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Apparently a take of "Don't Worry 'Bout Me" was released on the Columbia promotional series that is a different take than the one found on either Jazz Goes To College or Storyville: 1954, this one being made around the same time, but at University of Cincinnati.

Has this take seen further reissue, legitimate or otherwise? Desmond seemed to be finding things in this tune during this time, and I'd like to hear this if it's out there.


Does this mean there's a piece of potentially great Desmond/Brubeck early-Columbia live work floating around that's never seen air except for this limited release 45?


If SONY would consider treating Monk and Brubeck like they treated Miles ... but now that we have those "Original Albums" box sets, I'm afraid we'll never get it. Go look for the 45. 


Apparently a take of "Don't Worry 'Bout Me" was released on the Columbia promotional series that is a different take than the one found on either Jazz Goes To College or Storyville: 1954, this one being made around the same time, but at University of Cincinnati.

Has this take seen further reissue, legitimate or otherwise? Desmond seemed to be finding things in this tune during this time, and I'd like to hear this if it's out there.

Checking Bruyninckx and Jepsen gives conflicting information but Bruyninckx gives one song/master credit for "University of Cinncinati" - master #CO 51323 Out of Nowhere on CL-566. This is directly between the 2 Columbia recordings of "Don't Worry".


I was using the admittedly hype-y liner notes to the Columbia Storyville LP as a source. In regards to "Don't Worry About Me' being hear on the LP for the third time, somebody (Avakian?) writes:

In going over the tapes made at Storyville, George Avakian was struck by the great contrast between the JGTC interpretation of Don't Worry  (recorded at a University of Michigan jazz concert) and the one made in Boston. Meanwhile, in answer to a request from George that he pick out something for a promotional record from among his unissued tapes, Dave (who was in Hollywood at the time) sent George in New York a version of Don't Worry which had been made at the University of Cincinnati...

...Dave and George resolved to release the Storyville version in this record and to put the Cincinnati one out as part of the "Priceless Editions" promotion of the summer of 1954. Alert record buyers were able to get this latter version free of charge during the promotion; it has never been put on sale and cannot be obtained now.

Now, such a 45 does exist, but is it really a third take that has more or less escaped general detection to this point, or was Columbia just making shit up? I mean, I could believe either scenario,





Posted (edited)

My experience is, you have to listen and compare - you cannot assume that discographers have listened to every item they list. Often things are listed and described only from written documentation, but in the end the only way to verify details of personnel or differences between takes is to get the disc and listen, and if necessary, make audio diagrams if aural comparison does not work (in most cases, it does). That's what I had to do to verify differences between takes or versions of certain Cal Tjader items while compiling his discography - or, in some cases, their identity. It really is the only way. I could tell you in detail about several examples.

General discographers like Bruninckx, Lord, even Jepsen, cannot listen to every item they list. Specialised discographers do, if they are serious about their work. Send an e-mail to the person who runs the Dave Brubeck Jazz site and ask. Perhaps he can provide a copy, If not, get yourself the 45.

p.s. That Brubeck site is made with a lot of love and care, but he is not accurate in every detail. When researching Cal Tjader's biography, Duncan Reid and I had doubts that Tjader played on the first Brubeck Octet sessions from 1946 - there is a down beat interview from 1966 where Tjader states he joined the group in 1948 and "maybe Joe Dodge" was the drummer before him. Duncan interviewed Iola Brubeck and found other documents (a photograph, among others) giving evidence that Dick Saltzman was the Octets's drummer before Tjader. John Bolger doesn't seem to be aware of this or the Brubeck Trio test pressing John Harrod found. He hasn't read Duncan Reid's book with my discography ... it so easily happens. I will send him an e-mail and tell him.

Go get yourself the 45 and listen.

Edited by mikeweil

I wondered about that too, but the seller posted an image of both sides of the 45. It's Brubeck on both, and that Harry James a typo.

I hope...

Now I'm wondering what this "Priceless Editions" promo was that Columbia ran in the summer of 1954, where they were giving away these records, not selling them. That's a quaint notion in these days of major label freeophobia.


Listen, compare, and let us know! It can be a frustrating experience, like I had when I listen to a Nick Esposito 78 in the studio while it was transferred, and it turned out he didn't even play on it, or it can be very satisfying, like when I finally got a rare Tjader 45 of Afro Blue and it was indeed a different take that never was reissued. 

You'll be the first to verify it is a different take (it takes musical ears sometimes that most discographers do not have) - do you have the other two versions at hand?


You'll be the first to verify it is a different take (it takes musical ears sometimes that most discographers do not have) - do you have the other two versions at hand?

Sure do.

BTW They also played Don't Worry at Newport in '55 and it's available for a listen or download at  Wolfgang's Vault. 


You know, that's a song I've always liked, in every regard. And nobody really plays it anymore, which I understand, but still...good song, good melody, good changes, good lyrics.


On a side note, has the jukebox/45 edit of "Take Five" ever been released on cd? Love that version...

Interesting question...apparently not?

And while doing a quick Google search about that,, this came up: http://forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/brubecks-time-out-why-no-mono-mix-on-cd.396977/#post-11438155

And while they're at it, they should also re-release the singles in mono. The mono single of "Take Five" is not only a different edit, but also a different mix, with thunderous bass at the beginning.


Which, come to think about it, jibes with every time I've heard the tune on a jukebox, and, really, with 45s in general different mixes than LPs, built to pop and boom.


The 45 arrived today, 30 minutes ago. So far, have only played the A-Side (Brubeck intro + Desmond solo), definitely a different take than the JGTC & Storyville:1954 versions, at least for the A-Side, going to assume the same of the B-Side. Discographers, take note.

Also take note that the Storyville take is in need of pitch correction, going back to the original LP.


B-Side is a full Brubeck solo edited into a Desmond last-half-of-the-melody statement to take it out. Probably missing is some improvised counterpoint or some such.

It's an ok performance, definitely the lesser of the three version, but they're all three pretty different in terms of content. This band really improvised more than it might have seemed, and not just Desmond. This 45 take is almost cocktail-y in vibe. Almost.

And/So....in spite of what Avakian(?) claims in those liner notes, it does not sound like a concert recording, it sounds like a club recording, quite possibly at Storyville, in which case that recent 3-CD EuroMusiPorn collection collection of Complete Storyville recordings with all the buttloads of seemingly genuinely previously unreleased (at least they're not listed at http://www.jazzdisco.org/dave-brubeck/discography/ ) Storyville performances would still be short one track. Crazy, Chris!

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