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Bay Area - Getting Ready for Anticipated "Big Storm"


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I set aside work for a few days to come to the Bay Area to look after my aging father and a big house at 2,000 feet elevation that's in the path of lots of rain (mudslide potential) and 80mph winds. I hope I'm going to be twiddling my thumbs for 48 hours or so. But I have stocked the refrigerator, bought ice, battened down hatches readily battened and charged everydevice (including back-up medical) I can. Any other Bay Area board folks feeling vulnerable to wind, slides or flooding?

National Weather Service

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I wonder if the threat is getting a little blown out of proportion.

I remember living in NYC in the 80's when hurricane Gloria was supposed to blow through and raise havoc. Everyone stayed home, and Manhattan was a ghost town. Ultimately we had some rain and some wind, but absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.

Anyway......I have no plans for tomorrow, so I'll stick close to home just in case.

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Call me Mr. Skepticism, but every time there's more than an inch of rain in either L.A. or The Bay Area, these "Storm Watches" on TV get ridiculous. Still driving to the Sacramento Delta tomorrow morning, and driving back in the night.

BTW: Is it the Bay Area, or The Bay Area? Which is proper?

Edited by Matthew
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Call me Mr. Skepticism, but every time there's more than an inch of rain in either L.A. or The Bay Area, these "Storm Watches" on TV get ridiculous. Still driving to the Sacramento Delta tomorrow morning, and driving back in the night.

BTW: Is it the Bay Area, or The Bay Area? Which is proper?

the Bay Area

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The house of my young-youth was wiped out by a mudslide; rebuilt, the stream in the backyard overflowed its banks and washed away a car in the driveway. A tree fell on this house in 2009. The same year - different storm, the three front windows were blown out by flying debris*. My adult hometown was cut off (no roads) for three weeks in 2010, due to mudslides and fallen trees. High likelihood the media's overdone this one, but I take Mother Nature seriously. We're vulnerable on the hillside - steeper than 45% here, I would guess.

Don't get me started on snow problems. No, we don't get much, but the driveway incline and street countours...

Still waiting. Soon, RADAR suggests.

*Boarded up in advance this year. They face northwest, toward Richardson Bay.

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Kind of cool. My current "hometown" (where I lived 1978-1999 and still park my heart) is unknown to people living even a few miles away. But my neighbor's quoted on the SF Chronicle website: Ethan Allen, a 43-year-old construction company owner, said he was worried about his home in the wooded community of Canyon, near the Alameda-Contra Costa County border. “I’m a little nervous,” he said. “There’s a lot of trees.” Indeed, LOTS of trees. Canyon was the town cut off for three weeks. Book on Canyon

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Yes, between Oakland and Moraga (St. Mary's). Just two public buildings. For the rest of the town, local code prohibits building within sight of the road. Basically, the whole town is squatters - no one owns the land under his/her geodesic dome/treehouse/shack/shed/tent...

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My Dad's place came through okay. The really ferocious winds (80mph) never came. The hill across the street and above him slid (radial slump, for you geologists).

Today's challenge: I'm at SFO, waiting for a flight (actually for a seat on a flight, after something like 300 cancellations yesterday.)

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