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See my edit from before you replied. 

Asian = race

Japanese = nationality

I'm always available should you have any more pressing questions. 

BTW, had an otherwise intelligent and thoughtful cat tell me at work today that the KKK has never killed anyone. 

So, yes. My tolerance for bullshit is at an all time low right now. 

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That's why facts and context and nuance matter, because without them, people jump to all kinds of simplistic/stupid/uninformed conclusions and stay stuck on stupid. And stay stuck.


And the other villain in the story is the numbskull holding his or her cellphone up in the air making the video, without the slightest consideration of the people sitting behind.

Posted (edited)

Could have just as easily been holding it in front of his/her face. We don't know the floor layout of the room. 

Though I am wondering if the kids actions fall under the "chesty teenager" garbage Jim was peddling earlier. Sure looks like he was acting like a jackass.

Edited by Scott Dolan

You get a field full of straw-men when you take an isolated news article and auto-project a scenario onto it before getting further evidence.

Even worse is then talking that projection as a mandate to proclaim general moral outrage just because hey, I read where this and that and this and that.





1 hour ago, Scott Dolan said:


So in other words we shouldn't have taken anything from that article as gospel, nor used it to inform our opinions? 

Do I have that straight? 

Like everything else in this thread, no.

There was an article, yes. Hopefully you already have the opinion that hitting children is bad.

What you didn't have until today is evidence of what really happened.

Now you can have an informed opinion, not about hitting children, but about this specific incident.

I take that attitude about pretty much all news, be it homicide, zoning laws, BAD HOMBRES!!! I already have general opinions, but if you want me to have an opinion past that, give me the details, don't expect my blood to boil just because BAD HOMBRES!!! Because of course there are BAD HOMBRES!!! and no, I don't like BAD HOMBRES!!! but past that, what are you asking of me, exactly, and what are you giving to me to get that from me?

Past that, though, if it tuned out that this kid was some warrior teendrummer who was disrespecting Hino (and maybe had been all along, they'd worked together for a month), and Hino just stopped the shit cold went upside his head instead of opening up on him, then yeah, I wouldn't condone that, but my outrageometer would maybe bubble a few times and then quiet back down (and if you don't know the difference between going upside somebody's head and opening up on them, then, hey, not my problem).

This obviously, is not that. But until we saw the video, we did not know that. Now we do.

Now I will be outraged to the full extent that voicing outrage on a specialist bulletin board about an incident that happened had a world away between an old man and one of his students will have an effect.  Where have you gone Johnny E?


Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, JSngry said:

Maybe Hino had a Lesson From An Elder to impart (the boy's parents thanked him, don't overlook that crucial fact when interpreting the WTF?)

That's really interesting, isn't it?! You, and only you, were able to ferret out THE one and only crucial fact in this article! And why, gosh darn it, it coincidentally helped you prove your point! What are the odds?! 

Yes, you proved how full of shit you were with your "emotional response" insults yesterday, but I figured I'd let you continue to dig that hole all by your lonesome while the rest of us reveled in your amusing hypocrisy. 

You won't because you lack the self-awareness and discipline needed, but you should keep this little incident in mind the next time you take it upon yourself to play smartest person in the room. Because the dirty little secret is that you just might not be. 

Edited by Scott Dolan

The video is grainy so I was wondering if I saw it right... Hino grabbed the kid's sticks and threw them away and they kid kept up his solo with his hands or a back up pair of sticks? Not having been on the bandstand in many decades, is that the musical equivalent of the middle finger? Not that it justifies what he did... I'm just curious if that's what happened.


The musical equivalent of the middle finger takes many forms...that might be one of them. Or it might have been a show of determination. But they had been working together for a month, so I would allow for the possibility (which is not the same as having an emotional response, btw) that this was not the first time the two had "artistic differences", in which case, kid, you're NOT Terumasa Hino, ok, you're not here to teach HIM, dig? Then again, Maybe Terumasa Hino is just an old man who's losing his shit. I'll allow for that possibility as well.

BTW - this thread has afforded me the opportunity to add "Teramasu" to my board spell-check dictionary.So, something good comes from even the worst tragedy.


One lesson the kid should have learned is that if a bandleader takes your sticks away from you, just stop cold and stare at him. The next move is on him, and he's going to at some point have to say oh, yeah, we gotta start playing again. A variant of a lesson I learned working with a really nutso party band leader who would just start ranting at the band after a number, but never at anybody in particular, it was just this really rabid monologue, usually we were on a platform but this one night we were direct on the floor, and people were really looking at this guy, like, it was getting really uncomfortable, so I finally spoke up and said dude, what's the next tune, and that snapped him out of it. Lesson learned. But if I had been a teenager, lord know what I would have done...I might have engaged him in his rant and then...shudder...

Still, when a headliner takes your sticks away from you, that's more than just a hint, right? Kinda like when you sit in and the whole band stops playing after a few choruses...seen that happen too, and the guy was talking afterwards about how they had to lay out because they couldn't keep up with him....jeesh, somebody should have slapped THAT motherfucker, he was a grown man.


Kind of makes you wonder what happened throughout the previous month. These were obviously two incompatible personalities that, 1. Needed a hell of a lot more time together to work out their differences or, 2. Just weren't going to work, period. 

I guess kudos to both for seeing it through to the bitter end. It's just too bad that end had to be as bitter as it was. Neither came out of that looking very good. 

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