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Guest Mnytime

I started a thread about this on the AAJ site but it appears there are no Bike fans over there.

Has anyone seen this show on the Discovery Channel?

While the interaction between the father and son have already gotten tiresome after one episode I really enjoy seeing how they put together a Custom Built Bike.

Of the 3 Bikes I have seen them build the latest "The Black Widow" really is an amazing looking bike and the best looking of the three. I tried to find a picture of it to post but haven't been able to find a picture of this particular bike.

How the son Paul Jr. is able to design and put together a bike in a few weeks really is interesting as hell to see.

How reliable these custom bikes are I am not sure. Considering these Theme Bikes cost $150,000 each I would want to get the bike fully checked before buying.

I think the show won't last long if they spend so much time on the fighting that goes on between the father and son. The arguments start to look similar really quick.

In regards to the father the show really doesn't make him look good. Based on the show I am not sure he actually does anything beside get angry and argue with his son and fall asleep while others are working. When he isn't arguing nor sleeping he is just sitting or standing there watching while everyone else is working.

Guest Mnytime

So between two boards I am the only bike rider? Though it is former bike rider at this time? About the only Hogs I can handle religiously speaking. ;)


I've been watching it.

I'd hate for that guy to be my dad.

I love all those bike shows. My wife gets mad at me when I watch them because she knows they only make me want to get a motorcycle.

It's fun to dream. :rsmile:


Jesse James of West Coast Choppers was alot of fun to watch, and still is on Monster Garage.

I only started to catch the Orange County dudes a couple of days ago. The episode was that on "black widow" bike. The younger brother is a trip.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have finally gotten caught up on all the episodes of this show.

It has become my favorite show. My wife even likes watching it. We watched it last night instead of "Trading Spaces" - I couldn't believe she wanted to watch "American Choppers" instead.

I too, am blown away by what Paul Jr. accomplishes. I just finished watching the completion of the "race car" bike. I can't believe they built that thing in three weeks.

Paul Sr. bugged me at first, and I thought that he really preferred the younger son (I think his name is Mike) to his other son (Paul Jr.). I found that as I've watched it, I see the reason he rides Paul Jr. so hard is because he truly wants him to be all that he can be. Heck, he formed the business around him. As for the younger son, the reason Paul Sr. laughs at him and doesn't ride him so hard is because he knows the guy hasn't amounted to much, and I think he accepts it.

One thing I like about this show verses "Monster Garage" is that Paul Jr. (and even Paul Sr.) are more down to earth. I'm pretty tired of the loud music tattooed thing on "Monster Garage" - I don't care what you can blow up, I want to see what you could build. The original Jesse James show on Discovery was much more enjoyable than Monster Garage is to me because it was that way.

Watching this show makes me want to go take metal shop classes somewhere.

I don't know what this has to do with jazz, but I'm really digging it.


  • 1 month later...
Guest Mnytime
Posted (edited)

Well 3-4 weeks after Pt. 1 of the Fire Engine Bike they finally are showing Pt 2. Not sure what happened or why they showed repeats between shows. But I have to say I really like this bike. A lot of cool features on this bike. The gas tank that looks like a Fireman's oxygen tank. The carburetor that looks like a FirePlug. The ladder on the side of the bike. The coloring and details are really nice. The only thing I really would have preferred they leave out was the diamond plating around the front tire.

You know if this thing weren’t sold already I would consider putting an offer on it. I really liked some of their past bikes but this one and the Spider Bike are the ones I would want to have.

By the way, as usual I still can't figure out what the father does beside argue and complain. It can't take him that much to order the parts since 99% of the time he is shown he is no where near a phone doing any work.

Edited by Mnytime
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Mnytime

I have been watching this show since it started and I swear I can't figure out what the Father does beside yell and stand around or sleep. That's when he is actually there.

Guest Mnytime
Posted (edited)

Business must be doing really well for OCC considering the size of the new trailer and truck in tonight's show.

Edited by Mnytime

I'm not a bike rider or a fan of any kind of motor sports nor a gear head by any stretch of the imagination. If NASCAR vaporized today, I wouldn't even know it was gone. In spite of that, I've gotten hooked on American Chopper. LIke others, I sometimes wonder how much of the tension between Jr. and Sr. is real and how much is just for show, but it's the craftsmanship that keeps me coming back. This is truly an art form. I watch this show for the same reason I watch Norm Abram's New Yankee Workshop. I couldn't build a box if you held a gun to my head, but I love watching people who have the ability to make things from scratch.

Up over and out.


I have been watching this show since it started and I swear I can't figure out what the Father does beside yell and stand around or sleep. That's when he is actually there.

I think he actually runs a sheet metal shop or something like that.

I am beginning to lose interest in the show. It has become very boring. Paul Sr. is like a broken record, as is Jr.

As far as I'm concerned they sub out too much of the work to get any real respect.

Guest Mnytime
Posted (edited)

I have been watching this show since it started and I swear I can't figure out what the Father does beside yell and stand around or sleep.  That's when he is actually there.

I think he actually runs a sheet metal shop or something like that.

I am beginning to lose interest in the show. It has become very boring. Paul Sr. is like a broken record, as is Jr.

As far as I'm concerned they sub out too much of the work to get any real respect.

If I recall his other sons run the sheet metal business.

I know what you mean about the broken record.

I don't have as much problem with the sub out of work. He still has to design the thing and put it together.

Though it does seem that a lot more is being subed out than was first shown in the beginning.

Edited by Mnytime

I am beginning to lose interest in the show. It has become very boring. Paul Sr. is like a broken record, as is Jr.

Here's a way to possibly revive your interest in the show. Sit down with a beer at the beginning of the show. Everytime you here someone say "to be honest with you" or some derivation of this phrase, take a hit off your brew of choice. By the end of the hour your bound to be feeling pretty good. :D Works for me! Actually, I still like the show, those are some "sic" bikes that they build.

Guest Mnytime

I am beginning to lose interest in the show. It has become very boring. Paul Sr. is like a broken record, as is Jr.

Here's a way to possibly revive your interest in the show. Sit down with a beer at the beginning of the show. Everytime you here someone say "to be honest with you" or some derivation of this phrase, take a hit off your brew of choice. By the end of the hour your bound to be feeling pretty good. :D Works for me! Actually, I still like the show, those are some "sic" bikes that they build.

How about something for those of us that don't drink? ;)

Actually I think I am going to start taping it and than fast forwarding all the repetitive arguments. It really is the same 1-2 subjects they are arguing over every time.



I'll try that.boozer.gif

And yes, the bikes are sweet.

Mny, I agree and give them credit for design and build, I would just like to see more in-house fabrication.

It could be that these theme orientated bikes they build so often now might be above their skill levels.

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