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I thought it would be a nice idea to start a thread in which we could tell us about news from us personally – not our favourite deceased jazz musicians. Sometimes there’s important news that warrants a separate thread, and people have posted that sort of thing. I think that’s good and didn’t intend to stop us from doing it.

So, since I’ve got a couple of bits of news, I thought I’d start.

First bit is that we’ve had a garden room built; only the electrics haven’t been put in, and the guys are coming to finish that this evening. Flooring’s not in there, as the concrete’s still drying out. We had rain almost every day – on and off – while they were building it. Took them about twice as long as estimated, as a result. The day they finished, we’ve had no rain since then.

If the system will let me do it, here are a couple of photos my wife took the other day.



Other news – the bloody carbon monoxide alarm went off by our central heating boiler yesterday evening. Had to turn it all off. When we eventually got a guy from down the road to come out and test the boiler, it was fine, so it was the fault of the alarm!

So we enjoyed a cold – very cold – evening and an even colder day today until lunchtime. The service contract people have a 24/7 service. When you phone them up, in the evening, they tell you to call back at 8AM. Good service, eh?

Anyway, all’s well, heat back on.

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Posted (edited)

The big news in my world is my Mom died fifteen days ago. Peacefully, at rest, in her home, with her husband and half her children at hand. My Dad is doing pretty well cosidering, he turned a page the last few days and is moving past the worst grief. I am so glad I got to spend the last year and a half caring for both my parents and spend that time with her.


And I'm so grateful for the new love of my life who has been by my side the last seven months and through all the sad bits and given me so much comfort and hope. Thanks Lucinda!

Edited by jazzbo

Increased Skype usage is my news. The reason is that my younger daughter has been teaching in a school in India since October and will be there till March. As she calls through almost daily, I leave Skype on and have been pleased also to get calls from board members JohnS, Tom 1960 and John Tapscott. PM me if you want to hook up on Skype.


Good and bad news. It's good to hear your Dad's getting over it, Lon. Do you and Lucinda plan returning to Texas in a while?

My wife went to her best friend's funeral yesterday. They met through the Barry Manilow Fan Club, thirty-something years ago. Her sister-in-law, whose husband arranged the funeral, had them playing 'Copacabana' at the cemetery!

Always something.

And at our age, funerals are coming along rather frequently. That was the sixth this year.



No Allen, I'm afraid I probably won't be residing in Texas again. Lucinda is an Ohio country girl, has a great little old house poised across a one lane road from a wildlife sanctuary and a half mile from a lake, and went with me to Texas this summer and will probably never go back: too hot, too big city.

She's worth staying anywhere so . . . I'm an Ohioan again for a while though she has said that when she retires we may go somewhere a bit warmer, but her idea of that is Virginia, maybe North Carolina.


Buying my eighth-grade stepdaughter a new basketball after I noticed her old one was almost worn smooth in spots. She's a darn good player and a great teammate -- last year her seventh-grade team won the county championship in a playoff series that was right out of a John R. Tunis sports novel -- but this year, with several key players gone elsewhere (including the tall, swift daughter of Chicago Bulls assistant coach Adrian Griffin) or playing other sports (like tennis), they're getting beat a lot. Maybe the new basketball will help.

Ordered a new set of CD shelves; when they're full, that's all she wrote. The dog we got at a shelter in August continue to be a joy.


Lon, you have posted many times about your parents and the situation you took on. I am truly sorry to hear of the passing of your mother. But, I'm glad that you were able to be with her and comfort her and your father at the most important time in all of your lives. We should all be so lucky to be with our loved ones in times like that.

As far as my hometown news, that will come this Friday when the protest marchers from Ferguson show up at the Governor's mansion, which I work two blocks from.

The media circus is going to be a nightmare...


Thanks Scott. Hope the circus isn't too much of a bother or too long-lived.

I actually wish the protestors could have their day without the media, but I understand the importance of the media's involvement. Even though they're in it for different reasons, the coverage will do nothing but help the national conversation.

The circus will be a minor inconvenience in the grand scheme, but that doesn't mean I won't be bitching under my breath while finding a creative route out of town. ;)

The biggest problem is that the Governor's mansion, as well as my work place, are flanked on one side by the Missouri River. So ways in and out of the area are very limited.

It'll be an interesting day.


While a member here I have lost both of my parents and a mother-in-law and have had other family tragedies. I have tried to keep this personal stuff within a few folks. We all have personal events and I decided to keep mine as personal as possible. Sorry if I offended anyone.


Turned 60 gthe other month, went to a friend from law school's 60th the other day, saw some peoples I hadn't seen in x, y or z number of years. My 12 yr old daughter continues to be a joy. It's not quite all good, but pretty much...


While a member here I have lost both of my parents and a mother-in-law and have had other family tragedies. I have tried to keep this personal stuff within a few folks. We all have personal events and I decided to keep mine as personal as possible. Sorry if I offended anyone.

I respect that, Chuck. We've all been around here for a long time. We've all "known"each other for a long time. Some folks lay themselves bare, others choose to keep their private lives out of the equation.

Both are respectable, and should be respected, IMO.


While a member here I have lost both of my parents and a mother-in-law and have had other family tragedies. I have tried to keep this personal stuff within a few folks. We all have personal events and I decided to keep mine as personal as possible. Sorry if I offended anyone.

I respect that, Chuck. We've all been around here for a long time. We've all "known"each other for a long time. Some folks lay themselves bare, others choose to keep their private lives out of the equation.

Both are respectable, and should be respected, IMO.

We can't make personal observations? If some folks want their personal stuff "out there", that is their deal. Don't blame me for reacting.


I'm getting married! She's a beautiful, tall, fair, feisty Mexican gal who makes me laugh and want to be a better man for her. First time I have really been in love and in a lasting relationship. She even likes jazz.?


I'm getting married! She's a beautiful, tall, fair, feisty Mexican gal who makes me laugh and want to be a better man for her. First time I have really been in love and in a lasting relationship. She even likes jazz.

Wonderful. Keep us posted.


I'm getting married! She's a beautiful, tall, fair, feisty Mexican gal who makes me laugh and want to be a better man for her. First time I have really been in love and in a lasting relationship. She even likes jazz.

And she's cuter'n hell, too!

Good for you, brother! Had no idea it had gotten that serious. :)


We sold our house, quit our jobs, and moved up to Richmond in late Spring. My wife took the summer off to spend time with the kids before the school year. She landed in a great position with the James River Association a few weeks back. Perfect fit.

I'm reluctant to share much personal information online these days. Still a bit shell-shocked for obvious reasons I guess.

Posted (edited)

I'll probably be taking a shower this evening!

Your family thanks you! :D


Just returned from Southern California where the weather was great, son in tow. He just finished a transitional living program out there. Hopefully, he's ready to make a fresh start.

Visiting out there (and I've been there at least a dozen times) is always a relaxing trip. If only I could afford to live out there.

Edited by Brad

I'll probably be taking a shower this evening!

Your family thanks you! :D

It's just me and the little woman these days (well, there's still the dog, but you know dogs, they revel in the funk), and her sniffer's not as particular as it once was, so between the Roku and the Ambien, the key word there really is "probably".

Definitely by Friday, though. Gonna go to Fred Moomey's on Saturday to buy a Christmas tree, it's an annual tradition (as opposed to a bi-weekly tradition, I suppose), gotta smell good for that, at least goin' in. Fresh pine can only cover up so much, ya' know.

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