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"If you're looking for a sign that we live in a digital world that cares not for the physical manifestations of our analog past, you need only look at Paul Mawhinney's record collection. At over 3 million records, it's the largest in the world. He's trying to sell it due to his advancing age and health problems. Unfortunately, as he puts it, "no one gives a damn.""

Posted (edited)

This story has been around for a couple of years. As a record dealer, I question many of the "facts" he states. First, who says this collection is worth fifty million? No experienced dealer would.

Looking at the specifics, he quotes $36,000 for a set of Elvis on Sun. Ridiculous!

Every variation worldwide of certain single releases? Who cares?

Also, the only way to make money from a collection like this is to break it up. He wants some rich sucker to come along and shell out millions, so that Mr. Mawhinney can take the money and run. Never gonna happen.

Edited by Stereojack
Posted (edited)

Remember reading about this a couple years ago. Pops collection is ridiculously huge but nowhere close to 3 million. As Stereojack points out there are a lot of problems with the story.

The only actual store I know that come that close is As the Record Turns in Los Angeles, or has more is Bananas Music in St. Petersburg.

Edited by Blue Train

lots of those clowns on ebay. are there actually suckers??/

A large percentage of overpriced "collectables" on Ebay never actually sell - they just clutter the market, and confuse the novices. If I had a nickel for ever time a potential seller told me that "they're getting ($$ fill in the blank) for this on Ebay", I'd be rich.

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