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How Long Would It Take...?


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Let's play this game - stop the clock right now, and then query every existing database of all known (even just to one person) recorded music, total up the known duration of same, and then figure how long would it take to hear all of it, listening 24/7. Even if you started in utero, could you live long enough?

Prompted by the sudden and humbling realization that even with a lot of years spent listening to music 24/7 (usually figuratively, but on a few occasions literally), I've not heard shit, not really.

I know, quality, not quantity, etc. Not pretending otherwise. But damn, I'd have to wager that no matter how much you've heard, there's still more that you haven't heard, good, bad, unknown, etc.

Pretty sure this is a natural condition, less sure if it's natural to be aware of it? Especially since all the existing databases probably don't have all the known (even to just one person) recorded music in the world documented.

So...it's good to know more, but impossible to know everything. The math is not in your favor. Therefore, judgement. Or, perhaps, guessing.

Fuel for growth, fuel for stagnation, fuel for liberation, fuel for paralysis, some, all, none of the above, if there's a hell below we're all gonna go? Take me to the bridge? To nowhere?

Geek on.

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Along with similarly reading everything that was written or seeing every painting and drawing that has been done, the consideration of it sounds so reclusively obsessive in addition to being impossible to achieve that, to me, it does not sound like a natural condition outside of an interesting, for some, math exercise, computer program or guesstimate ("how long would it take"). So I'll vote for fuel for paralysis, especially if you have to consider the many high school and junior high band recordings over the years that would have to be added to the "pile". Some things don't need knowing or even considering. :-)

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The more you know, the more you know what you don't know.

Agreed...so what's the shape of the curve that takes from positive growth to neurotic obsession? Or is there such a curve?

some things should remain unheard.



Unfortunately?, that's always? going to be either an after-the-fact regret or else some batshit crazy censorious neurosis?


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