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Estate sale...


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This reminds me of a thread that someone else started awhile ago about his last will and testament as regards to his CD collection.

Personally, when I'm dead and gone I don't care if my family gets $2 per CD or $20.  What difference does it make?  I'm dead.

Why are you freaked out that a fellow music lover might get a nice Mosaic box set at a bargain price from your family after you're gone ?

Because, they will then go and sell it at a higher price. If they were to keep it for themselves, I cool with that. I know someone who did buy a large collection from an estate sale at a real low price, and he went and so most of it on ebay for a lot more.

To which I reply, so what? Lots of people make a buck off of you when you die. Shit, my mom's funeral cost almost $13,000 and she had the simplest headstone you can buy.

The world keeps turning after your long gone... CDs are just things anyway. You don't "own" the music so why are you so possessive with it?

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The world keeps turning after your long gone... CDs are just things anyway. You don't "own" the music so why are you so possessive with it?

Yeah, my aunt passed away. She didn't spend her money, over 1 million in HP stock. Her house was so full of junk, that you could barely walk thru it. Mainly clothes and jewelry that she bought and never used. Lots of stuff still in the box. Even cash in misc evelops/letters.


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You might not "own" the music, but you do own the cd/lp/sacd/dvd or whatever media. So if you'd rather that your family acted responsibly when selling it, or in a more informed way...you're not doing anything but trying to help them maximize those assets. I don't see what is so trivial about wanting to insure that your family will be more comfortable after you're gone.

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Here's my proposal:

Since I'm one of the youngest regular posters on this board I think that every single one of you should donate, at least, 25% of your collection to me upon dying. After all, when all of you people have kicked the can I'll still be holding it down at organissimo.org. Hell, by that time, I may even be the moderator here.

So come on now...be a pal! Pass your knowledge on to the younger generation!

This means you (insert name)!!!!!!! :g

P.S. My girlfriend doesn't particularly like jazz either, and hates my spending. MEH...

Edited by undergroundagent
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I'm a single guy and after seeing some of the responses on this thread the appeal of staying that way is increasing.

:g Word! being single rules!

Damn, I have 1000 cds, which means over the last 10+ years I have spent a fair bit, but not at once! Many were bought used, given as gifts, bought on the cheap from working at Borders....Ask the misses why she doesn't buy used clothes at the goodwill, get some non-name brand make-up, brown bag it to work...suggest a willingness to cut their hair to save some money! ;)

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