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Edward Greenfield RIP

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Edward Greenfield obituary

Back in the late 70s when I first became interested in classical music and was using Gramophone and the Penguin guide as navigational instruments, Greenfield was someone I really enjoyed reading. Reviews were still dominated by 'Look what a fine fellow I am because I'm so discriminating, so hard to please' types; Greenfield was a breath of fresh air, just keen to communicate the enjoyment music gave him. 

I love this quote from the Guardian obituary:

Critics, he wrote, are “expected to be sour. I would much prefer it if, instead of ‘critic’, we could find a crisp word meaning ‘one who appreciates’ … My own consistent belief is that the music critic must aim at appreciation above all, trying never to let the obvious need for analysis in nitpicking detail get in the way of enjoyment … My aim always is to go to a concert, or put on a CD, wanting to like.”


Edited by A Lark Ascending
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