainly a musician these days, and having to pay taxes out of your own pocket? Well, they always come out of your pocket, but I mean are they not being collected weekly, bi-weekly? Are you doing your taxes yourself?? Might be worth paying someone to dig around to find any/all deductibles.

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I'm ignorant to things such as this but I didn't know anybody had the right to simply take your money from your own bank account. I mean, I know it's the government but it's still your privately held assets in your private bank account. What kind of bullshit izzat?

It makes me wonder if I shouldn't have my money tucked securely under my mattress. I know it's safe there.

Anyone can attach your checking account. It requires a court order and unless you are a government tax collector the other party has to be aware that you intend to attach.

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Terrible news, Jim.

Wish I could offer some advice but I cannot. I don't know anything about owing back taxes. I don't think people earning under $20,000 should be taxed at all, but there you go.

I would suggest that we look at implementing some kind of donation program in order to help support this website. This has been brought up before. One idea might be for you guys to work on your "Standards" cd and we all pay $10-15 for it. We get music and you get some $. I'd even pay $20 for it. It's all going towards a good cause! Hope this doesn't put others out, but let's hear some suggestions anyway.

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Count me in. Hell, I'd be happy to support Jim and this site. I'd consider it more than fair. I downloaded the great Holiday songs. Can we set up a paypal account for Jim that the Government can't touch?

This is what a community is all about; helping others!

Someone set this up, let us know, and start the money flow!

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I told the woman we moved she asked if we were renting or bought the house. I said we bought it. "Well then, you're just lying to us. You say you have no money and then you bought a house."

Now that they have their/your money, I would go about reporting this woman to her supervisor for inappropriate behavior, and if that gets no action, to their supervisor, and so on up the chain until somebody cuffs this miscreant.

The "I'm going to make your life miserable" card can be played on either side of the table, depending on who's got the hand, and since you don't owe them any more, I'd say that YOU'VE got it now. Play it, and play it until it wins.

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Jim Sangrey made a great point about reporting this piece of s***. It's one thing that you owe the taxes and they snatched your money, but they should act ina professional manner. Calling you a liar is way, way out of bounds no matter what you owed or what the situation is with them. They owe you a duty to be fair and act professional at all times- I'd report this slimebag in writing, too, so that it would help ensure a response. Jeez, they couldn't set up a payment plan? I had a situation about 15 years ago with Social Security where I owed them $ , and they gave me a payment plan that I could handle- it's a damn shame that the state folks won't do that as well.

Count me in for a contribution also- this website is fantastic, with a lot of great people on it. B-3r, you do a great job running this site- my humble thanks.

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