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And you knew the USPS had the item becauseā€¦?


Since you are predisposed to be hostile towards me after I spanked your ass in a NFL thread years back (you know, when you pm'd me to congratulate me for making your ignore list?), I'll encourage you to read Jim's posts again.

Carefully this time.

I'll no longer address this petulant tantrum of yours.

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Oh, I'd not rule out ANYBODY fucking this one up. The USPS has its issues, and although Das Gruf ends up making it right, they don't always GET it right. Usually, but not always. I'm on the side of the recipent of the merchandise, always. That's why they call me "Mr. Jim, The Working Man's Friend". They do. They really do.

So, you know, don't use me as a weapon in somebody else's pissing match. I'm just here to advocate for We The Consumer.

Posted (edited)


Just thinking he may listen to you.

You and I are on the same side, and seemingly see this in the same way. Just based upon the information given I'm not willing to lay this entirely at the doorstep of the USPS. The evidence just doesn't add up. It could be all on them, but I highly doubt it.

I'm smelling a little CYA. And we know that don't smell all that good...

Edited by Scott Dolan

I've known Dan a long time, consider him one of my oldest and most honest cyber-friends. And he's more than capable of fighting his own battles. He doesn't need to "listen" to me, If he wants to vent, fine by me. If he's wrong, he's wrong. and if he's right, he's right. This started out as a simple vent and a chat, not a trial. Nothing here is litigable There's no jury, no judge, just a package and a tracking history and personal experiences that cause us all to speculate as to possibilities and probabilities. Entire species of indeterminate outcome have been constructed from less, and not just on our planet!

Fine by me if you want to vent as well, just don't call me into it specifically unless I equally specifically call you by name as being 100% correct about the matter in question Please show that consideration, not just to me, but to all of us.

As it stands right now, we got one guy with a vent, and another guy looking to pick an old scab about some NFL thread that I can't even remember. I'm not particularly concerned with either of those dynamics to be honest with you, so I'll ask everybody to conduct themselves like the psedo-gentlemen we all know we all are.

What we do incontestably have is a guy who was late getting his records. No matter what caused it, that's what really sucks, not getting your records on time always sucks.

That last thing there, that you can quote me on, and if anybody disagrees when you do, call me into it ASAP, because we will have a Wrongperson in our midst, and about that, there is but one verdict - WRONG!!!. :g


Since moving to the Raleigh area 13 years ago, I have been consistently pleased with the service of the post office folks.

In the late '80s in Atlanta, I had frequent bad experiences.

I wonder if the difference is merely a boss or two in this area who run a tight ship.

Posted (edited)

Jim, you expend far too much energy saying things that aren't even worth mentioning.

I have done nothing inconsiderate. I simply mentioned that Dan needed to read your words carefully because they take a sober and realistic look at the situation.

Nothing more, nothing less.

If you don't want him to consider them, then why post them?

I've never asked anyone to fight my battles for me. Ever. Please stop imagining something that doesn't exist. No one asked you to stop being anyone's friend.

Edited by Scott Dolan
Posted (edited)

I'm going to make a final comment:

1. Mr. Dolan seems to get his jollies from "spanking" people on internet discussion boards. How pathetically sad, not to mention pathological.

2. He's actually had spats with Lon. Lon! One of the best people I've ever known on the inter-webs.

Think about those two facts, then think about what Mr. Dolan brings to this discussion, and any discussion on this board.

Edited by Dan Gould
Posted (edited)

In support (I think) of Dan, I've tracked items that have entered the USPS system, then have apparently not moved according to tracking info. for 7-10 days & then suddenly show up in my mailbox.

In support of DG, they've always made good on any issues encountered.

Same experience here.

I've had rather mixed experiences with what USPS does in processing their shipments through various sorting centers during the past 2 years when my purchases from the US have increased considerably (not likely to continue, though, given the current exchange rates ;)):

Most sellers (usually eb..) I bought from provided tracking info and there I've seen it happen more than once that shipments apparently zigzagged from one sorting center to another all across the US (only remotely along a straight line to either coast or, maybe, Florida), sit in one place (or two) in between for a week and then finally get going to the next center or some overseas destination at last. Rather unpredictable because at other times thigs went fairly rapidly.

All this at shipping stages when the items had long left the sellers' premises.

As for DG, Ive only bought from them once ever so far, and order processing, shipping costs, pre-shipment info, shipping info and tracking data as well as overall shipping times were stellar. And this for a small order from a first-time customer who'd not be that likely to place huge orders every other day.

Edited by Big Beat Steve

the thing that bothers me about usps is in the past couple of years the price to ship packages from u.s. to europe has doubled. other than that, i almost never have problems with packages arriving, and on time.

and if you ship to a 2nd world country, don't be surprised if once in a while, the package gets 'lost'.

as for the tracking online, both usps and ups are guilty on a regular basis of forgetting to update tracking status.

Posted (edited)

Did you get your records yesterday, Dan?

I did, condition as described, so replacements didn't magically walk in during the 11 days between shipment and processing by the USPS.

The box, fwiw, was not nearly as pristine as DG boxes normally are - and I've gotten more than a few lately. Multiple dark marks.

And I thought a bit about your thought about DG possibly missing a box. I have a hard time picturing it, because it seems to me an operation like theirs should be very well organized - order pulled, packaging material, printer/pc set up, and lots and lots of USPS cartons to put the sealed packages into for pick up. And for a company like theirs, wouldn't they have a postman coming by for pickups? They must ship a dozen or multiple dozens a day and would have them ready to go in those plastic trays.

Edited by Dan Gould
Posted (edited)

Once more for clarity:

The U.S. Postal Service was electronically notified by the shipper on November 8, 2014 to expect your package for mailing. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date. Delivery status information will be provided if/when available.

Edited by Scott Dolan

And once more, I've seen packages received & scanned by the USPS with a delivery date indicated that then don't move for several days.

Others seem to go very quickly.

I've seen this from Chicago & New York City.


Scanning on arrival is understood and is all very well but if a shipment gets scanned (which is then indicated in the shipping status update) but then sits there for a week or so before it (apparently) is scanned somewhere else before even making any noticeable progres toward its destination I am wondering what USPS is doing there. Zigzagging across several non-coastal states for about 8 to 10 days (after delivery/pickup/initial scanning in the state of departure) before making it to a coast at all and then - lo and behold - making the overseas trek in not much time at all makes you wonder, and you do indeed ask yourself if maybe the parcel has been fogotten somewhere in Last Gap, Kentucky, or Sawdust Falls, Oklahoma (I am paraphrasing these places from an old Edgar Bergen show I remember ;)) ... ;)

Posted (edited)

Scanning on arrival is understood and is all very well but if a shipment gets scanned (which is then indicated in the shipping status update) but then sits there for a week or so before it (apparently) is scanned somewhere else before even making any noticeable progres toward its destination I am wondering what USPS is doing there. Zigzagging across several non-coastal states for about 8 to 10 days (after delivery/pickup/initial scanning in the state of departure) before making it to a coast at all and then - lo and behold - making the overseas trek in not much time at all makes you wonder, and you do indeed ask yourself if maybe the parcel has been fogotten somewhere in Last Gap, Kentucky, or Sawdust Falls, Oklahoma (I am paraphrasing these places from an old Edgar Bergen show I remember ;)) ... ;)

Agreed 100%.

Every time we order our coffees (which ship out of out of the southeast, can't recall the state), they go on a grand circle tour of the southern United States and get here in more time than it would have taken me to drive there and get it myself. Happens every time we order, so we're used to it and make sure we order a little ahead of our coffee running out. It's more comical than anything, as my wife and I try not to let such first world problems send us into a tizzy.

Another hilarious one was a pocket knife I ordered a few years ago. It made it's way to Kansas City one day, and the next day I checked and it was in Earth City, MO, which is right next to St. Louis. So, it went from the western side of the state (two hours away), to the eastern (two hours away), all while passing within twenty minutes of my house, which is smack dab between Kansas City and St. Louis. :rofl:

Edited by Scott Dolan

Did you get your records yesterday, Dan?

I did, condition as described, so replacements didn't magically walk in during the 11 days between shipment and processing by the USPS.

The box, fwiw, was not nearly as pristine as DG boxes normally are - and I've gotten more than a few lately. Multiple dark marks.

And I thought a bit about your thought about DG possibly missing a box. I have a hard time picturing it, because it seems to me an operation like theirs should be very well organized - order pulled, packaging material, printer/pc set up, and lots and lots of USPS cartons to put the sealed packages into for pick up. And for a company like theirs, wouldn't they have a postman coming by for pickups? They must ship a dozen or multiple dozens a day and would have them ready to go in those plastic trays.

Glad you got your records!

Also, I too have been seeing an uptick in the number of packages that appear to have gotten some bruising along the way. I wonder if this, as well as the appearance of slow movement through the system, is a function of Media Mail. Seems Media Mail is the most likely to take those weirdass detours and have those longass hotel stays in the facilities. First Class/2nd Day/Etc., not nearly so much.

I would like to have a week to see how all this works...something tell me that Media Mail shipments go into the "work this when you get EVERYTHING else done, and remember, no OT!" pile. It sure seems that way sometimes. That and the possibility that the Media Mail pile has to reach a certain size before it gets moved. Seems that way, no idea if it actually works that way. Probably not, as I've had Media Mail packages get here quickly, But it's a crapshoot.

I mean, I use it with DG, because it's by far and away the least expensive rate, but it's also one of those "you get what you pay for" things. That became apparent a long time ago. That was what finally swung me around to Amazon Prime, free 2nd Day, and I can tell you that the local USPS humps to get those things out. They'll even send a route out early dedicated to Amazon & other expedited items if the workload dictates it. My regular mail comes between 4-5 PM, but I've gotten Amazon packaged at 10 AM. I asked the guy one time, what's up with this, he said, Amazon, they say 2nd day, they MEAN 2nd day, we gotta get 'em out. So, Media Mail probably means...you'll get it when we can get to it.


Oh, I once had a problem with a Media Mail shipment and called their CSR center and was told exactly that. They do EVERYTHING else before looking at Media Mail, and if they run out time, tough noogies, tomorrow they start up with all the new stuff that came in, and maybe they'll move your Media Mail item if they get to it then, but if they don't, back to tough noogies.

Kinda the exact opposite of Amazon 2-day. :g

But again, I paid for Priority (never used Media with Dusty Groove, actually). And when the USPS got their act in gear, they delivered.


I've had three parcels delivered by the USPS in the past four days. All arrived within two days of mailing.

Then again, I used to work for the postal service, so perhaps I get preferential treatment. :)

When I did work for the USPS, I remember hearing that Chicago had the worst mail service in the country. Don't know if that was true - just what I heard.

Posted (edited)

Chicago mail service is erratic at best. Once I had sent a box priority mail to Chicago, and it arrived two weeks later. Another time I shipped media mail and it arrived in two days. Doesn't matter -- Dusty Groove, a camera repair shop I had used, customers from ebay. Chicago was just weird with mailing. But I can also see, given the people who work at Dusty Groove, delayed shipping and other miscellaneous stuff. Once my credit card was charged for items I didn't buy -- and not through the store. Someone from there took my numbers and decided to do a little shopping. This was many years ago.

Edited by Stefan Wood
Posted (edited)

And you knew the USPS had the item because?


Always needs to scream and talk down to people

Edited by Soulstation1

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