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10 hours ago, Fabio Baglioni said:

the first VHS,cassettes of..: Jazz-Kay,.

‘Kay-Jazz’ - those VHSs were put out by TCB, a specialist jazz film distributor who operated from Frome, SW England. They supplied great films to specialist cinemas and TV channels in the 1970s/80s (I remember seeing one cinema ‘festival’ supplied by them in the late 70s which had much rare stuff e,g. the Rhapsody Film stuff and films with Sun Ra) and then they released VHSs which the likes of Mole Jazz used to stock. I’ve picked up quite a few of them. Notable releases were the ‘Frankly Jazz’ and ‘Jazz Scene USA’ shows.

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YES , YES .. dear Mr. SideWinder this is all the real ''story'' of the VHS,cassettes of Jazz concerts that were seen and sold here around Europe.. I don 't want to be ..wrong.., but all of those concerts were from TV-music programs..!!. One for all is..: Miles Davis.+.John Coltrene, 5t..),followed by..: Shelly Manne..),'J.A.T.P..Teddy Wilson, Benny Carter, Coleman Hawkins, Louie Bellson..),'Cannonball Adderley.5t..),Art Blakey Jazz-Messengers..,and some others,.-


7 hours ago, Fabio Baglioni said:

'' Are you saying that you are offering your DVDs/etc for sale through the forum here.,?..


NO .. , NO .. I do not want to trade/exchanges informactions here insede this ''Organissimo page - Forum'' about my video-collections,. I do NOT want to have, or pass trouble with 'Copy Rights, or other Legal permissions.. As you have seen, I only have 'post/uploaded' simply shorts-Clips of few minutes, according to the Home page of..:''YouTube..


Ok, just remember that. If you want to buy /sell legit commercial product here, that’s fine, as long as it’s in the appropriate forum. But open trading in any other type of material is not allowed here. It will not be tolerated, and you will be blocked from posting here.  I would choose my wordings about such items very carefully.

Are we clear about this?


...….Are we clear about this.,?...………….

Thanks for this informactions-rules about items for 'trade, exchanges/sell, or buy...
Let 's take a 'real' situection as example that can happen,..

You->Mr.JSngry  sees the video-spot of..: Lou Bennett ,Trio.. and you will be interested to get/receive a simple dvd-copy from me..-

Well, as I wrote before..:'' NO , NO.. I do not want to trade/exchanges informactions here inside this ''Organissimo-Home page - Forum'' about my video-collections,''..-

All I do, is to write  ''YOU'' my E-mail, and in this way, ''WE'' already ..stay/are.. out-side..:''Organissimo - Forum'',.!!,. With the E-mail-messages ''YOU''->Mr.JSngry are in my ..HOUSE..!! where ''WE'' shall talks, share informactions, oppinions and the decisions to get/receive this ,,dvd-copy,,of ..:'' Lou Bennett.,Trio(*plus the lady announcer,.!!hààhàhààà..-

Questions..:Could I be ''blocked'' ,or sbanged in Jail,+,prison  if I talks and trade, freely  in my..HOUSE..with other 'people'.,!??. Colud have, the people(* let's say, the Organissimo-Members of the Forum) the freedom to write me inside my..HOUSE..!?.-



,x),, Are you using this forum primarily to solicit or otherwise drive business for/to your collection.,?,,,
 I alredy have my-own YouTube-page where the jazz-fans posts theyr comments, or ask for informactions.. For all I can understand about ''Organissimo - Forum'' , I don 't see so many people/members ..so much interested.. to ask me for videos,!! nor send PM-messages..There are not these interests, beacuse the video''collecting'' is a totally different-area from the normal Vinyles+Records collections..

NO , NO, dear Mr. JSngry, I do not will use the Forum-pages for posting+topics-threads  containig Live jazz concert ''for sale'',.!!.,but I only hope to use the Forum in..*.REPLY+ANSWER..QUOTE.*.. to-x-> other ''Topic+Threads'' like I have done with..: Lou Bennett ,Trio as informactions that there are also ''rare'' sessions of..,Bennett.,-



I've looked at your posting history since joining, and it overwhelmingly consists of letting people know that you have items of interest and advising them to contact you directly. There's been no effort (yet) to engage in just musical discussion.

Even though you're not explicitly offering items for sale, you're certainly letting it be known that you have them. Your earlier comments about copyright laws and jail indicate that you know you're on shaky ground.

I would be within my rights as a moderator to flag you as a spammer right now. That would disable you from posting any further until the board owner, Jim Alfredson, reinstates you. You would have to make your case with him directly, and I can tell you right now, he's a busy man.

As it stands now, you've let it be known that you have a YouTube channel  - nothing wrong with that. On that site, you energetically let it be known that you're open for business - that's between you and YouTube.

You're welcome to post your You Tube videos here, but going forth, you will need to refrain from using this forum to "advertise". The product you're offering is not the type that Mr. Alfredson officially endorses or to otherwise be associated with his brand.

We know where to find you on YouTube, ok? Post your videos here and talk about the music itself rather than your product and you're welcome here. If that's cool, here we are. If that's going to be a problem for you, let me know right now and I can save us both a lot of time.


..Like all the Collectionists over the world of ,,coins/moneys,, or ,,Post-Stamps.. want to share theyr interest, and then meet  new  other collectionists..

 YES., I know Mr. JSngry that my concerts-collections(*dvd+cd''audio) are mainly all 'bootlegs' , coming from TV-video-Tape-registered.. and infact I only uploads in my 'yT'page  only short+Clips,.!!. Well, dear Mr. JSngry, in case I will reduce the occasions to post in 'replyes' threads-topics to uploads my ''short+Clips…-



Just keep in mind that this is primarily a discussion forum sponsored by the leader of an active band who also has a solo career inside the music industry. The board's function is not to promote collecting. Many of us here are collectors and many of us network, but we do it outside the board as appropriate and we do not advertise/solicit bootlegs here. Ever.

fwiw, I myself - as an individual - enjoy your clips and still want somebody to tell me who that first announcer is. But as a moderator, what I myself enjoy takes a backseat to what the rules of this forum are, and again I remind you, I serve at the discretion of the board owner, who does not in any way want his brand associated with the promotion and/or distribution of bootleg material.

I'm closing this thread now, the point has been made. The clips will remain accessible.

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