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Anyone a fan?

Last night I saw the show where the whole show was dedicated to Charlie Murphy's (Eddies brother) true Hollywood stories in which he relates anticdotes about he and Rick James. They actually had Rick James on the show and he seemed to be verifying the stories, which were hilariously reenacted by Dave Chapelle ("I can't believe I'm here talking about Charlie Murphy kickin' my ass.") They kept inserting this clip of Rick saying " Cocaine is a helluva drug."

Is this really Eddie Murphy's brother and are these stories actually based on truth?

On another episode Charlie Murphy and his crew take on Prince and the Revolution in basketball and get blown out. "It's shirts vs blouses." Then Prince cooks pancakes.


hmmm ... can't find the DVD anywhere ... help?

I have only seen his show a few times, but I find it to be very biting and spot-on. Would love to have a DVD ...



hmmm ... can't find the DVD anywhere ... help?

I have only seen his show a few times, but I find it to be very biting and spot-on. Would love to have a DVD ...


It will be available Tuesday, February 24.

  • 1 month later...
Guest Chaney

An attorney ( :blink: ) I work for loves the Chappelle Show. Another (younger) attorney bought him the full first season set and he subsequently loaned same to me.

I've never seen the show and, to be honest, I expect to be underwhelmed. (I know of the show so I'm anticipating that the humor will not be to my liking.) I'm intrigued though as some on this board speak highly of Chappelle. (I've also never caught his stand up act.) (The attorney who loaned me the set is a bit of an ass -- a HUGE ass, truth be told -- so his recommendation means nothing -- less than nothing, actually.)

I've brewed a cup of coffee and I'm inserting DVD1 into the player.

EPISODE 1: Dave Chappelle plays America's most vicious blind white supremacist and unveils racy "bootie" videos starring Nat King Cole. <_<

See ya on the other side.


Posted (edited)

Did any of you guys catch the show over the weekend?

"The Time Haters travel back to the days of slavery, spewing racial epithets popularized by the great George Jefferson." :g

Edited by catesta
Guest Chaney

Just watched the first two ("uncensored") episodes -- EPISODE 2: Dave Chappelle plays a crack addict who visits an elementary school to give an anti-drug speech -- :tdown

I'd like to say that I'm probably too old to appreciate this type of humor but...

So, as I understand it, Chappelle's black? And he's making cogent observations on relations between the races? He's mocking his own people -- placing a mirror before them? LOOK at your behavior!


And, as I understand it, Ellen Degeneres is gay?

Got it.

Funniest bit? In the car, the (UNSCRIPTED! - ?) look on Chappelle's face when the young lady's breast jumps free from its restaint. Now THAT'S honesty. (Judging from the first two episodes, the show really should loosen up a bit and break free from the "sketch comedy" mold. Ad lib anyone? VERY rigid format.)

Isn't My Three Sons on now? :winky:

RichardPriorRichardPriorRichardPrior... :tup

(Don't mean to crap on your thread. :) )

  • 10 months later...

Did you guys see the episode with Wayne Brady?

That was the best episode of the Chapelle Show in my opinion.

Props to Wayne Brady for being able to make fun of himself on that show, especially after all the crap he's gotten. :tup


Don't know about the show, only seen it was...though it was o.k., nothing blew me away really. But I am growing tired of all my musician friends who think this is genius stuff, who quote lines from it ad nauseum. :wacko:


Did you guys see the episode with Wayne Brady?

That was the best episode of the Chapelle Show in my opinion.

Props to Wayne Brady for being able to make fun of himself on that show, especially after all the crap he's gotten. :tup

Hell yes. :g

The second season was much improved over the first.

Soul Stream I hear you. That shit can get old. I don't watch the show much anymore, I'm not even sure if he is in a new season or not.

But, this DVD will be worth picking up.

The Charlie Murphy skits are hilarious.


Did you guys see the episode with Wayne Brady?

That was the best episode of the Chapelle Show in my opinion.

Props to Wayne Brady for being able to make fun of himself on that show, especially after all the crap he's gotten.  :tup

Hell yes. :g

The second season was much improved over the first.

Soul Stream I hear you. That shit can get old. I don't watch the show much anymore, I'm not even sure if he is in a new season or not.

But, this DVD will be worth picking up.

The Charlie Murphy skits are hilarious.

I have the first season DVD and haven't seen too much of Season 2.

I'm glad to know it's better than the first. :g


one of my fav episodes was "the real real world"


"Bring me some juice, bitch...I'm thirsty!!!"

"And a Philly Blunt"

"And a banana cognac, byotch!!"


Wasn't that called "the MAD real world"?

  • 2 months later...

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