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Revisiting Oliver Nelson - Help Appreciated


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Like many out there I started listening to Oliver Nelson by picking up a copy of Blues and the Abstract Truth. But surely there's more than that. What can you recommend that might refire my interest in Oliver? All suggestions appreciated in advance.

Edited by JazzLover451
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LP only (don't be taken in by the Bluebird set of the same name), afaik, but a masterpiece:


Most of the Bluebird set is taken from this, but it's best heard on its own:


This one is on the Mosaic, but if you don't want all that, look for it separately, not sure if it's been on CD or not:


Some really great writing here, unlikely as it might seem:


This is worth looking for if you can find it:


Not a big band side, small group, w/Oliver in fine form as a player:


And then there's all the Prestige stuff...plenty of interesting things there.

Yes, you can go wrong by buying a record with the name "Oliver Nelson" on it, but it's a risk I'm usually willing to take. No matter how commercial the setting, there's usually one or two serious WTF?!?!?! moments that just make me smile in spite of whatever else might have (or will) happen. And when he had time/incentive to really take his time and do some serious writing, hey, there was a voice there that would not be denied.

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Oh yeah, almost forgot - More Blues And The Abstract Truth is not a "classic" like its predecessor, but it is very good. Great Ben Webster guest spot on "Blues For Mister Broadway". Also has a/the tune names "Blues And The Abstract Truth", which is quite a knotty proposition.

I'm also quite fond of the Live From Los Angeles album, but not everybody is. It's just a big band (with Mel Brown on hand for a few things) swinging hard, nothing too complicated at all, but hey...you don't miss your water, etc.


Personnel: Bobby Bryant, Conte Candoli, Buddy Childers, Freddy Hill (trumpet), Lou Blackburn, Billy Byers, Pete Myers, Ernie Tack (trombone), Oliver Nelson (soprano sax, arranger, conductor), Gabe Baltazar, Frank Strozier (alto sax), Bill Perkins, Tom Scott (tenor sax), Jack Nimitz (baritone sax), Frank Strazzeri (piano), Monty Budwig (bass), Ed Thigpen (drums)

Edited by JSngry
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Have we mentioned them all yet? Damn near everything he did is fine, or at least intereting. Except that record with T Monk, what the heel happened there? Just didn't spend enuff time on it or what?

That's always been my theory. The guy was a notorious workaholic, especially after he moved to L.A. and started getting TV assignments.

There's plenty other things he did where it was obvious that he was turning in competent but not really inspiring work in return for a competent but inspiring-enough paycheck. But hey, such is life, no?

And when he was inspired, whoa.

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