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Like I have been saying all along: Everybody is/was juicing.

Why is it only the big stars get the scrutiny of the press? Answer: It sells news print and air time.

The HOF should be reserved for the best players, period. The rest of that PEDs stuff is just media sensationalism.

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There's some weirdness in September with the new method of schedule making.

Boston's 2nd-to-last series is against Colorado at Coors for 2 games. They finish the season at Baltimore. Inter-league play is scattered around all year but it looks very strange when it happens so late in the season.

The Yankees finish the season with a 3 game stand at Houston. (Houston is now in the AL West). They also host the Giants on the weekend before the end of the season.

The Tigers end their season with 3 games in Miami vs. the Marlins. :wacko:


Does anyone else think this might be the first October in recent memory with neither the Red Sox nor the Yankees in the post season?? The Yankees are beat up and old and I'm not sure if the Red Sox have the talent to compete with the Jays and the O's.

DC plays the following in September:









Diamondback Snakes

That's crazy that the Nats and Braves only play each other once. Who has the home field?


Does anyone else think this might be the first October in recent memory with neither the Red Sox nor the Yankees in the post season?? The Yankees are beat up and old and I'm not sure if the Red Sox have the talent to compete with the Jays and the O's.

The Red Sox do indeed need a lot of things to fall in place - Ellsbury, Napoli and Stephen Drew playing for contracts can't hurt, I think. But I do want to say the O's were classic over-achievers last year and I for one won't be remotely shocked if they fall to .500 or worse. Just going back to league average in 1 and 2 run games would bring them back to being a .500 team, if I'm not mistaken..


I think the East could be wide open. I know everyone is hot for the Jays but let's not forget that they have a lot of Marlins players. Had those been players been that good, Miami wouldn't have cratered last year. Also Reyes needs time to adjust to a new league. Maybe that's overhyped but Pujols got off to a slow start. Will Dickey have the same year he had last year?

People are predicting 85 to 90 wins for Yanks. They have a lot of HRs they have to make up. Maybe it's small ball for them.

I also can't see the Os as good. Not sure about TB so does that leave the possibility of Bo Sox.


Does anyone else think this might be the first October in recent memory with neither the Red Sox nor the Yankees in the post season?? The Yankees are beat up and old and I'm not sure if the Red Sox have the talent to compete with the Jays and the O's.

DC plays the following in September:









Diamondback Snakes

That's crazy that the Nats and Braves only play each other once. Who has the home field?

3 games in Washington


"Francona: The Red Sox Years", written by Boston Globe columnist Dan Shaughnessy, with full access from co-author Francona, is no. 2 on The New York Times non-fiction best sellers list today. Must be selling big in Boston. From a couple of reviews I've read, Francona cuts loose on some players and the Red Sox owners.


Giants re-sign Sergio Romo to a two-year $9 million dollar deal.

Things are looking up!

Mets ended up signing Brandon Lyon today, so it looks like you can have Brian Wilson back too.

We shall see.

All of it depends upon Wilson's ego.


Potential bummer about King Felix: http://www.mlbdailyd...ers-in-jeopardy

Yeah....boy...See I was never eager to give him up for Clay "Not In The Same Ballpark" Buchholz (however you spell his ill ass name) yet I also understand that the M's situation is so fucking dire that if you could get 2.5 useful young somethings for him you should cause they're still still gonna finish no better than 3rd anyway for fucking years, but...

He has had a workload. Yet modern surgery can possibly repair his elbow and he could (on a team that wins - not the M's) post surgery proceed on a path that wins 300 games since he started so young.

Excuse me as I've recently discovered plum brandy (Hungarian, and it's nice for wintertime and I salute Hungarians for putting generally useless fruit to good use) but I'm semi-relived that the M's aren't going to throw 780 million (I made that up) at Felix for 35 years (that too) and instead will sit on the 2 years left on his contract. I mean if cable goes a la carte like some think it might why the holy hell do you want to sign a pitcher (no matter how awesome) up for many years for the GNP of Luxembourg.


Piazza has a new book coming out, which was discussed on WFAN in NY this morning. Apparenty, he admits to doing Andro, VIoxx (a pain killer which has been withdrawn from the market) and other stuff. The understatement of the year would be that it hurts his HOF chances.

He also apparently said that he had wished that he fought Clemens after that bat throwing incident in the WS in 2000.

For those interested, he's going to be interviewed by Mike Francesa on WFAN this afternoon, www.wfan.com


The key to winning: Face fewer than 39 batters in a 9 inning game.

Here's why: Since 1991 home teams that have faced fewer than 39 opposing batters in a nine-inning game -- four full times through the lineup, plus three additional hitters -- win roughly three-quarters of the time (74 percent) while teams that have faced 39 or more hitters have won only 31 percent of games.

Moreover, in the last 22 seasons home teams that have faced 39 opposing hitters have won almost exactly 50 percent of their games -- 50.082 percent, to be more precise -- making 39 the inflection point of winning or losing.

Read More: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/mlb/news/20130211/baseball-magic-number-rick-peterson/#ixzz2KhoOmeuh

Why is it critical? 39 batters means the number three hitter - usually the best pure hitter on the team - has batted for a fifth time. 40 means 3 and 4 has hit five times.

And check out the chart - there are no outliers, its a practically linear relationship between batters faced and likelihood of winning.

Simple, yet pretty cool to see it delineated like that.

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