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Here's the blurb which is pretty clear I think even if you don't read German:

Intensive, zeitlose Free-Jazz-Klänge vom MANFRED SCHOOF QUINTETT (1966) jetzt erstmals als CD erhältlich. Feat. ALEXANDER VON SCHLIPPENBACH, GERD DUDEK, BUSCHI NIEBERGALL und JAKI LIEBEZEIT (pre-CAN). 'The Munich Recordings 1966' erscheint im Digipack-Format inklusive achtseitigem Booklet auf SIREENA. Als das MANFRED SCHOOF QUINTETT diese Aufnahmen Ende 1966 in den Münchner Trixi Studios einspielte, lag die Veröffentlichung von ORNETTE COLEMANS bahnbrechendem Album 'Free Jazz', das gleich einer ganzen Stil- und Spielrichtung des Jazz den Namen gab, zwar bereits sechs Jahre zurück, hatte aber von seiner Wirkung und Akzeptanz her das europäische Publikum erst lediglich teilweise erreicht. So sorgte das SCHOOF QUINTETT mit seinen radikalen Klängen noch kurz zuvor im Rahmen der Berliner Jazztage für einen regelrechten Publikumseklat. Auf dem nun erstmalig veröffentlichten Studiomaterial des herausragend besetzten Quintetts sind neben Bandleader und Trompeter MANFRED SCHOOF noch ALEXANDER VON SCHLIPPENBACH (Piano), GERD DUDEK (Tenorsaxophon), BUSCHI NIEBERGALL (Kontrabass) sowie Schlagzeuger JAKI LIEBEZEIT (pre-CAN) zu hören. Wuchtig, eruptiv, intensiv geht es hierbei auf den sechs von SCHOOF, VON SCHLIPPENBACH sowie NIEBERGALL stammenden Kompositionen zu, steht das Streben nach größtmöglicher Freiheit ohne Strukturverlust im Mittelpunkt des aufregend energiegeladenen, musikalischen Geschehens, dreht sich alles um die hohe Kunst der kollektiven Improvisation


Four titles were originally released on FMP LP 0540 "The Early Quintet" & all six titles have subsequently been released on the German Immus CD "Avantgarde"

The session was recorded in Dec 66

Just picked up a CD of the earlier CBS (May 66, Frankfurt) recording "Voices" with the same musicians


Four titles were originally released on FMP LP 0540 "The Early Quintet" & all six titles have subsequently been released on the German Immus CD "Avantgarde"

The session was recorded in Dec 66

Just picked up a CD of the earlier CBS (May 66, Frankfurt) recording "Voices" with the same musicians

Have you had sight of what tracks are on this CD? Amazon are just showing it's cover and release date.

Posted (edited)

So it's all on this one?


.....that's what's confusing me.

According to the cover, the coming release is a quintet; "Avantgarde" is a quartet consisting of Manfred Schoof with Alexander von Schlippenbach and the Kuhn brothers. I don't see how it CAN be the same.


I've just checked my Bruyninckx and I see that "Avantgarde" in fact contains TWO sessions. One consisting of six tracks is by The Manfred Schoof Quintet (is that what's on this new CD?) and the second, consisting of two tracks, is by The Rolf & Joachim Kuhn Quartet.

Edited by Head Man
Posted (edited)

Uhm yes, now that you mention it ... in my list, there's a note that the Schoof session (on "Avantgarde") makes up two thirds of the FMP album "The Early Quintet" and that instead of the the two cuts from that LP on which Sven Ake Johansson was heard in Liebezeit's place, it adds two more titles with the other line-up ... not sure if those two were new to the world or previously released on some other LP ... I'm no Schoof specialist at all).

However, it IS a quintet, the line-up being: Schoof, Dudek, Schlipp, Niebergall and Liebezeit.
Here's the discogs entry:

Of those six Schoof titles, four were on the FMP (which added two others w/Johansson instead of Liebezeit), two more are of undetermined origin (undetermined at least as far as I know).

(edited seventeen times until finding a way to post the link which kept disappearing ... what's going on, I remember at least one other poster mentioning that same issue, I've had it a couple of times now)

Edited by king ubu

Here's a screen shot from my Lord Discography

looks like it's the 6 titles from the Dec 66 session (confirmed by Grooves listing) but no Kuhn material that was on the Avantgarde CD

Looks like The 2 titles from Sept 67 (also on the FMP LP) haven't had a CD release



Flurin, Sireena has a website, don't have link to hand but it is google-able.

Thanks, saw it yesterday (post #9, from smartphone thus the link didn't get linkified) ... just had a closer look at the about us page and photo gallery - these guys sure look real and all. Still a weird thing to NOT include the two FMP-only cuts and to claim the Wewerka disc didn't exist. Anyway, since I have that one (and "Voices" on L+R too), I'm not game here.

The ECM 2CD set "Resonance", btw is more to my liking anyway (and nice enough I have "Horizons" on vinyl, the one from which the ECM set omits two cuts).

Link to the thread about that one (started by you know who):

  • 4 weeks later...

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