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CD Antitrust Litigation

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Got my check in the mail yesterday -- $13.86!! Could have sworn I signed my wife up too, but no check for her - so maybe I didn't.

Maybe it was my parents I signed up (each of them), so I called my Dad last night, to tell him that the junk-mail-looking check he gets in the mail this week, is actually real money.

On a semi-related note --- my wife and I went to this marketing bullshit thing about a month ago (on a Friday night), where we watched two half-hour "pilots" for supposed TV shows that were in development (and were they ever bad!!!), but what they really want you to see are their test adverts, and then you fill out this huge marketing survey about products you use, and don't use. Something like 300 people were at this thing, and that night they drew four names out of a hat -- and my wife's name got picked. They said she'd be getting a "valuable prize, worth approximately $50" in the mail -- so keep our eyes out for her "valuable prize". Right, sure, "valuable" my foot. <_<

We're thinking that it's gonna be the worst "piece-of-junk" suitcase/duffle-bag, or a couple bottles of $3 perfume ("worth $50 at retail"), or some such bullshit. But no!!! The same day as my CD settlement check arrives, my wife gets a check in the mail from the marketing agency for $50, no strings attached!!! Cool beans!!! B)

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I haven't gotten my check yet.

But I received a voucher from BMG club for 75% off a single CD w/free shipping/handling. (that's $4.50)

BMG voucher states that if you bought 1-5 regular priced CD - you get 1 at 75% off.

Purchased 6-10 - you get 2 at 75% off.

Purchased 11 or more - you get 3 at 75% off.

BMG is depending on your honesty, I assume. I usually just purchase 1 at the regular price to fullfill my membership requirements, then cancel. So I guess I'll request 1 CD.

(my wife also got a BMG voucher) :g

Edited by Tjazz
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I have posted about this before - probably back at the old house. I think the suit was a big mistake and a perversion on justice.

If your favorite music store is gone now and you filed for a check, look in the mirror. You be part of the problem.

I took a bunch of shit for my position then and expect it now.

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Got my check the other day and then proceeded to rant at whoever was within earshot (think it was my 5 yo) about what a complete waste of time it was for the AGs to go after this. Or were they just the conduit for the checks - was this brought by private attorneys? Anyway, the American system of justice at its worst, IMHO. They don't have anything better to do???


PS - Spon - are you on the KS or MO side? The AG is KS is a loon ...

Edited by Eric
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I have posted about this before - probably back at the old house. I think the suit was a big mistake and a perversion on justice.

If your favorite music store is gone now and you filed for a check, look in the mirror. You be part of the problem.

I took a bunch of shit for my position then and expect it now.

I'd like to hear your position.

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I have posted about this before - probably back at the old house. I think the suit was a big mistake and a perversion on justice.

If your favorite music store is gone now and you filed for a check, look in the mirror. You be part of the problem.

I took a bunch of shit for my position then and expect it now.

Welcome to the bullshit world of class action lawsuits, Chuck.

The financial world gets hit with them all the time and all they do is drive up cost for the consumer, without providing any real restitution for victims.

Man, if I could get my hands on a class action lawyer, I'd....and I'd.... and I'd.... :angry:

you get the idea. (The bastards!)

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I have posted about this before - probably back at the old house. I think the suit was a big mistake and a perversion on justice. 

If your favorite music store is gone now and you filed for a check, look in the mirror. You be part of the problem.

I took a bunch of shit for my position then and expect it now.

I'd like to hear your position.

I would too; and chances are high that I would agree with him.

I smell something foul here.

BTW, I filed for the refund, but I'm the first to admit that I didn't think out the ramifications while doing it.

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Here is the deal. Music stores pressured the major labels to stop giving ad money to non-music stores (Walmart, Best Buy, etc) who sold cds under cost to draw people into stores to sell TVs, fridges, etc. The labels then put "riders" on their ad money grants limiting the prices that could be advertized.

The end result of the "non-music store ads" was to kill music stores. You all watched it happen. This was not the only cause, but it was a big contributor.

The big "non-music" stores launched the suit and the "good guys" lost. The residual anti-retailer sentiment has driven public opinion, but music fans lose.

Welcome to a market driven economy as espoused by.....................

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I've never bought a CD at Walmart either. Back about 5 years ago, when Best Buy used to actually have a half-way interesting jazz section (with some imports too, even), I certainly bought a bunch of CD's fairly cheap from Best Buy -- but they haven't had much that's interesting in years.

So, for about the last 5 years, most of my "new CD" buying (domestic titles) was from a local chain (regional, actually - Streetside Records), until they got bought up by another chain back east, and now their jazz and classical inventory has gone to shit, and they don't get all that many new releases anymore (jazz and classical, I mean -- they do get plenty of new pop, R&B, and rap CD's)

Now I'm pretty much stuck buying new things on-line, unless I want to pay the stupid-expensive prices that Barnes & Noble and Borders both charge.

So, in short, I mostly used to buy from my local "relatively independent" CD store, until that became no long much of an option. :(

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