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Jimmy Greene is from my area. I first met him shortly after he graduated from the University of Hartford. Since then we have had pleasant exchanges at concerts and from time to time when I have bumped into each other. I have always greatly admired him as a person. I have seen him with his family on several occassions enjoying Monday Night Jazz in Hartford's Bushnell Park and at his performances. This is an extremely sad time for everyone, but it hits me even more knowing someone personally - even if not very closely - as well as knowing that his daughter is the same age as my youngest son. I know that Jimmy is a man of sincere faith and I pray that his faith provides him and his entire family some comfort eventually.


Oh boy, this is terrible news. On Thursday I ordered a new Lewis Nash CD on Cellar Live which has Jimmy on tenor. It will be very tough to listen to, knowing the pain Jimmy and his family are suffering. My thoughts and prayers are with the Greene family and all the other families who suffered loss in this terrible tragedy. I can't begin to imagine what it must be like.


Yes it is even more tragic if someone you KNOW is affected.

Another added tragedy in all this is that unfortunately it is only too likely that this won't change a thing about that gun toting cult in too many places in the USA. All the deaths suffered in such amok nightmares are so very senseless but maybe some of the deaths would not be totally and utterly senseless if at least they served to shake up society at large and get people to think, to REALLY think the underlying attitudes critically over.


""]¶ I came to realize that, in essence, this is the way we in America want things to be. We want our freedom, and we want our firearms, and if we have to endure the occasional school shooting, so be it. " Shocking ...


  On 12/16/2012 at 10:56 AM, Big Beat Steve said:

but maybe some of the deaths would not be totally and utterly senseless if at least they served to shake up society at large and get people to think, to REALLY think the underlying attitudes critically over.

This is one of many depressing things about the U.S. -- that because of a very poorly worded Second Amendment, there is no hope for meaningful gun control -- the Supreme Court recently evicerated any hope of handgun bans and just this week a Federal Appeals Court struck down the last state to prohibit "concealed carry," so citizens can go about freely with the guns all over the place (except some federal lands and government buildings). You might be able to sneak in some "sensible" gun control laws, like banning semi-automatics, but it is pretty unlikely in this political climate.

So despite some agonized columns in the New York Times and Washington Post, I don't think you'll hear too much from gun control advocates. The battle has been completely lost.


My heart goes out to Mr. Greene. I have three young grandchildren, and every time I watch reports about this dreadful tragedy, I break down into tears--and that hasn't happened to me on a news story in many, many years. It is just so, so awful. The president spoke exactly the words I would have chosen, and with exactly the same degree of emotion.


Friday, the day of the shooting, the Michigan legislature approved a bill that would allow concealed permit owners to carry their guns into schools and churches. Brilliant.

I heard about Mr. Greene's daughter on FB, accompanied by a picture of his daughter. I cried long and hard. Heart-wrenching.

Posted (edited)

The way the teachers reacted is amazing.

I hope I could show a 1/10th of their courage.

The whole event brings back terrible memories of Dunblane in Scotland in 1996. Hard to even begin to comprehend what the families are going through.

Edited by A Lark Ascending
Posted (edited)

Dan, I like you and have always had pleasant interactions with you but please, a friend and close colleague lost his daughter to gun violence and I don't think it's really the time to hear about how more guns is the solution. I know you were responding to someone but it would be nice if this page were free of this sort of discussion. Perhaps you can create a separate thread if you want to have this debate.


Edited by david weiss

  On 12/17/2012 at 1:11 AM, david weiss said:

Dan, I like you you and have always had pleasant interactions with you but please, a friend and close colleague lost his daughter to gun violence and I don't think it's really the time to hear about how more guns is the solution. I know you were responding to someone but it would be nice if this page were free of this sort of discussion. Perhaps you can create a separate thread if you want to have this debate.


You're right David and I apologize. Its unfortunate that political questions get pulled into this - I ignored two prior comments before finally responding to Jim's comment. This is really brought home to me while listening to the President, who can't figure out when is the time for a campaign speech and when is the time to be president of everyone.


  On 12/16/2012 at 9:22 PM, Dan Gould said:

  On 12/16/2012 at 8:27 PM, Jim Alfredson said:

Friday, the day of the shooting, the Michigan legislature approved a bill that would allow concealed permit owners to carry their guns into schools and churches. Brilliant.

Yeah, I'd agree its brilliant. But not in the way you think.

The psychologist and the principal died because they tried to tackle an armed intruder.

If they were armed - and trained to use a weapon - would anyone have died? Would as many have died? They were hopeless, trying to stop him. Maybe they wouldn't have been quite so hopeless.

Yes. If only Nancy Lanza had some guns around when her son Adam tried to murder her, maybe she wouldn't have been so hopeless. Oh wait, she did.

Dan, I don't remember how old your kids are, but how comfortable would you be if there were a few dozen guns laying around (for protection purposes of course) at their school?

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