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Day off for MLK Day?

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This has been circulating on Twitter, usually accompanied by the expressions of shock, horror, disbelief, outrage, etc., that one might expect.

A bit of Googling reveals that this isn't a new development, and isn't limited to Arkansas:

Several additional states have chosen to combine commemorations of King's birthday with other observances, in some cases creating compatible pairings, in other cases incongruous ones:

  • In Arizona, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is known as "Martin Luther King, Jr./Civil Rights Day".[23]
  • In Arkansas, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is known as "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert E. Lee’s Birthdays".[24]
  • In Mississippi, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is known as "Martin Luther King's and Robert E. Lee's Birthdays".[26]
  • In New Hampshire, its official name is "Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights Day".[27]
  • In Virginia, it was known as Lee–Jackson–King Day, combining King's birthday with the established Lee–Jackson Day.[20] The incongruous nature of the holiday, which simultaneously celebrated the lives of Confederate Army generals and a civil rights icon, did not escape the notice of Virginia lawmakers. In 2000, Lee–Jackson Day was moved to the Friday before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, establishing Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a holiday in its own right.[28]
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But Columbus Day, really, what's that one all about? I see no need for it at all, although hey, day off, I'll take it. Still, ok, no banking and no mail on MLK day, I get that, time to reflect, all that. Same on July 4, Labor Day. Profound experiences essential to the national character regardless of their name, built-in contradictions included, especially the built-in contradictions. America has been at its best when confronting and resolving those contradictions in the relentlessness pursuit of a ONE nation under a groove. Even Presidents Day for people who need that, I get it. Definitely Memorial/Veterans Days (although if you need to combine them both, just keep the sentiment alive). And Thanksgiving, anybody who's opposed to the idea of Thanksgiving Day, hey fuck them, right, let's all focus instead on being ungrateful entitled gluttonous self-absorbed backstabbing punkass bitch toxic gaping assholes, centers of our own universe and determined to be the center of everybody else's as well, not (and yet the irony). Keep Thanksgiving if you keep nothing else. These are all days upon which it is proper to contemplate all that goes into the creation, maintenance, and sustainment of a Living & Breathing Always And Forever Still New World. Take those days and use them well.

But you gonna tell me that I can't get mail or do banking because I'm supposed to be honoring/reflecting upon/whatever some freakin' Christopher Columbus? Sorry man, just not feeling that one. At all. Not some guy who all he did was chop down the indians to prove that the world was round, and then he said Isabella, I cannot tell a lie, let me free all the slaves to make up for the error of my ways. Flip Wilson done covered all that, thank you. On second thought, let's have Flip Wilson Day!

But hey, paid holiday. As long as it's there, there it is. Day off.

Columbus Day was the Martin Luther King Day of it's time. It was a recognition that these filthy disgusting southern Europeans just were not going to take the hint and go away.

I believe it should at best be Lt. Col. Robert E. Lee, if we are to recognize Mr. Lee's service to the military of the United States of America.

This is one of those times when I actually miss those silly "upvote" buttons that other sites have. :g

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In medieval Europe, holidays (holy days) were all Catholic Saint's days. The secular United States had to create secular saints, so we made them out of "discoverers" (imperialist conquerors, in some opinions), presidents, and heroes. It's sort of an evolving process, isn't it?!


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To get back to the original question, I spent the weekend in Naples enjoying the Gould family Christmas and didn't have to use a personal day to take yesterday off, as the insurance agency was closed.

Unencumbered by his former partner's preferences, the boss is much more agreeable about taking Federal holidays off lately. Basically if we get a message from any carrier that they are closed, we'll end up closing too.

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As a proudly unionized public employee, I get New Years Day, MLK Day, Presidents DAy, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Xmas Eve and Day off. Because we traded Veterans Day (Nov 11th, aka Poppy day in the UK & Canada) for Xmas Eve and the rest of the County offices are closed and the paper often misstates that ALL County facilities are closed, it's usually pretty slow. As is Easter, although I'm surprised that people think we get it off. We've never had Columbus Day off, not this job or any I can think off, even though here in Oregon it could commemorate the great Columbus Day Storm, and those of us who have lived here long enough to remember, or at least have heard about it. On the other hand, we are open 7 days a week, and most of us work one weekend day and one late night (8pm) per week. I currently work a Sun-Th week with Tues my late day. All public info, as is my wage and benefits. Should get my 'ketchup' check soon since we finally settled the COLA that took effect in July.

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