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I finally got my Christmas present from my sister and her husband--- a $100 Mosaic gift certificate. B)

The question is--what to get.

I'm thinking of one of the following:

Hank Mobley

Anita O'Day (I know it's over $100 but...)

Gerry Mulligan + a select

Horace Parlan

Stanley Turrentine

2 or 3 selects

I have the Tristano, Konitz, Marsh otherwise that would be a priority.

I'm not sure about the Atlantic New Orleans (although I did pick up the latest Preservation Hall cds and I like them)

Help me!

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Not exactly knowing your musical tastes makes it tough. My two favorites from the list you provided are the Stanley Turrentine and Gerry Mulligan sets. People have dogged the sound on the Turrentine set from time to time. I have a very revealing system and the sound quality is not even close to being a deal breaker for me. The music is kickass. Buy this one now, or buy it later. But by all means buy it!

In the last year I really started to explore big bands. Gerry's Concert Band is quite simply one of the most versatile groups ever put together. Forget about the fact that this is a fairly new release and is bound to be around for awhile. Buy this one sooner than later, the music is that good.

I just picked up the Mobley Mosaic about a month ago. Haven't cracked it open yet so I can't comment. Saving this one for a rainy day.

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I do not think that you can go wrong with any of those options, although I do not yet have the Stanley Turrentine and I will not have the Anita O'Day (probably - hopefully) until tomorrow.

I do not know whether the Mobley Mosaic or the Anita O'Day Mosaic will end up being around longer - it could be pretty close. I do know that the Anita O'Day set was released five years ago this coming summer, and that the Verve Stuff Smith set ended up being available for only five years. Yes, I realize that there apparently was some kind of screw up at Mosaic, but I am unsure whether Mosaic would have been able to extend this particular lease lease even had they been on top of things - a lot here may hinge on Verve's reissue plans as well as, perhaps, Ms. O'Day herself.

Putting these considerations aside, most fans of jazz vocals seem to rate the O'Day set highly. Moreover, there is something to be said for Vajerzy's tactic of going after the highest priced set with your gift certificate - you will only be out of pocket $44.00 plus shipping whereas a later purchase will set you back more than $150.00.

Edited by Edward
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I picked up the Mulligan Concert Band box in Taiwan which are widely available at US%%. I am not a very big fan of Mulligan over the last few years but this box proves me wrong. Both the music and the sound are exquisite. Bob is the arranger and a major part of the credit must go towards him. I have no hestitation to recommend this box. Besides, a majoity of the tracks had not been reissued. Highly recommended.

I only had two other M Boxes - O'Day and Duke. I love the O'Day and was listening to it last evening. Still, the Mulligan Box should be rated higher.

As for the other BN artists, they will be further down the ladder for me. Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of BN but I had got all the reissued CDs of the individual artists concerned and I will prefer to reserve my ammunition for new reissed stuff.

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