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UCSD Professor gets thrown out of Eric Dolphy tribute (unedited video)

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Instead of berating the audience because there's not enough blacks to his liking, the eminent Dr Childs should get his brain into gear and ask himself the pertinent question as to why there's not enough African Americans digging jazz?

He might have thought he was dropping in like some ninja or urban guerilla ready to provoke and shock the audience into a higher state of awareness, but all he has really achieved is to make himself look like an undignified academic halfwit with a chip on his shoulder.

The question he should be asking himself is has he done enough to promote jazz to his black students? On the evidence of the audience, by his own standards in the university he teaches in, is a definitive "No!".

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Instead of berating the audience because there's not enough blacks to his liking, the eminent Dr Childs should get his brain into gear and ask himself the pertinent question as to why there's not enough African Americans digging jazz?

He might have thought he was dropping in like some ninja or urban guerilla ready to provoke and shock the audience into a higher state of awareness, but all he has really achieved is to make himself look like an undignified academic halfwit with a chip on his shoulder.

The question he should be asking himself is has he done enough to promote jazz to his black students? On the evidence of the audience, by his own standards in the university he teaches in, is a definitive "No!".


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Google shows that the campus newspaper had an article on this incident, stating that Childs was arrested, but it seems to have been removed. An article about a 'transient' attempting to steal a sweater remains safe, thankfully.

Looks like a drink problem http://www.localcrimenews.com/city-arrests/arrest-details/?arrest=9314179

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There are a few youtube videos of Mr. Childs being interviewed concerning the issues of racial imbalance at UCSD, as well as some ugly incidents surrounding racial problems that occurred there. They go back a number of years. I'm not taking sides here, and it appears that he really acted poorly at that show, but I wasn't aware of the issues at UCSD until I started looking into this discussion. At any rate, now I know that his anger didn't come out of nowhere.

Google shows that the campus newspaper had an article on this incident, stating that Childs was arrested, but it seems to have been removed. An article about a 'transient' attempting to steal a sweater remains safe, thankfully.

Looks like a drink problem http://www.localcrimenews.com/city-arrests/arrest-details/?arrest=9314179

It's surprising to me that a person's home address (at least the street block) is posted publicly in a situation like this. Why? Not only that, but why indicate "5XXX"? Why just the first digit... why not two digits? ... why not no digits? Obviously, you wouldn't have to be a private investigator to figure it out from the clues given. Seems wrong to me, for an offense like public intoxication.

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See, Mingus would have scared the shit out of everybody, maybe broken something or somebody, or at least people would have been cowering for fear of it, and then taken the stand to play it all out, people wouldn't know what to do except get the fuck out of Mingus' way, don't fuck with Mingus, and DAMN did you hear Mingus?

This guy, he don't play a note, don't scare nobody, just gets jeered at by people who sure don't sound like they got any room to be jeering anybody, then gets himself arrested by campus police, and the show goes on, everybody irked-at-best, nobody scared, situation left exactly the way it was found.


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