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Suggestions Wanted: Re: New Recording Project


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I think that at heart my musical approach owes more of a debt to '50s modernists than to any other era; like early Mingus, LaPorta, Macero, Bob Prince, Bley with Ornette, Carisi, Gil Evans, George Russell; I admire the harmonic ingenuity of these players and composers and the sense off discovery in a lot of those '50s recordings. .Also the early Third Stream, the stretching of triadic harmony, the early liberation of certain kinds of improvised freedom coming out of Rollins, Coltrane, and then Ornette.

And I also love that era in terms of recording projects; the idea of the anthology album, like Something New, Somthing Blue, some of the Teddy Charles things, some Third Stream things like the Brandeis concert.

there are few contemporary jazz composers I listen to; mostly because of time and focus, as there's only so much I can do while holding down a day job and getting older and trying to keep up with my own music.

so the idea is this - a recording project in which I assemble maybe 5 or 6 composers and ask each to contribute 2 pieces. None of these people has to resemble me in terms of the approach; all I seek is someone I like, they can be as far outside or inside as necessary. I have in mind two particular writer/players for a start - Tyshawn Sorey and Steve Lehman - but so far I am not getting a yes from anyone; even tried Braxton on a long shot, as he is sometimes responsive, but not this time.

so throw a few contemporary names at me, if you will; people who really compose. thanks

Edited by AllenLowe
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Threadgill makes me think of Matana Roberts (and vice versa). I'm completely in awe of your ability to get things done, either your own playing projects or the compilations of others work would be fulltime by itself for most people.

Or Muhal, or Tom Harrell, not that they need to be giving you stuff, but maybe they have some leftovers that just don't fit their other projects.

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Anthony Davis?

Or maybe ask the guys who are turning you down to refer you to somebody they know who is worthy of the exposure?

Or even better still, write it all yourself and then create a pseudonym and persona for each "composer" and revel in the critical afterflow...like, one guy's from Queens, the other's from Tuscon, oh my, here's this woman from Qatar of all places, and wow, this cranky octogenarian recluse from Portland, and most remarkable of all, the deaf-mute from England who "hears" the music by the shapes the notes make on the score, like Bob Graettinger cutting out all the middlemen, some shit like that. It'll really all be you but watch the projected-perception game get played out in very real time. Putting suspicions to the test in the name of hijinks, or vice-versa.

And also - are you looking for everything to be played by more or less the same ensemble? Or is somebody gives you, say, a piece for chamber orchestra and alto that just knocks all the lights out, what then? You got a budget for anything like that (he says knowing that probably not, but hoping so!)?

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my hope is to get a roster and then raise funds; ideally I think I would have maybe 5 composers recording 2 things each; wide variety of styles. geograhically would be nice to spread it around, but logistically too tricky probably; would like the piece to be written specially for the project. Would also probably be easiest to have it played by the same group, yes. Or maybe commission it for myself.

funding-wise, I've done best in the past with pre-orders, but with a project like this the timing is complicated.

I would like a ringer in this; I can find one or more, as my rep, based on the last two things we did, has actually gotten a lot of 'sidemen' interested. Composers are more difficult to find.

My latest thinking is to find a gathering of the obscure who are widely divergent. This would probably be musically most interesting and financially the most manageable.

Edited by AllenLowe
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