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Posted (edited)

No news, no streaming sucks; espcially tonight I missed beloved Sharif Abdus Salaam 6-9 pm & though it's remarkable there's a total blackout on this from WKCR itself, one hopes that's on the strong suggestion of whomever is negotiating there way out of this mess.

Meanwhile, was hipped to this from Phil Schaap Facebook a few years, a photograph which assurdedly does not suck--

left to right: Sonny Greer, Eddie Durham, Snub Mosley, Schaap.




Edited by MomsMobley

Seems like my radio is extra hissy, I haven't used it here in my apt years. Almost more noise than signal, I hope they resolve the situation soon.

No problems in the car.



Pace 7/4 above, I'd encourage anyone one Facebook or Twitter etc to keep sending up flares though it's important to realize noone involved with the station's programming, in any of its genres, can be pleased with this. The New York Times article obscured more than it clarified and appeared to be poorly edited too, like two articles-- one germane, one not-- jammed into one, both a mess. 

What's troubling is the quetion of HOW this happened and why, thus far, to WKCR alone?

Legal counsel or no, it's bizarre that the station can't address the issue in anything the vaguest way.

Is it the combo of over-the-air broadcasting, streaming + regular extended single artist programming: in addition to the Birthday Broadcasts, the memorials, the festivals?

Dig from the WKCR archives--






Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, JSngry said:

As far as streaming goes, my Live 365 stations are all still going, the ones that haven't gone VIP, yet, which most of them have. But Contemporary Classical remains.

Don't be surprised if your shows are gone after the end of the month.
Live 365 is in serious trouble these days. They've laid off most of their
employees and vacated their office. A few weeks ago, I contacted a
fellow I know with a Live 365 program that's been going for 16 years
(it revisits Triad Radio of 70's Chicago). I asked him if he'd heard the
news and he said that the show is gone at the end of the month.
He's considering another online platform.


Now playing: Olivier Messiaen - La Nativite du Seigneur (1935): (9) Dieu parmi nous

Edited by rostasi



As of January 1, 2016, WKCR has no longer been able to provide online programming. We are in the process of renegotiating the contract that allows us to legally stream our content over the Internet and will update you as soon as possible. We regret that we are unable to provide this service. WKCR will continue to broadcast on 89.9 FM and 89.9 HD 1 radio as we work towards a long-term solution.   Please address all further questions and concerns you may have to


facebook comment from 24 Sunday January 2016; that the station / university still saying nothing substantive remains bizarre / mysterious even if part of these erstwhile 'negotiations.'

Look, a lot of us are mystified about the cutoff of streaming. What's going on here? No, we're not just being whiners! Hundreds of radio stations big and small across the country continue to stream audio. Struggling, living-on-subsistence- rations WWFM-FM in Trenton, NJ continues to stream from the campus of Mercer County Community College. How is it just the station of Ivy League, NY-based, mighty Columbia University who has its hands tied when it comes to streaming? I am glad for the millions of folks who still live within your terrestrial signal, because WKCR is one of the great, storied radio stations in America. Please bring the stream back. Are negotiations in progress?

uh... uh-oh?


great that "Sound Exchange" is looking out for artists, composers etc... esp. with Roy Eldridge Birthday almost here...

because the sum of all other American radio stations / streams will play how much Roy Eldridge music that day? this year? etc etc

and I "knew" that WKCR's existence one result of Columbia '68 but didn't think of it because taken so (happily) for granted.

One thing I'd amplify from the above article is that Schaap's programming of single artists is NOT unique-- other hosts in any # of genres might do so-- there was just the annual Jobim fest & there are many many other non-annual examples... hell, according the Sound Exchange regulations below, they couldn't even stream a musicians' OWN recordings during the weekly Musician's Show  


...The three of interest here are no more than 4 tracks by the same featured artist (or from a compilation album) may be transmitted to the same listener within a 3 hour period (and no more than 3 of those tracks may be transmitted consecutively; no more than 3 tracks from the same album may be transmitted to the same listener within a 3 hour period (and no more than 2 of those tracks may be transmitted consecutively); [no content that allows] the listener a reasonable foreknowledge of the transmission of a specific sound recording at a specific date and time (e.g., by the use of a published advanced program, playlist, announcement, etc.). Source: http://www.soundexchange.com/service-provider/licensing-101/ 

  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/16/2016 at 0:51 AM, rostasi said:

Don't be surprised if your shows are gone after the end of the month.
Live 365 is in serious trouble these days. They've laid off most of their
employees and vacated their office. A few weeks ago, I contacted a
fellow I know with a Live 365 program that's been going for 16 years
(it revisits Triad Radio of 70's Chicago). I asked him if he'd heard the
news and he said that the show is gone at the end of the month.
He's considering another online platform.


Now playing: Olivier Messiaen - La Nativite du Seigneur (1935): (9) Dieu parmi nous

Yeah, dat shit ALL gone now. Pity, because I bought a lot of records after hearing it through their stations.

  • 1 month later...

I just created a 24/7 all jazz internet station using Radionomy (www.splankyradio.com) less than a month ago and we received notification that they were changing some of the broadcasting parameters to meet these new regulations.  I hope that takes care of it and that this doesn't jeopardize all the work I put into my station and website. :o

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

"We're Back Online!

Submitted by Sarah Thompson on Fri, 1 Jul 2016, 12:11pm

Thank you for your patience and support during the past months with regard to the issue of our online stream. We are excited to announce that our broadcasts are once again accessible in the form of a live stream at www.wkcr.org. We have been in the process of making technical and logistical changes to improve your listening experience and to ensure that WKCR can have a sustainable and consistent online presence in the future. One of these changes involves our playlists, which are enhanced to continuously display track and artist information for content as it is being broadcast. This new feature will be allow us to record and share the details of our programs in a more dependable and accessible way. In addition, we have improved our audio quality, and our listener capacity is now unlimited."



Edited by 7/4

I didn't realize they were back on the air till I turned on my internet radio, hit the preset button and out comes music or in this case the sound of drumbeats. Glad to have WKCR back online!!!

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
On 14/01/2016 at 8:01 PM, MomsMobley said:

...espcially tonight I missed beloved Sharif Abdus Salaam... 



I can attest that Sharif is a great guy. I was a guest on his show, and was treated royally, also the same when I ran into him afterwards. He is warm and positive, and, perhaps most importantly, plays artists deserving of airplay whom WBGO wouldn't touch. 


Edited by fasstrack
Posted (edited)

I wish KCR broadcasted jazz 24/7. Listening to WBGO right now, and they don't even come close to KCR's jazz programming. I do like Rhonda Hamilton---the host as I listen---she is knowledgeable and personable. But the playlist I can live without. They just played a ditzy Pat Metheny Brazilian composition, for example. 

Long live WKCR!

Edited by fasstrack
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

I'm five time zones away and don't get to tune in to WKCR often, particularly for Bird Flight.  This morning, Phil Schaap sounded like the KCR is on the verge of death.  It's a special fund raiser, beyond the usual fall and annual (as he described it). Okay, it's Phil Schaap.  Anyone have anyinsights; is the wolf at the door or what?

Unfortunately, no donations through M-Pesa or PayPal; will need to wait until I'm back to the US.

Edited by BeBop

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