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Posted (edited)

I would volunteer, but a riot would break out. haha

I nominate:

Big Beat Steve
king ubu



paul secor

Big Wheel
JSngry (I know he would never accept, but he would be a metaphysical moderator! Socrates meets Coltrane by way of Ayler...with a whole lot of FUNK!)

Edited by Blue Train
Posted (edited)

Oh, I've got suggestions but I've already had enough posts deleted today.

Some tough love is necessary here, but coddling is the standard. And we saw earlier today the road that leads people down.

That entire situation could have been easily avoided.

Edited by Scott Dolan

JSngry (I know he would never accept, but he would be a metaphysical moderator! Socrates meets Coltrane by way of Ayler...with a whole lot of FUNK!)

I'm willing to give it one more shot, actually.


I would volunteer, but a riot would break out. haha

I nominate:




Big Beat Steve

king ubu




paul secor



Big Wheel

JSngry (I know he would never accept, but he would be a metaphysical moderator! Socrates meets Coltrane by way of Ayler...with a whole lot of FUNK!)

I'm honored by a nomination, but my personal life is a MESS right, I moved in March and I'll be moving agaian by mid-June, and my job is also moving in mid-May.


I am very honored to see me mentioned but I just have to decline. For one thing, there are many threads that I simply do not follow, and there are limits to the time I spend (and can spend) on this forum anyway. Besides - believe me - I decline because I know myself and how I can come across, and at times I can be confrontational, maybe too much so. I try not to exceed certain limits but I do like to speak my mind, and I am afraid by the standards of this forum (which quite naturally is U.S. in spirit after all) I am definitely not P.C.-ish enough.

So - thanks again, but sorry, I can't - it's better that way, I am pretty sure.

Posted (edited)

For those nominated or considering it. The whole idea to have several moderators (especially from different time zones) is that it make it more likely one will be around, or available via pm (which should email them even if they're not on the board) when needed.

Even with JSngry....it's now two moderators with real world lives in the same time zone.

No sane person expects any moderator to be checking in constantly.

P.S. You don't need to check all the threads....because next to no one does that either, but there are times things will be reported to you and you can then check to see if anything needs to be done about it.

Edited by Blue Train

I'm flattered to see my name mentioned in the thread, but no. I could handle being a moderator on a board with strict, clear cut rules, but I honestly don't think I have the judgement ability to be a moderator on a loosely run board like this.


I'm a moderator on another board, so I'm familiar with how to use message board software. The only trouble is I'm not as active on message boards these days since my job has me away from the computer much of the time. I'm on line a cumulative hour at most, most days.

Posted (edited)

It wasn't my intention to post here, being a former moderator, but a discussion in another thread prompted me to post this comment there:

[...] Even though a moderator might not agree with one of the board rules (and there aren't that many compared to other boards) he's supposed to at least warn members who (threaten to) violate that rule. It can be any rule [...] If he doesn't, he can be accused of not doing his job, which happens with some regularity; if he does he'll get bashed over it, if not worse. In other words, he's damned if he doesn't and he's damned if he does. A moderator must have a thick skin here; I didn't have one. My problem, surely, but I can imagine why people are not exactly standing in line to become a moderator.

Edited by J.A.W.
  • 3 weeks later...

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