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Can't take the heat?

The Groper

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Funny thing is, the cat was funnier (and more informative) during wet season. I think he should lose (or at least shorten) the dry season. His life might be shortened, but what would be left of it would be higher quality if his style here was any indication. Drink deep, DEEP!

I hate to see his "good part" gone, the stories and the info (of which there was more than some might like to admit) but dammit, if the management sets boundaries and you cross them repeatedly, deliberately, and obstreperously, you got no room for complaint when they toss you. That's just the way shit works. If you're gonna walk a tightrope, you damn well better have a good sense of balance.

Back to bizness as usual. One monkey don't stop no show.

Though Deep was too often repugnant and insultive, he did post a few laughs and some great stories.. His story about Eddie Jefferson's death that week at Baker's keyboard Lounge in Detroit really blew my mind! I never knew until Danny D posted that story, that he was the drummer on that fateful gig!

Though I agree he had to go, I'm going to miss the deep side of Deep.

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I still haven't figured out the "C" word yet, but perhaps I really don't want to know...

I'm pretty sure it was the third word in Mr. Carlin's list.

Sorry Dan, I'm not privy to Mr. Carlin's list, but you know, I can use my imagination and figure it out anyway!

No more hints folks. Let's drop the issue.

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Patty hasn't posted lately--SO WHAT?  She has been playing the long-suffering cunt saint so long that we're all tired of it. 

The Grope-A-Dope Has Spoke(n)

The mystery is no mystery.

This was the post to which I made reference. It stood unobjected to.

Was I being thin-skinned??

Edited by patricia
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[Though Deep was too often repugnant and insultive, he did post a few laughs and some great stories.. His story about Eddie Jefferson's death that week at Baker's keyboard Lounge in Detroit really blew my mind! I never knew until Danny D posted that story, that he was the drummer on that fateful gig!

Though I agree he had to go, I'm going to miss the deep side of Deep.

I had some fun with DEEP, but he got too crude and repetitive and abusive for me.

When will some people learn that a little bit of something can be very funny, while too much of it becomes repugnant?

I don't go to other chat boards, but if I ever come across DEEP again, I will treat him as friendly as I always did. I don't have anything against the guy. He never insulted me. I also believe that he more than wore out his welcome here, and he was really rude to B-3er and Use and Christiern. Those last few posts of his were really childish; and the worst crime of all: they weren't funny.

GROPE: you won't have much fun if you follow DEEP around. He'll be banned everywhere.

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Patty hasn't posted lately--SO WHAT?  She has been playing the long-suffering cunt saint so long that we're all tired of it. 

The Grope-A-Dope Has Spoke(n)

The mystery is no mystery.

This was the post to which I made reference. It stood unobjected to.

Was I being thin-skinned??

Perhaps not, Patty.

Truth is that I have the tendency to speed read through a lot of these posts and I miss all the good stuff! ;)

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This was the post to which I made reference.  It stood unobjected to.

You're assuming that most people made it that far into the post.

Give us more credit than that, will you? ;)

That's the sort of post one smells rather than reads.

Kind of like when you pull some long forgotten weirdness out of your fridge. Soon as you open it, you know its something nasty. No need to find out what exactly, just make for the dumpster.


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This was the post to which I made reference.  It stood unobjected to.

You're assuming that most people made it that far into the post.

Give us more credit than that, will you? ;)

That's the sort of post one smells rather than reads.

Kind of like when you pull some long forgotten weirdness out of your fridge. Soon as you open it, you know its something nasty. No need to find out what exactly, just make for the dumpster.


Looks like the rat in your avatar has found something nasty, Eric. ;)


Edited by connoisseur series500
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This was the post to which I made reference.  It stood unobjected to.

You're assuming that most people made it that far into the post.

Give us more credit than that, will you? ;)

That's the sort of post one smells rather than reads.

Kind of like when you pull some long forgotten weirdness out of your fridge. Soon as you open it, you know its something nasty. No need to find out what exactly, just make for the dumpster.


Looks like the rat/mouse in your avatar has found something nasty, Eric. ;)

It's Guinness! You better watch yourself! Some folks can be pretty protective of their favorite iconic beverage. It's like liquified 50s Blue Note vinyl.


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Deep has already be warned by the moderator over on the Euro BNBB.  Maybe he left a trail of stale breadcrumbs so that his disciples can follow him over there!

Are you one of those who are following him around, Tod? ;)

I was there first. I joined right after the establishing of that board was made known to us on this very board. I don"t think I'll be checking in there much anymore..

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You're assuming that most people made it that far into the post.

Your response to Patricia is undoubtedly true ---- I was just thorough because I've become accustomed to reading Johnny's posts very carefully in order that I don't miss some little nugget. ;) I'm sure that the 'speed read' factor mentioned by Conn is/was an important part of the equation, which is why I directed my comment toward the moderators -- that's their job. That said, they obviously have things going on in their lives (infants on the way, earning a living, etc) and can't be expected to take a magnifying glass to every post that pops up on the board.....but I would have expected at least one of the three (?) moderators to pick up on this business --- particularly when the thread is right smack dab in the middle of what has -- in recent months -- become the lightning rod zone of the board. That's all.

Edited by Son-of-a-Weizen
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Good job, B-3er and sorry you and Use had to take so much abuse.  No one deserves that.

Yeah, but I'm glad they gave the guy a chance, which as you and I both know is more than I would have done. Sometimes being fair is a pain in the ass, but it's still the right thing to do. Thumbs up once again to Jim.

liberal <_<


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As for my crying rape in a heartbeat, that's beneath even you.  I assume that you are referring to my asking for clarification of your gleefully told story about your friend's now ex-wife, first described as "surprise" date rape, later amended to describe consentual group sex.  I know the difference, as does everyone else who posts here, I assume.  I stand by my comments and, quite frankly, was surprised I was the only one who didn't think it was amusing, or erotic, but simply mean, in it's original form.

You weren't the only one Patricia. And I thought very highly of you for raising the issue. My own personal inclination was to not grant DEEP the attention he seemed to be seeking, both because it seemed like he would twist any attention into gratification, and because it seemed he would end up being nasty to anybody eventually. Hence, his use of the "c" word (which I first saw today, because I've been offline most of the week) -- but he probably thinks it's a compliment.

As for the very beginning of his appearance here -- I communicated directly with Christiern about that, again because anything posted on the Board just seemed like it would quickly become grist for the DEEP-mill. But the way DEEP was talking to Chris struck me as highly offensive, and not "just kidding."

And finally, one point I did address on that 90-page thing was this identity question:

It never occurred to me that our thread-originator and THE GROPER could be the same person. What would be the point??Surely nobody else on this board is so unsure of their views that they are posting as different people and, in a sense, talking to themselves. Now, THAT'S stupid, not to mention one of the first signs of insanity!! Say it isn't so!!!!    :blink:  :blink:

Maybe WINGY(I STAY BOMBED) would like to weigh in on this subject...

To which DEEP immediately replied:

Wingy got too bombed one night. He's history.


Edited by maren
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Good job, B-3er and sorry you and Use had to take so much abuse.  No one deserves that.

Yeah, but I'm glad they gave the guy a chance, which as you and I both know is more than I would have done. Sometimes being fair is a pain in the ass, but it's still the right thing to do. Thumbs up once again to Jim.

liberal <_<


You know it, dude! ;)

Patty, as far as you're being thin-skinned or not, of course not. On the other hand, this did serve one purpose: I found out I'm not the only one who only reads posts like this long enough to catch a whiff. I guess that's why I'm not that familiar with many of Deep's posts; the ripeness was pretty obvious. At the very least, the Groper owes you an apology. And anyone here who might have or have had a mother, sister, daughter, etc. Probably includes a few of us, anyway...

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