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Can't take the heat?

The Groper

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I just checked the BN BBS--the thread DEEP started is gone. Not much happening over there, just the usual, like Breshnahan making sure everybody knows that he talks to Michael Cuscuna. :g

Chris, is this really necessary? I'll have to remember next time you mention the time you stayed at Lil's place or the brunch you had with Lew & Toshiko or the time time John (he was on the Pulitzer commitee!) told you that "Blood in the Fields" was "fixed" that you, just like me, are not a Jazz musician. We're alike, you and me... try to remember that.

And for the record, for 100th time, I ask Michael Cuscuna stuff because we want to know about it. If you get good reissue info before me, do us all a favor and post it... Otherwise, leave me alone for doing this. I really want to take the high road here but if you keep this up, I will have to think about this approach. I've had disagreements with you. I have even called you a few choice names. But none of this is any cause for bringing my name up in a totally unrelated thread. I don't think this is relevant in a "Deep" thread and it's certainly not pertinent. Leave me out of it.



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Could you mention again, for Rainy Day's benefit the erroneous registration at Blue Note, of you, me and I suppose others, which enables whoever it is to post whatever they want, using our names??

There were several of these posts, under my name, but not posted by me, which appear there, some since deleted, along with the threads, but some remain and Rainy Day has seen fit to post a sarcastic comment that is causing me even more distress than the phantom poster has the last few days. Although I can delete them, or edit them, because they are registered to me, by who knows who. I can't keep doing this every few hours, as, like you, I have a life.

I've already notified the moderator at Blue Note, but to no avail. Rainy Day is making this not only stressful, but even more embarrassing.

I guess she missed your post, mentioning this erroneous registering of our names on the Blue Note Europe board. She already thinks I'm a flake, or worse and this makes it really distressing. Her opinion of me is immaterial, but I can't just ignore it, because the posts keep appearing. What do you suggest I do??

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Patricia is right. DEEP registered both of us, and others, using our real e-mail addresses, which he had. My complaint to the BN BBS's administrator has resulted in DEEPS falsified posts bveing removed, but they have not removed the membership registration, as I requested.


Until the BN people clean this mess up, you can at least do as I did, namely, change the password Dan put in for you. I knew which one he made up, because the board automatically sends you e-mail verification, with a thank you for registering.

Rainy, I think Patricia played along with Dan far too long, and I tried many times to tell her what a mistake I thought that was. Now she knows, so let's be fair and recognize Dan's sick, destructive mind for what it is. He will undoubtedly continue to play his idiotic games. Hey, don't be surprised if somehow, somewhere, on some BBS, you find a Rainy Day post you never saw before. BN needs to block this guy, just as the other jazz boards have done.

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This all sounds mildly psychotic.

I know it does. It makes no sense at all. I don't like having to go to a completely different board, having to change my password, that I only have, because I registered to defend myself against comments made on subsequently axed threads. It's making me crazy.

Rainy Day who already has her own opinion of me, has posted a sarcastic comment, making her opinion of me clear [Her semi- clever comment was "Maybe a dingo ate your baby". That's from some obscure Meryl Streep movie a few years ago, with a short but pleasant stop on Seinfeld. Droll], and is making an annoying situation worse. Thank you Rainy Day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am sorry that LDB has again fouled his nest and obviously offended even those who were willing to tolerate his outrageous posts. Too bad, the guy is a very talented writer and musician.

I'll miss his posts, many of which gave me a laugh.

I am reminded of a former friend who I liked very much. He was brilliant, witty and very talented but at some time in almost every one of his relationships he would pull some stunt or say things that would completely alienate the friend. His did this ONCE to my wife and the motherfucker was history.

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I haven't been on this thread since my last post because I don't find DEEP interesting enough to keep up with his every move. Now that I'm here, I realize I'd rather not be.

By the way, "Maybe the dingo ate your baby" is from an episode of Seinfeld. It's a funny line that riffs on "A Cry In the Night" that I thought would make an amusing signature until I saw that DEEP had made a mess at the Blue Note Board and I haven't been back there either. Really folks, life is too short.

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By the way, "Maybe the dingo ate your baby" is from an episode of Seinfeld. It's a funny line that riffs on "A Cry In the Night" that I thought would make an amusing signature until I saw that DEEP had made a mess at the Blue Note Board and I haven't been back there either. Really folks, life is too short.

The line wasn't that funny on Seinfeld, much less so, regurgitated by you.

You are as amusing as a baby's casket.

As you said, life is too short........................:rolleyes:

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Who's this Seinfeld you keep referring to?  I don't remember anyone by that name in Mayberry?  Aunt Bea & Seacrest-OUT!!

I don't "keep" referring to Seinfeld. Read the whole thread, DOOFUS. Landsakes!!!. Give me strength.:rolleyes:

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