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Posted (edited)

I guess I need to go back and see how they reviewed Pulp Fiction, Scarface,  Goodfellas and the other 10,000 or so bloody films out there to see if those movies rated that same "gratuitous violence"  -- or is it just Gibson who had the target on his back, so they might as well pile on?

You may have a point. The only films except Kill Bill that I remember everybody pointing out the violence in them have been Gibson films: especially Payback and Braveheart. Though Gibson seems to get tortured in most of his films.

Edited by medjuck
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Report: Woman dies watching 'Passion'

Thursday, February 26, 2004 Posted: 10:55 AM EST (1555 GMT)

CHICAGO, Illinois (Reuters) -- A woman died of an apparent heart attack Wednesday while watching the climactic crucifixion scene in "The Passion of the Christ" at a morning showing in Wichita, Kansas, a television station reported.

The film was stopped and a nurse in attendance went to the woman's side, KAKE-TV in Wichita reported.

"It was the highest emotional part of the movie," a spokeswoman for the station said. A crew from the station was at the special showing, which was sponsored by the ClearChannel Radio chain.

The Wichita Eagle newspaper, on its Web site, identified the woman as Peggy Scott, 56, a sales manager for two local radio stations.

Employees at KAKE-TV said they knew the woman as Peggy Law, adding they did not think she had any pre-existing health problems.

The woman was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital, where a spokesman would only say she had been attending a movie. The county coroner's office said an autopsy would be performed.

Mel Gibson's film, which opened Wednesday, has been both criticized and praised for its violent, bloody portrayal of Christ's final hours.


I'm no fan of Gibson, nor am I Christian, and will probably not go see this movie as I'm sure I'd find it horrifying. But, know what?, a crucifiction ain't a walk in the park so I'm not sure what else the film coul've been other than what it is, especially since it's trying to make an impact on viewers inured to violence in other films. Nonetheless, there may be some picking on Mel, but the critics may also be just trying to cover their asses so no one can come back and say 'you didn't tell me it was gonna be so bloody gorey'. Jeez, do think this is ambivilent enough?


I'm a bit curious about seeing it, but the wife has no interest, so it isn't going to make our list of movies to check out, I'm afraid. We don't catch flicks often enough to get to the ones that only one of us wants to see...

Note to Gibson haters: Bite me; Braveheart was a blast!! :P:g


Report: Woman dies watching 'Passion'

Thursday, February 26, 2004 Posted: 10:55 AM EST (1555 GMT)

CHICAGO, Illinois (Reuters) -- A woman died of an apparent heart attack Wednesday while watching the climactic crucifixion scene in "The Passion of the Christ" at a morning showing in Wichita, Kansas, a television station reported.

The film was stopped and a nurse in attendance went to the woman's side, KAKE-TV in Wichita reported.

"It was the highest emotional part of the movie," a spokeswoman for the station said. A crew from the station was at the special showing, which was sponsored by the ClearChannel Radio chain.

The Wichita Eagle newspaper, on its Web site, identified the woman as Peggy Scott, 56, a sales manager for two local radio stations.

Employees at KAKE-TV said they knew the woman as Peggy Law, adding they did not think she had any pre-existing health problems.

The woman was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital, where a spokesman would only say she had been attending a movie. The county coroner's office said an autopsy would be performed.

Mel Gibson's film, which opened Wednesday, has been both criticized and praised for its violent, bloody portrayal of Christ's final hours.

Woman dies watching 'Passion' - this is total bullshit. I can't believe it. How do they know that the film caused the heart attack?! Unbelievable. It's great that they published this bullshit even before the autopsy.


Woman dies watching 'Passion' - this is total bullshit. I can't believe it. How do they know that the film caused the heart attack?! Unbelievable. It's great that they published this bullshit even before the autopsy.

They don't need an autopsy, there are rapid method tests for this sort of thing. They probably detected negative cinematic reaction enzymes in her blood.

You don't seriously think they would (even implicitly) blame the movie without direct evidence, do you?




I'd also like to heckle it! :D During the sermon on the mount I could shout: "Did he just say "blessed are the cheesemakers?"" "Blessed are the Greek?" And then sing "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" from "Life of Brian" during the crucifixion....

:rolleyes: Hey, when you saw "Gandhi," during one of his hunger protests, did you shout out to the screen, "Hey have a Cheeseburger, tell everyone how good cow is!" Or, "Being under British rule isn't that damn bad!"

Can I sit right next to you at a jazz concert someday, and at the top of my lungs shout "FREEBIRD!" with a lighter in my right hand? :P


They might. That would make a better news story than the continually sinking economy, the biggest deficit ever, more American deaths in Iraq . . . . :wacko:

Hey, getting better! :tup You made several posts before going back to politics! :P

Posted (edited)

They might.  That would make a better news story than the continually sinking economy, the biggest deficit ever, more American deaths in Iraq . . . . :wacko:

Lon - I get the impression you won't be voting Republican in the upcoming election. :g

Edited by undergroundagent

Just saw O'Reilly talking about it on tv. Seemed to be implying that the Jews were out to get Mel. Actually that may be unfair. Perhaps I should say that I inferred from what he said that the Jews were out to get Mel. Kept comparing the criticism of the film to what he considered the lack of criticism of Scorscese over Last Temptation. He conveniently ignored that that was because the Jews at MCA took all the heat: pickets, threats and a bullet through their window.


No antisemitism?

From Reuters:

Denver Church 'Passion' Sign Provokes Protest

DENVER (Reuters) - A Denver Pentecostal church named "Lovingway" put up a sign that read "Jews killed the Lord Jesus," prompting about 100 people to march outside the church to protest the message before it was taken down.

The sign in front of the Lovingway United Pentecostal Church was put up on Wednesday, the same day the controversial movie "The Passion of the Christ" opened in cinemas across the United States.

Jewish groups have said the film, produced and directed by actor Mel Gibson, blames the crucifixion of Jesus on Jews. They fear the movie will spark anti-Semitism.

The 73-year-old pastor of the Denver church, Maurice Gordon, defended the sign and said it was aimed at encouraging people to read the Bible.

"It would be hateful if it pointed at anybody alive today. But this has been part of the record of 2,000 years," he told the Rocky Mountain News.

In 1993, when Pope John Paul II visited Denver for World Youth Day, the same Pentecostal church put up a sign that read "The anti-Christ is coming," a Denver television station reported.

Rev. B.E. Hale, Colorado district superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church International, apologized for the Denver church's sign, saying its message did not reflect the attitude of other Pentecostal churches in the group toward Jews.

"The United Pentecostal Church International believes that all of humanity was complicit in His crucifixion. According to our belief, neither the Jews nor the Romans had the power to kill Jesus. Jesus by his own admission laid down his life for the salvation of all humankind," the statement said.

The sign was taken down by church members on Wednesday night.


No antisemitism?

From Reuters:

Denver Church 'Passion' Sign Provokes Protest

DENVER (Reuters) - A Denver Pentecostal church named "Lovingway" put up a sign that read "Jews killed the Lord Jesus," prompting about 100 people to march outside the church to protest the message before it was taken down.

The sign in front of the Lovingway United Pentecostal Church was put up on Wednesday, the same day the controversial movie "The Passion of the Christ" opened in cinemas across the United States.

Jewish groups have said the film, produced and directed by actor Mel Gibson, blames the crucifixion of Jesus on Jews. They fear the movie will spark anti-Semitism.

The 73-year-old pastor of the Denver church, Maurice Gordon, defended the sign and said it was aimed at encouraging people to read the Bible.

"It would be hateful if it pointed at anybody alive today. But this has been part of the record of 2,000 years," he told the Rocky Mountain News.

In 1993, when Pope John Paul II visited Denver for World Youth Day, the same Pentecostal church put up a sign that read "The anti-Christ is coming," a Denver television station reported.

Rev. B.E. Hale, Colorado district superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church International, apologized for the Denver church's sign, saying its message did not reflect the attitude of other Pentecostal churches in the group toward Jews.

"The United Pentecostal Church International believes that all of humanity was complicit in His crucifixion. According to our belief, neither the Jews nor the Romans had the power to kill Jesus. Jesus by his own admission laid down his life for the salvation of all humankind," the statement said.

The sign was taken down by church members on Wednesday night.

Yeah, saw this on ABC (Very briefly) as well...I imagine this "pastor" has a sheet or two hanging in his closet as well....


What's interesting about this whole issue (hatred of Jews for killing Jesus) is that on the one hand, it can be seen like the killing of any other gentle and loving soul, like Gandhi or MLK. It sucks. But as far as Christians are concerned, the death of Jesus is said to have been an act of atonement between man and God that had to happen in order for believers to be absolved of sin. Is that not the bottom line designation to call oneself a Christian--the belief that Jesus was the Son of God, and that He died for our sins? So if that's really the case, then whomever was responsible for bringing about the crucifixtion was simply playing the role assigned to them by fate, and should be absolutely forgiven by all Christians for all time! Especially if Jesus himself forgave them--"Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do."


I'm actually torn about whether or not to see this.  On the one hand, I don't want to give Mel Gibson my money, mainly because I think his reasons for making "The Passion" are far from pure. 

You can always do what another poster (from another board) did...that is, see it at a multiplex, only pay for another movie ticket, and then stroll into the Passion. This way you can donate to "Barbershop 2" or whatever strikes your fancy.

I agree that it is a loathsome prospect to contribute to Gibson's deranged thinly veiled piece of pornography.

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