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What do you put in your coffee??


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As far as I'm concerned, as soon as you add anything, it's no longer coffee.

What BeBop said.

If you have to add anything in an attempt to either flavor or cut the coffee taste, you might consider that you really don't like coffee. What you really like are coffee flavored drinks. Certainly not a crime but, IMO, you shoud be shunned by society until you do the right thing: drink it straight.

Don't even get me started on sugar!


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I'm curious about the new coffee maker being hyped this week.

I'm concerned that it may only work if you purchase prepackaged coffee from the store.

Anybody know?

Yeah, I know the one you're talking about. We carry it. You have to buy their extremely overpriced prepackaged coffee, I believe...

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If you have to add anything in an attempt to either flavor or cut the coffee taste, you might consider that you really don't like coffee. What you really like are coffee flavored drinks. Certainly not a crime but, IMO, you shoud be shunned by society until you do the right thing: drink it straight.

Don't even get me started on sugar!


I don't buy this at all. I like coffee, a lot, and I drink it black when I can't find (at work) or don't have any half & half. Liking a different version of coffee is not the same as not liking coffee. Sometimes black is fine, sometimes murky white is fine! But sweetening is a definite no-no

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I hate instant coffee or any that has been flavored with vanilla, chocolate, hazelnut, etc. I also cannot stand coffee to which chikory has been added.

Give me some good, freshly ground Blue Mountain and I'm happy, but I do add a bit of sugar and half and half.

Lately, however, tea is more to my liking, and here I don't mind a modicum of extraneous flavor (though not the herbal, Celestial nonsense)--love some good Earl Gray.

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I used to order lattes, but when they started putting too much milk in them, I switched to cappuccinos. Now I'm finding that they put too much milk in those. So, I've started asking for them "dry" - even though I hate putting too many "qualifiers" on my coffee orders.

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Coffee and Jameson is my night-out fuel. Nothing the wait staff likes better than a hyper, wide-awake drunk! (My IRA-supporting cousins would do me grave bodily harm if I were caught drinking Bushmills, so I play it safe even at a distance of 1000 miles.)

I use half and half. Personally I think of black coffee and white as two distinct beverages. But milk products take so naturally to coffee, it looks & tastes so good, obviously god intended it this way, no?

I recommend an extravagant expense to all you coffee lovers: a bit grinder. My gal bought me one a couple of years ago, and I am still in her thrall as a result (joi de vivre, still intact, by the way).

Now I no longer have to be fully awake to grind my beans well, avoiding my former horrible dilemma (I can't be awake enough to grind well until I've had some coffee--and of course coffee ground the night before wouln't do.)

But now I've got this wonderful little Italian maching that does me right every time--all I've got to do is keep count of my scoops.


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I recommend an extravagant expense to all you coffee lovers: a bit grinder. My gal bought me one a couple of years ago, and I am still in her thrall as a result (joi de vivre, still intact, by the way).

I've said it before in another coffee thread but if you want GREAT coffee you have to roast it yourself. Grinding your own is a good first step. The equipment is $75 +/- the beans are cheap and the taste is amazing.

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