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Hi guys,

An Israeli friend asked me a Q regarding Jackie Mac and I need your help on that: Is Jackie Mac fit to play these days? How are his gigs? does he still have chops left?

My friend is participating in a Jazz festival committee and they are considering to ask Jackie Mac to play in Tel Aviv. I heard rumors that he's not healthy and rather unpredictable.

Is it true, or is it just an ugly rumor?



Posted (edited)

I don't know about Jackie, I'm afraid. He was supposed to play here in Kansas City in (I think it was) March of 2002. He supposedly got to the airport to get on the plane, but didn't feel up to the trip - or somehow got sick at the airport.

I've heard other other cases where he's missed gigs in the past couple years. And I'm sure I've heard feedback from people who have heard him at gigs too - so it's not like he's missing every gig he gets booked for.

Has anyone here heard Jackie in the last 3 years???

I heard him about 7 years ago, here in Kansas City, and he seemed in good health then - but 7 years is quite a long time. His playing 7 years ago was top notch.

Somebody should get 'hardbop' over here from AAJ, and get his input on this question. He seems to get to every jazz show in NYC (or at least the one's that are conservative enough for him), and I'm sure if Jackie's played in NYC anytime in the last 2 years - 'hardbop' was there.

Edited by Rooster_Ties

As far as I know Jackie Mc Leans public performances during the last years

sometimes have been quite satisfactory, sometimes below par, sometimes have not happened at all - and there are some health problems involved.

But I can understand Tel Aviv wants him for their festival, when he's good, he's smoking.

I too think Hardbop maybe will know more about this, so why don't you just go to the discussion forum on http://www.allaboutjazz.com and ask him, send him a PM or mail?


I'd still take a chance on Jackie, years before I'd ever book Freddie Hubbard these days.

I understand Hubbard's track-record over the last 5-10 years is pretty spotty, and that might be putting it kindly. I tried to catch Freddie in St. Louis about 10 years ago, for a 4-night gig (Wed-Sat), I think he only played one hour on the Wed. show (which I missed), and then didn't show at all for the other three. (Actually, what I heard was that he played the heads of most of the tunes, and only three short solos on that Wed. night show - and then didn't play the last set at all.)

He (meaning Freddie) missed a Kansas City gig here 6 or 7 years ago too - just never made it, and from what I heard, he never gave any good reason for missing the gig.


Anyway, back to Jackie... As long as there isn't too much 'up-front' money involved (non-refundable), and the airfair to fly him there isn't too expensive - I'd say maybe take a chance on Jackie. Just make sure you pay for an extra hotel night for him, one night before you need him. I'd imagine that an overseas flight light that would take a lot out of him. Hell, it takes a bunch out of me - the three times I've been overseas - and I was in my 20's and 30's each time.

The other thing is that if he's questionable for gigs these days, and he knows it, then he might be less likely to agree to even take an overseas gig, where the logistics are more complicated, etc...

Good luck, and let us know how it turns out.


Not sure about the past few years but when I last saw him in LA and Western canada about 6 years ago he was in excellent form, very approachable and very appreciative of the receptive audiences. He was certainly keen to get his message across so good luck with the arrangements for this Fest.

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