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Blue Note on blu ray: maybe put the entire artist catalogs on a few discs?

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Totally agree and concur: to justify investing in what is a de facto new format from a hi-fi perspective, they need to introduce the wow factor and the complete back-catalogue on a label i.e. Blue Note offers this.


According to this website, a BluRay disc can hold ~50 GB of data which would be enough storage for about 70 audio CDs. BluRay Audio is typically done at a higher resolution (24 bit/192 kHz). When you master audio at high resolution, the resulting files are bigger than CD audio so the number would be much less than 70.


Yeah, I don't think it would happen either, like having The Complete Horace Silver Blue Note Sessions but it'd be nice if it happened.  The releases on HDTracks are great because it's getting stuff out there, but some of the choices like "Sweet Lou" and "Sassy Soul Strut" are odd to release so early, yes they've never been reissued domestically, but who is going to buy those at HDTracks? I don't see crate diggers--who'd have more interest in those albums than us forking over $17.98 for a high res download when they can go seek out the original vinyl fairly cheaply


It would not be much better than downloading the whole available catalogue from iTunes or such. All the same, the feeling of album as an artefact is lost.

Sambrasa, I used to feel that way also, but when I started ripping my CD's in full quality to my laptop, I enjoy having everything right there for convenience and not have to dig for stuff, particularly since I'm moving soon.  That said I still do have my entire physical CD collection, digital versions are not a substitute to me for physical product, but the convenience factor is great.


If somebody who's, like, 15 today is ever going to buy jazz on a digital disc, wouldn't it be for as comprehensive an inventory-per-item as could be had?

Look at all the EuroMusiPorn 8000 Classic Albums On ONE Baloney Sandwich collections out there now, the only way for original rights holders to compete is to offer more music at better quality for a same-enough-ish price.

Or are original rights holders even thinking about that? Maybe they're just trying to gimmicksqueeze the last profits out of their holdings before everybody "our" age/demographic/buying habits dies and leaves our kids mammoth stockpiles of objects nobody wants full of content people can already get otherwise?


Right Jim, and offer some cool things for new fans to the genre, scans of the LP labels, maybe press on certain albums.........  I wish the HDTracks downloads had that, original label scans, liners, etc........

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