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So howsabout Chris catching Adrianna snithching (her shit is not together enough to go on undetected forever) and getting ready to wack her when she tells him that Tony was lying, that he really DID try to fuck her that night? He believes it, because he believes it now, dep down, all apearances to the contrary.

So Chris turns snitch to get back at tony, only both him and Adriana get caught. Blood flows and tears are shed. Tony again destroys the things he loves and inches a another step closer to incurable madness.

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I enjoyed last night but it bordered on sitcom.

It was definitely sitcom'y, that's what I alluded at. As New Jersey Turns..

One important point from last night's episode, imo. Right now Adriana is in a unique position to bring down the whole organization. Is she going to do it because she wants to get Chrissy out, will she do it to get back at Chrissy for humiliating her? I think she's going to play a key role from now on. What do you think?


Bad shit is coming.

What I don't like is that the producers/writers stopped concentrating on what the characters do for money and started to concentrate on the personalities. If I want to see ulcerative colitis I'll tune into ER...


They were on the right track up until lastnight.

Who was the writer?

Posted (edited)

Yeah...the worst so far this season. The Sopranos is the greatest series on TV imo, but now and then they simply tread water.

I guess the mai points were:

A: That life for Carmela is not much better without Tony than with.

B: Tony Blundetto can't and won't stay straight...but this point was made in an awkward and ultimately unrealistic fashion. The beating of the Korean store owner was in left field. It was just too far out, a non-sequitor, there to show us that a leopard can't change spots. The writing wasn't up to the usual standards.

Edited by Harold_Z

Yeah...the worst so far this season. The Sopranos is the greatest series on TV imo, but now and then they simply tread water.

Yeah. Tony was in like 3 or 4 scenes.

I don't know if I'll go on watching if they're going to go on with the whole "Carmela the doubting catholic" soap opera.

Does anyone else think Tony Blundetto -- Steve Buscemi isn't quite working out in his role? Guy is just doo damn non-mob loooking.


The switch in Tony B from ex-con trying to go straight to thug was a little too abrupt- it seemed as if he had it going pretty well as a civilian. I was already thinking of some subplots for Mr. Kim's daughter when Tony B. beat the living daylights out Mr. Kim.

Tony B. did mention Keith Jarrett as good music to play in his prospective massage parlor.

Loved Paulie Walnuts warning Tony B. to remember Pearl Harbor! :D


Tonight sucked, imo. :tdown

Yup. The beating of the Korean man didn't even make sense.

But I was glad to see Tony S. shake the snot out of AJ. Spoiled little slacker. I also noted how the counselor was pulling strings for AJ. I loved the reference to AJ as "Fredo."


Does anyone else think Tony Blundetto -- Steve Buscemi isn't quite working out in his role? Guy is just doo damn non-mob loooking.

Yea, it's a stretch.

Major disappointment lastnight. :angry:


"It's tough doing business with strangers."

Ok, I freely admit to finding "profundity" where none was intended, but that strikes me as a very profound statement, and not just in the context of the show.



didja' notice that Tony Blundetto's girlfriend was played by the same actress who plays (played?) Gina on Sesame Street? It took me a while to notice, but it sure is.


I don't think that the massage parlor sub-plot had that much momentum or promise. Though it was abrupt, I think that Buscemi (sp.) opting out of civilian life will eventually pay dividends for us viewers. With it being the last season, the most we could've hoped for at the massage joint was Mr. Kim's daughter joining the action.


Mr. Kim's daughter seems to have a bit of "street attitude", and I'd not be surprised to see her back as Tony B's new girlfriend, nor to see the massage parlor continue on as a front (or maybe even as a massage parlor of the OTHER kind). Mr. Kim's already doing business w/Tony S vis-a-vis the union situation, remember.


I dunno...it's a few disappointing episodes in a row for me. I'm not looking for a shootout each show, but the lack of continuity is annoying me. Don't get me wrong - I still think it's the best thing on tv, but It's not living up to it's own standard - unless they deliver a super episode tying it all in. It still keeps me totoally involved.

Thank the powers that be that Tony didn't make it with Polly when she sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY....as great as she looked back in the day - NOW'S THE TIME.

The writers still seem to be making the point that Tony is slipping further into dissipation and lack of control. he really didn't handle the Phil Leotardo scene to well...and here is one of the major points I've been following reinforced. The scene wher Phil says to Johnny Sack with raised eyebrows ".... New Jersey ??"

Johnny is the main cat Tony has to watch. In the first season he doesn't appear, but Livia mentions him in passing... "That snake Johnny Sack"......


It was a better episode than last week. There's a lot of psyche stuff going on with Tony, but I think it's being handled in a heavy handed manner.

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